Reviews for Living Life
TWINS96 chapter 38 . 9/2
Honestly love this story! You did not disappoint at all! I can see myself coming back to reread both stories!
TWINS96 chapter 29 . 9/2
Billy has obviously lost a few marbles over the years, like what makes you think that i would want your son who cheated on me and tried to make problems with my fiancé at my wedding? Crack? Is it crack that he’s on? It just might be!
TWINS96 chapter 28 . 9/2
Finally everyone was called out on their bullshit! I have been waiting for this and finally Emmett is putting his brother first! I am currently whipping a tear because my, he has finally grown up. Though i am proud of Alice for standing up for Edward, lil ol me would be dead if i talked to any of my parents that way lmao. The minute my parents caught tone of my attitude everyone would have been sitting at my funeral the next day lol. Love a tight knit family. I’m here for it!
TWINS96 chapter 12 . 9/1
Their answering machine is so cute lmao! I need that in my life *sad girl*
TWINS96 chapter 2 . 9/1
I really just want to drop kick Emmett, i can’t stand how selfish he is in this story. Like how dare you blame me for the fact that you child may be OCD, completely ignoring the fact that your wife’s brother has Aspergers... yet you want me to watch your kid? No thanks. I would have left that baby with Rosalie’s parents.
TWINS96 chapter 1 . 9/1
Why am i just now finding out in 2020 that there was a sequel to Day to Day! I’m so excited and can’t wait to read it all the way through. So happy that they were able to get their home! I hope things only continue going up for Edward and Bella!
ohsugarhoney chapter 28 . 7/5
funnt for Emmett to call Alice a do it when he got rosalie pregnant way early in their relationship lol. that could have been talked about more
Flora Mile chapter 38 . 6/15
What a story, you did an amazing job on the sequel! Love it!
Guest chapter 12 . 5/21
I like your phrasing!
keraatchley2 chapter 38 . 4/27
Great epilogue!
keraatchley2 chapter 37 . 4/27
keraatchley2 chapter 36 . 4/27
Terrific chapter
keraatchley2 chapter 35 . 4/27
Excellent chapter! Loved it!
keraatchley2 chapter 34 . 4/27
Great chapter! Yay they're finally married!
keraatchley2 chapter 33 . 4/27
Excellent chapter
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