Hello. This is Hana and Ichigo.

So, were like... new at this fanfiction so we hope you enjoy it.

if we have grammer issues or punctuation mistakes, you can just blame that on Ichigo. (HEY! . Its not completly mine)

Please review :)

Talking Thinking

Chapter 1: Escape & Betrayal

No One's POV

"Do you think they stopped following us yet?" a brunette said.

"Shhh ..." a red head interupped from the tree. A bunch of men in black were crowding around the entrance.

"They're not over here" one of the men said

"Split over there" the second man pointed at the forked pathes.

"Search everywhere"

"Ok, they're gone. Now we have to get to the gate and wait for Victoria and Kris." A blunette said.

They ran to the gate with a lot of heavy guarded security. A lot of them were dressed in black. The lights on the borders were moving all over the place [like criminal jails] . Suddenly the lights went off just for a few seconds for the girls to escape.

"That's the signal. Run" The red head ordered

"Aqua, Be careful. They're running all over the place" The girl named sunny said.

"Sunny, I think she knows that already" the brunette countered.

"Amber, Sunny, can you guys stop fighting for a bit? We have to get over the gate." Aqua said.

Sunny looked up at the gate. "Its friggen huge, im gonna break a nail like that"

"Whatever. Just go" Amber said.

Once they climbed the gate, 2 girls in black gear appeared."Look, there they are." Aqua said.

"Well, you guys took your time." A brunette girl with waist long hair said. Victoria.

"They should be here soon." A girl with blue hair [that went the other way] stated. Kris.

Then a limo came around and the door flinged opened. A blonde woman, Cynthia was sitting crosslegged. … she looked at the girls "What are you waiting for? Get in."

They did as we were told and got in the car. "Where are we going?" Sunny asks.

"You guys are going to Unova/ Isshu and train there until you reach your full potential." Cynthia replied.

"Won't they look for us? Like hunt us down?" Victoria asks.

"Yes but we're going to put you in a place they'll never even look." Stephen said over the driver's seat.

"Where are we going?" Sunny asked.

"You'll see once you get there now you should sleep. Were driving to the airport then your training begins" Cynthia said.

The girls did as they were advise to. But they all of them seem to be too parnoid to actually fall asleep. One of the girls looked out the window and let out a heavy sigh. This isnt over. We all knew it.

We can't turn back now.

We didn't want to leave.

We had no choice.

I wanted you here with me but they did not allow me to do so.

I wanted us to be together forever.

I lost you and you ended up forgetting our everything.

We have a goal,

"Kill the things that made us suffer the most

Whatever stands in our way; we shall not regret in killing it…"

Even if it was you.

That was your promise to me wasn't it?

Even if that means tearing us apart.

So... how was it?

Remember, reviews!

And we wontt mind if you put negative comments on (but please put nice ones too). We'll just make our stories better for you. thanks viewers. :)

- Hana&Ichigo 3