Kagome looked out the window in her room. How many tears must she spill over the hanyou? She sat down as she spat out his name along with a few unmentionable curse words.

"Can someone somewhere give me a sign? I feel as though the tiniest prick will make me break..." Kagome ran her hand down her skirt smoothening it out, slightly lengthening it.

"Kagome?" A voice Kagome found so much comfort in now days was at her door.

"Come in Kaoru!" She smoothed out her hair and wiped previous tears from her face. She took a deep breath and smiled waiting to pounce onto kaoru when he walked into the room.

"Kagome?" Like she had planned he looked the opposite way of where Kagome was at.

Kagome lunged at Kaoru giving him the biggest hug she had in her to, hopefully, show him some of what she felt for him. Kaoru let out a little yelp as he couldn't help that she had scared him. Kagome looped around and smiled towards him. I'd rather...be with you. Here and now Kaoru. I never felt exactly like THIS. I can't help but think of you all the time...But this I can't say to you quite yet.

"So. How are you holding?" Kaoru looked at Kagome asking her sincerely as he raised his hand and moved the hair that was in her face out of the way.

"Better now..." Kagome's Dark Blue eyes glistened as she looked at Kaoru. He couldn't help but slowly start to lean in to kiss her. Then he stopped.

"is it okay if i-" Kaoru started but Kagome stopped him as she kissed him instead grabbing onto the sides of his face closing the space in-between the two. Smiling Kaoru wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer so that their bodies were touching.

-Back in the Feudal Era-

"InuYasha! What happened?! Is Kagome okay?!" Shippo ran after the obviously pissed off and storming InuYasha.

"God damn Miko...think she can just forgive me and everything will be okay...I don't think so. That's not fucking happening today." InuYasha grabbed Kagome's bow and arrows and threw them across their room. "That priestess and that human...Kaoru. He's gonna die, by my backlash wave. If I have my way even more it will be the sacred backlash wave."

An evil aura wrapped and engulfed InuYasha, making Shippo back up slowly and out of the room. i've gotta warn Kagome! She's in trouble!

-forward to the modern era-

Kagome ran her hand down Kaoru's chest as she snuggled into his torso. "When do you have to be home?" Kagome breathed in his scent wanting to remember this moment.

"Probably soon...Hikaru must be freaking out." Kaoru grabbed his phone from Kagome's nightstand. Sure enough, 27 messages and 3 missed calls including two voicemails.

"How bad?" Kagome looked at his face which looked slightly annoyed and frustrated but understanding at the same time.

"Nothing I can't handle" Kaoru smiled and kissed Kagome and got up from the bed.

Kagome watched as Kaoru redressed himself, not caring that the fact is she just had sex with a incredibly gorgeous guy, who had a twin...the thoughts started flooding into her mind. She wiped the drool before Kaoru saw her and started questioning.

"I should probably head out...even though i'm not quite sure I want to..." Kaoru smiled and pulled Kagome up so she was standing.

"Its so good to be home Kagome. I think...I finally found someone I can share anything and everything with other than Hikaru...I've been waiting for that for quite some time..." Kaoru kissed her forhead and held her as he hummed a song he fell in love with. They strode in her room until she decided he should get going before Hikaru gave him more problems than what they had already had.

-Back in the feudal Era-

InuYasha was singing softly as he cleaned up the mess he had made in his...their...room. "I was thinking about her, thinking about me. Thinkin about us, what we gonna be? Open my eyes, yeah; It was only just a dream. So I travel back, down that road. Who she come back? No one knows. I realize, yeah, it was only just a dream. I was at the top and I was like Im at the basement. Number one spot and now she found her a replacement. I swear now I cant take it knowing somebody's got my baby. And now you aint around, baby I can't think I shoulda put it down. Shoulda got that ring. Cause I can still feel it in the air. See her pretty face, run my fingers through her hair..."

Sango showed herself inside InuYasha's room. She knelt down and placed a hand on his shoulder. InuYasha looked at her his hair turning from the known silver to black, his ears dissapearing. She sighed and took her hand back as InuYasha slumped against the wall and held Kagome's priestess kimono.

"InuYasha you're miserable without her..." Sango looked at him.

"I fucked up sango...I keep thinking about it over and over again." He looked at her, eyes filled with tears. "Every memory I keep playing it over and over again. And when I saw her in her new life...I felt like...I fucked up truly I asked her for forgiveness...BUT IT ISNT ENOUGH DAMN IT."

"This is like your second heartbreak...Im sure you'll get over it honey" Sango frowned...

"I just wish we could rewind the time again..."

"that wasn't rewinding time...that was you sleeping..."

"Not my point..." InuYasha looked at his ceiling...their ceiling...

"Have you even tried talking about it with her?"

"She's moved on...you should of saw him Sango. He had orange hair and by the looks of it, very wealthy. She doesn't want me..."

"You never know InuYasha. Stranger things have happened." Sango stated as InuYasha's memories of Kagome flooded back to when Kagome asked InuYasha if she could stay.

InuYasha...may I ask you a simple question? she would start and delay. Looking out towards the trees and emptiness of the feudal era...

What is it? InuYasha looked at Kagome with curiousity, like he did when she brought stuff back from her era.

InuYasha, will you let me stay? Kagome looked at him and smiled.

Of course Kagome.

-In the Modern Era-

Kagome sat in her bed watching her clock tick as time went by.
Some days InuYasha, you get on my nerves...I mean why did I ever have to meet you..But there's another thing I've come to realize, InuYasha, My meeting you was no coincidence. It's more than that, deep down you must know that I must want you to live.