Title: Everything is Nothing

Author: wolfmusic218

Summary: A fight leads to personal revelations and more.

Author's notes: This one was a pain in the ass. It started out as something completely different and then stalled. Luckily, I have a friend who kept at me. Of course, she kept at me by weaving story worms through my brain. Story worms for OTHER stories. Jess, I blame this schmoopiness on you.


"So if you can't see love

And if you can't be loved

Baby it'll haunt you and everything you will do"

- Tonic


Reese slammed through the door to the library, rattling the books and pottery on the shelf as the door hit the wall, and stormed down the hall towards Finch's office. He couldn't believe what had just happened. So fast, it had happened so damn fast, he hadn't thought the consequences through. He just knew he had to stop it, had to protect her. He'd paid for his lack of planning and self-control.

"Mr. Reese."


Finch looked up from his computers and watched Reese pace around the room like a caged leopard, mumbling things under his breath. "I'm sensing you're upset, Mr. Reese. Something I should know?"

Reese turned his back and leaned both hands on the table in front of him, hanging his head, trying to gather his control. "She's pissed at me. Really pissed. And I have no idea why."

Finch walked over towards the table and stood next to him, moving papers and books out of John's reach. "Who, exactly, is angry with you?"

"Carter." John picked up the glass sitting on the table and rolled it over in his hand, testing its weight. "I saved her life and she's mad at me for making the effort! Did she think I'd just let her get shot? Did she honestly think I would be able to stand there and watch her die?"

Finch took the glass from Reese's hand and set it back on the table. "Detective Carter stood silent while you were shot, Mr. Reese."

Reese whirled on Finch and grabbed him by the lapels of his jacket. His voice was quiet and deadly as he spoke, "Don't bring that up again, Finch. She and I have made our peace with what happened. I don't blame her for it and she knows I don't."

"Mr. Reese." Finch ran his hands over his jacket when Reese let him go, smoothing the wrinkles. "You're frustrated with her, angry even, and yet you still defend her. Interesting." He straightened his tie and collected his thoughts. "Have you even considered why she's mad at you?"

"What the hell do you think I've been doing?"

"So, that would be a no, obviously, since I know you're not stupid." Aware of Reese's glare, Finch walked back around the table and sat down in front of his computer, his fingers flying over the keyboard. "I'd like you to see something."

When he walked behind Finch, John saw the scene he'd just left on the screen of the computer. "What is this?"

"Just watch."

Reese stood stock-still as he watched the incident play out again. Carter running into an alley after her perp. The man turning, pulling a large caliber weapon and pointing it at her. He watched as he tackled her out of the way just as her suspect fired, missing both of them by inches. He saw himself firing and wounding the man, rendering him unconscious.

He watched her face on the screen. First shock that he was even there and then anger. She'd pushed against him once she'd gotten up. Pushed him away from her, yelled at him about it being the stupidest thing she'd ever seen anyone do. What was he thinking? Was he trying to get himself killed? She'd hit him twice in the chest. He could do nothing but stand there in shock.

Without a thought to why, he realized he couldn't take it anymore and had felt his own anger building. He'd stared at her for a long moment, trying to figure out what to say. The words didn't come. Reese took her hand and placed his weapon in it. She could explain it however she liked. Then he'd walked out of the alley without looking back, not knowing why his head kept telling him to go back and why it felt like his heart was shattering in his chest.

"Turn it off."

"One more moment, Mr. Reese. There's something else you need to see."

Reese watched the screen as Carter, after calling in for an ambulance, sat on an empty milk crate and put her face in her hands and cried, "Jesus Christ, John…I can't…I just can't…."

Reese's eyebrows knit together in confusion. "What is she talking about?"

He watched Finch take a deep breath and shake his head. "Do you really need me to spell it out for you?"

"Apparently, because I'm not seeing it."

"She was furious with you, Mr. Reese, not because you protected her, but because you put yourself in jeopardy for her."

"For Christ's sake, that's my job!"

Finch cocked his head at Reese. "Is it? I thought your job was to protect the innocent, not to protect a cop who is more than capable of doing her job."

"What's the difference? I was there! I couldn't just stand there and let her get shot."

"Why were you there?"

Reese blinked at the question. "What?"

"Why were you there, at that very moment, John?" Finch's use of his name, in that soft, patient tone of voice, gave him pause. He got the feeling Finch was disappointed with him, that he hadn't figured out the clues.

Reese stalked away, pulling off his coat and throwing it over a chair, missing the look Finch gave his computer. He picked a book from the shelf in front of him, barely seeing it. He opened it, flipped some pages.

"Mr. Reese, that's a first edition, I would appreciate it if you would please put it down."

John placed the book back on the shelf with a sigh and turned to Finch, his face blank. "I was just there. It doesn't matter why."


Both men spun towards the voice in the doorway; Carter stood watching them.

"Don't look so surprised, gentlemen." She threw a glance at Finch. "I'm pretty sure at least one of you knew I was here." She caught the accusing look Reese gave his boss.

She walked towards Reese and stopped directly in front of him. He looked down at her, his eyes narrowed, his smirk firmly planted. "You followed me, Carter? Finch is going to think I can't lose a tail."

Before he could register the movement, her hand came up and slapped him across the jaw. He barely flinched. But he felt it, deeply. His eyes closed and he took a breath, waiting for the next blow.

It never came.

He looked down at her and almost missed the glistening in her eyes. He couldn't seem to process the two things at once: this tough, no-nonsense cop who was standing before him, ready for a fight, and the soft, sensitive woman who was looking up at him.

He also couldn't reel in his next words. "Go ahead, Carter, get it out of your system. Whatever has you all riled up, just get it out. Then maybe we can be rational and get to the real reason you're so pissed off at me for protecting you."

Reese heard her quick intake of breath and wished, at that moment, he could go back in time ten seconds.

"Rational? Are you kidding me? I came here….I wanted to make sure…" She took a deep breath, settling herself. "You know what? Screw you." She turned her back on him, walking a few steps away, her anger still radiating off of her.

"Screw me? I saved your life, Carter! I don't understand why you're so upset!" He threw his hands in the air in defeat.

She spun on him. "Of course you wouldn't understand it! I'm just your fucking job." She spit the words back at him and watched him flinch. She mentally scored herself a point.

She headed towards him in long strides, coming to stand toe to toe with him, poking him in the chest with her finger. "I can do my damn job without your interference, so unless you have something to discuss with me regarding those numbers, stay away from me. I can't do this again."

"Can't do what?" Reese reached for her, but she backed up, turning away from him. He watched the fight completely drain from her; the change was stunning.

"Nothing. Just…nothing. Nevermind. I have to go." She headed towards the door with her head down, her hands stuffed in the pockets of her coat.

"Why are you mad at me, Carter?" His voice was softer, deeper than before. "Why did you follow me all the way over here to just walk away again?"

She paused at the door, her hand on the doorknob. "I came here to tell you to leave me alone. That I didn't need you following me around, protecting me. I'm a cop, John. A good cop. I had the shot tonight."

"I know you're a good cop, Carter; it's why I chose you. I also know that's not why you came here. Why were you so upset after I left?"

He saw her shoulders stiffen. "Damn it." She turned her head and glared. "Finch."

Reese nodded his head. "Privacy isn't high on his list when the people he…that work for him…are in danger. I am sorry he showed it to me, though."

She turned around, her curiosity getting the better of her. "Why?"

He took a step towards her and noticed her hand tighten on the door. He kept his eyes on hers, wanting a reaction to his next words. "Because it was something you didn't want me to see."

Carter's eyes widened slightly but she didn't say anything, just watched him.

He took another step towards her. "What did you mean?"

"About what?" She leaned against the door almost in defeat. He could see it. He could see her giving in, even if she didn't realize she was doing it.

Reese knew he had to be very careful. Finch's words resonated with him now. It had hit him as she was trying to bolt; she hadn't come here to tell him to stay away at all. She had been worried about him. Not as her protector, not as someone she worked with and was learning to trust. She was worried about him as a man. Finch had seen it, why hadn't he? Had he become so closed off to his own feelings that he couldn't see something as clear as this?

"You said, 'I can't, not again' a couple of times. I don't know what that means. Should I?" When her head was down, he moved just a small step closer. A couple more feet and he'd be in her personal space. He knew she wasn't going to like it, but he had to take the chance. If he waited, it might not come again.

Carter slowly shook her head. "No…."

Another step.

"Carter, talk to me. I want to know. I want to know you." His voice was soft, slow. He dug his hands in the back pockets of his jeans and just stood watching her. He didn't want to say too much. He wasn't sure either of them was ready.

"Right. I'm your job. You're not exactly an open book, you know. You know everything about me. Or Finch does. Same thing." She waved her hand in the air dismissively. "I know nothing about you." Her hand slipped off the doorknob and she leaned hard against the door. Her voice was resigned.

He watched her eyes close and her chest rise and fall with her breathing. He felt his anger give way, only to be replaced by concern for her. There was something she wasn't telling him. Something deep and painful. "I know the facts; I want to know the important things, the things not on Finch's computers. If you want to know me, you can ask me anything; I will never lie to you."

Her eyes opened and she watched him carefully. She couldn't move. He still hadn't moved closer, but she could sense that it wasn't an easy choice. He was giving her space. She couldn't help but appreciate his control.

Reese turned his head and looked around the room. "I swear, the man is a ghost at times. Did you see him leave?"

"No…but I wasn't really watching for him."

He smirked at her. "No, you were trying to escape."

"Shut up. I was not."

He took a step forward and watched her straighten her back against the door. He was close now, but not close enough. He smiled a crooked smile at her. "Yeah. Yeah, you were."

"What the hell is going on, Reese? This isn't me; I'm not afraid of you. I never have been." Her eyes closed again and she let out a slow breath.

He watched her collect herself and quietly made a move.


She opened her eyes to find him right in front of her. His hands were pressed to the door over her shoulders, his face close to hers, and his mouth near her ear. "You have never been just a job to me. There has been something, a pull, between us since the beginning. Tell me you felt it too. Please…tell me."

He could see her hands balling into fists and felt her breath coming fast on his neck. He had to break her of the fear she was holding onto.

"You want to know why I followed you tonight, Carter?" he whispered in her ear. "I followed you because if something happened to you, it would end me. It was selfish, really."

Reese bit his lip. He was so close he could smell the scent from her shampoo, but he couldn't, wouldn't, get closer to her. It was taking every bit of his self-control to not grab her up and press her against the door with his body. He knew he had to let her come to him for this to work.


He leaned back and watched as she opened her eyes to him. They were a haze of desire and fear.

"I need you to touch me, Jos. Anywhere. Just put your hands on me."

"I can't." Her voice was pained.

Damn it, she was a stubborn woman. He leaned in again, his lips barely brushing her ear. "Why? Tell me why. I want to touch you, but I can't, I won't, not until you let me know you want me to."

"John…" She couldn't breathe, she couldn't think. All her senses were focused on him. She couldn't do this, but God, she wanted to.

Reese leaned his forehead on the door, his fingers digging into the wood to keep himself from touching her. "I need you to do something for me."

"…please don't…."

He interrupted her, "Put Detective Carter away for a while. I need Jocelyn. I need the woman who believes I won't hurt her. The woman who came to me tonight because she was worried about me."

"They're the same person…the same…" Her hands itched to touch him. She couldn't make them move.

She heard him swallow hard and turned her head towards him, causing his cheek to brush against hers. He felt her tense and then relax, the breath leaving her in one long rush. He knew she was close to giving in. He wanted to feel the moment she let her desire overwhelm her. "No, they're not."

"I'm not afraid of you, John." Her voice was different, stronger.

He pulled back and was rewarded when he looked at her; her eyes were clear and focused on him.

"Prove it to me."

Later, he would figure that the desire rushing through him at that moment had slowed his reaction time.

Carter pushed herself away from the door and buried her hands in his hair, pulling his head down, bringing his mouth down hard on hers. He could feel her body vibrating against his as the kiss turned rough. Her mouth was hot, violent against his and it sent a shock of electricity to his groin and spurred him into action.

Reese pressed forward, pushing them both against the door with a thud. His hands grasped her jaw, trying to gain control of the kiss, but she wasn't having any of that.

He felt her hands on his chest and waited for her to push him away, to come to her senses, but as usual she surprised him; she took hold of his shirt and yanked it from his jeans, pulling it apart at the same time…sending buttons flying.

Reese couldn't help it, he smiled against her mouth. "That's my girl." He pushed her jacket off her shoulders so it pooled at her feet, grasping her hands and lifting them, entwining their fingers.

Carter broke the kiss, took a deep breath, and looked at him. "Don't make this into something it's not."

She saw a flash of hurt cross his face, but it was gone almost as quickly as it came. "I'm not making it into something it isn't already." He nipped at her full bottom lip, watched her eyes widen with the statement. "This is something I've thought of doing for months. Admit it, you've thought of it, too."

He leaned closer, pressing his body against hers. "Admit that you've thought about what my hands would feel like on your body, Carter. I've thought of yours on mine. I've thought of it often."

He felt her hands on his chest, her nails sliding down, scraping against his sides. He closed his eyes as the near-shudder ran through his body.

"But it's more than that, isn't it? It's the elephant in the room. It's the reason you worry about me. It's reason I follow you to make sure you're safe. It's why we can't stay away from each other, even though we know we should."

"John, please don't…" Her hands pulled him closer, but her eyes were closed. John lifted her leg and she hooked her heel behind his knee, putting him between her legs. She could feel him hard against her center.

He wove his hands through her hair, kissing her deeply and gently, pressing his mouth against her ear. "Let's try something easier: Admit you want me. I want you, Jos. I want to feel your body moving under mine, on top of mine. I want to watch you lose control. I want you to come apart with me inside you."

He pressed against her again, making her moan against his shoulder. "Jesus…"

"Admit it, Jos."

She pulled away and looked at him, watched his eyes. He always said so much with his eyes. What they said now scared her more than she thought possible. She leaned towards him, intent on kissing him again, but he pulled his head away.

"Admit it."

She sobbed against his chest. "What do you want from me? Isn't me being here enough?"

He leaned his chin on the top of her head and looked up, pained. "God, I wish it was. I need the words. I'm not going to ask again, Jos." He waited, long moments, watched her struggle, his heart breaking with each second. When she didn't move, didn't lift her head from his chest, he grasped her leg gently and slid it down so she stood on the floor again. "I can't...I won't do this." He pulled away from her, holding her hands in his. "The things I feel, what I feel for you, I can't do this if you can't at least admit that you want it too."

Tears slipped down her cheeks and he wiped them away with his thumbs, grasping her face in his hands. He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

When she looked up at him, she was surprised to see his eyes brimming with unshed tears. Her heart clenched at the sight. "John…" She rested her hand over his heart, his skin warm under her palm.

He could only shake his head. "Don't, Jos." He took her hands and kissed her knuckles. "Another time, maybe, but not right now." He pressed her hand against his cheek. "I'm going to go. Stay here as long as you want to; I'm sure Finch won't mind."

John released her hands and turned from her. It was one of the hardest things he'd ever done. He knew how he felt and he thought he'd been sure about her feelings too. He was rarely wrong about people.

He grabbed his coat from over the chair and shook it out. He was stalling and he knew it. He didn't want to leave. He wanted to fight with her, force her to open up. Even if it didn't end up where he thought they both wanted it to. But he knew forcing something this important would make it meaningless. He put his jacket on and tried to fix his shirt to no avail.

He turned back around and walked back towards the door. Carter still stood against it, her eyes closed. He wanted to grab her up and kiss her senseless, but he wouldn't. He didn't have the right.

She sensed him near her and opened her eyes, but didn't look at him. She knew what he wanted. Every fiber of her being wanted to give it to him, but the words were stuck in her throat, buried so deep she wasn't sure she could get them out. She took a deep breath and slid over, allowing him access to the door.

He looked down at the floor, running his hands over his coat "I don't want to leave, not like this. I'm afraid we'll never get this chance again."

This time, she did look at him. He watched for a moment, watched the pain of the situation play over her face, and then nodded, offering her a small smile.

Her breath caught on a sob.

He stopped next to her as he opened the door, leaned the side of his head against hers. He kissed her temple. "I don't know why, but I know you can't. One day, Jos, I hope you'll be able to." He ran his fingers over her hand as he crossed the threshold of the doorway. He turned to look at her again and stepped out into the hall.

"I can't…" He heard her catch her breath and pause. "I can't lose another man I love."

His heart stopped.