Question of Honor

A/N: First off, my usual disclaimers. All copyrights go to those who rightfully own them.

Yes, I did take Corte Maltese from the Batman comics (and I know Corte is spelled with an O, but for some reason, my dumb spellcheck changed it for me. That and I know it's in South America in the comics but I placed it in the Mediterranean because Bruce's path in the movies seemed to go through Africa and Asia so it wouldn't be too far of a stretch that Bruce would've traveled through that area.

I owe a debt of gratitude to four stories here on the FanFiction website for Batman Begins/The Dark Knight. The first one is to When I Look at You by bellac611. I really hope you update it soon!

The second story has disappeared and I forget the title or who wrote it but it was about a woman named Samantha Winters who marries Bruce Wayne in a marriage of convenience that becomes romantic and it takes place during The Dark Knight and afterwards. I really hope it gets reposted because I love that story!

Number three is The Wife of Bruce Wayne by MidnightIsis. Very promising take on Batman Begins!

And finally, there's Only When You're Engaged to Bruce Wayne by gildedbutterfly16. Amazing start so far!

Anyway, many thanks to all three authors for such great influences. This story wouldn't be possible without your creative takes on the Nolan franchise.

Also this is in loving tribute to The Dark Knight Rises, a satisfying ending to a wonderful take on our beloved Dark Knight.

One final note, I wish to extend my thoughts and prayers to those impacted by the shootings that happened in Aurora, Colorado. I hope for physical, mental and spiritual healing for all who have been hurt by this tragedy.

I hope you all enjoy. Constructive criticism please, flames are for roasting marshmallows. If you don't like, then don't read and don't critique.

The Princess Bride

The pilot opened the cockpit door. "We'll be landing in ten minutes, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne." She called out to us, the only passengers in the spacious Cessna.

"Thank you." Bruce said, stretching out. "Well, that was a nice flight, don't you think, Grace?" It was the first words my new husband had spoken to me since we started flying home some twelve hours before.

"Hmm?" I looked up from my book. "Oh yes. Yes. It was very nice." Tired, I rubbed my eyes, no doubt raw and red.

Bruce returned to looking out the window at the dark skyline rising above the gray ocean and matching evening clouds. He cleared his throat. "I asked Alfred to make up the spare bedroom in the penthouse as you asked. And you can decorate it as you want. Sky's the limit."

"Thank you, thank you so much." I smiled before returning to the world of Lizzie Bennett and her love-hate relationship with Mr. Darcy. At least it got me away from the fact that I had just married a former tramp to escape my war-torn homeland. Well, we had no idea he was a tramp when he first appeared in the courtyard of our villa.

To repay my parents for the many kindnesses we showed him during his world-travels, Bruce offered to get my family out of Corte Maltese. The problem was that I was the only one who could leave and that was only if I married him. Although my mother had been raised in the U.S. she renounced her citizenship to marry Father. There was no way she would leave him, her husband of nearly thirty years. And there was no way that he, the Prince of Corte Maltese, would leave his people behind. Even though it was never said out loud, we all knew that it was a matter of time until the monarchy fell…

Despite being raised with Western customs, I was still a child of Corte Maltese. And we children are expected to respect and obey our parents. I might have been twenty-three…but I had no say in the matter.

It wasn't that I hated Bruce. Quite the opposite, really. He was pretty much my only friend during his stay with us. I was an only child so it was no surprise that if I ever had a sibling, I hoped they would be just like Bruce. But there was no warmth to us yet. I guess I was afraid…of everything…

"Do you want me to call your parents once we get home?" Bruce asked Grace. She looked back up, annoyed at having been taken away from her book again. Something about her dark green eyes made him nervous. "I know you must be tired after the flight." Bruce tried to explain.

"No, it's ok. I can do it." Grace said politely before returning to her book. Bruce decided not to say anything more. He didn't want to provoke her. The tired young woman with a blotchy olive complexion and limp black hair was a far cry than the cheerful and carefree teenager he knew during his soul-searching days. Even her eyes weren't as bright as they used to be…a coldness bit through them.

To be honest, he felt sorry for her. Grace had been through so much in the last three days. She had lost everything that mattered to her…her home…her family…

"Look, Grace." Bruce decided to get it over with and rested his hand on hers. The diamond of her ring gently poked the palm of his hand. It was his mother's engagement ring. Bruce had planned to give it to Rachel once his mission of being Batman was through. But when he heard about Corte Maltese…that got put on hold. At least until they had been married for long enough to keep the feds from getting suspicious. Then they agreed to quietly file for an annulment and their lives would go on from there. "I know you didn't want to do this…"

"But you couldn't think of any other way. I completely understand." Grace interrupted with icy eyes. Bruce flinched, unused to her coldness. She noticed and closed her book. "I'm sorry Bruce. I shouldn't have snapped like that. You've been so kind to me since this whole thing started and…"

"It's ok. I know you're tired and you've been through a lot." Bruce smiled as the plane began to slowly descend.

I studied the little airport where we'd be landing. We weren't going through Kane Municipal Airport where the paparazzi and reporters were sure to be waiting to pounce. Instead, we were going through one of the subsidiaries where Bruce's butler, Alfred, was waiting with the Rolls. There was the silver car off of the tarmac. And I also noticed a large black blur by the main terminal. The closer we got, I could make out television vans and people.

"What the…" I said, pointing out the window. A couple of flashes confirmed my worst fears.

"What's wrong, Grace." Bruce looked out at what I was looking at. His face scrunched in frustration and mild anger when he figured out. "Ugh…how did they find out? I thought Fox told them that we were coming through Kane International!"

"It doesn't matter." I said as the landing gear touched the ground and we slowed to a halt. "Not the first time we've dealt with the media." I put on my press face and took out my oversized round sunglasses. "And given our lives, it won't be the last." At least it hid my red eyes.

Although he knew it would be there when the doors opened, Bruce was still blinded by the numerous light bulbs going off and deafened by the numerous questions hurled their way.

"Mr. Wayne! Is it true you only married her for her money?"

"Your Highness! Did you seduce him to get out of the country?"

"Over here, Your Highness!"

"Smile for the cameras, Mr. Wayne!"

"What, no 'Welcome to the U.S.'?" Grace joked, leaning into Bruce's ear and shyly kissing his cheek. He nearly jumped until he remembered the act. They were now part of the act. Of the newly wed Prince and Princess of Gotham, happily doting upon each other.

No wonder it took the whole world by storm. Bruce grinned as he helped Grace down the stairwell. Now to seal the deal, he took Grace in his arms and kissed her passionately, dipping her down. The crowd gathered squealed as she popped her ankle up. No doubt that would be on the front page of every paper.

The perfect couple all right. Bruce pulled her close, resting his hand on the sensitive part of her hip. She shivered before putting her arm around him. He led her to the car. Alfred was waiting by the open door, an old smile on his face.

"Mrs. Wayne, I'm Alfred. Welcome to Gotham." Alfred said warmly, shaking her hand.

"Thank you so much Alfred. And, please, call me Grace." Bruce couldn't see her eyes but her relaxed smile showed that the English butler had made a good impression on Grace. And from the light in the blue eyes, Bruce saw that Alfred had warmed up to her too. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

Ignoring the paparazzi and reporters, Grace and Bruce got into the car as their luggage was loaded into the trunk. Thank God they went through customs at JFK during their layover earlier in New York City, Bruce decided as Alfred got into the front and drove off. Security opened the locked gates and they swiftly disappeared into late evening traffic.

"So, did you two have a pleasant flight?" Alfred asked, looking in the rearview mirror.

"Umm-hmm, yes we did." Bruce nodded. Grace leaned her head against his shoulder. She was tired, he awkwardly put his arm around her, giving some comfort. "We'll be home soon."

"Is it to your liking, Ms. Grace?" Alfred asked as I studied the bedroom in Bruce's lavish penthouse. Of course it was, there was a large window looking into downtown Gotham. The furniture was in warm wooden tones and very comfortable. I had a king sized bed with so many white pillows and blankets on it that it looked like a cloud. There was also a sit down vanity with a large mirror, a walk in closet with far more space than I could ever have use for and a spa bathroom. Best of all, there was a sitting area with comfy couches and a large desk with a brand new laptop on it.

"You've got good tastes, Alfred." I complimented him as I put my purse down on my bed. A tiny bit of me was somewhat disgusted by the extravagance of it all. How could I have so much when so many others were suffering? The images of wounded, starving and suffering kept me up at night. Even the my family didn't escape the war's wrath. The beautiful villa where Bruce and I had become friends was now a pile of rubble. All of my cousins, aunts and uncles were either wounded, held prisoner or killed.

Then I remembered that Gotham is now my home and Bruce is now my husband.

"I tried." Alfred smiled. "Well, why don't you get settled in? I'll come get you when supper is ready."

"Thank you." I said. Alfred gave a little bow and left. Now I was alone. The first time in three days that I was all by myself. Bruce had insisted on going to Wayne Enterprises to check in on the company. He wouldn't be gone long, considering the penthouse was on the top floor of Wayne Tower.

Sighing, I sat down on the bed. My tired body sank into the soft mattress and blankets. Everything had happened so fast. Now that I finally had time to think, I realized that I was too tired to do so.

Intending to rest for a few moments, I closed my eyes.

The smell of hot tomato soup welcomed Bruce as he stepped into the kitchen. Alfred was stirring a pot over the stove. God, when was the last time he ate? No time. He'd grab a quick bite before heading to the bunker. He was itching to study the latest gang bank robbery, especially curious about the man in the clown makeup who had done it.

It was when he saw Alfred take out two soup bowls that Bruce remembered Grace. "Did she get settled in ok?"

Alfred nodded, ladling the steaming red liquid inside. "Have you decided about your nightlife?"

Bruce shrugged his shoulders. "I'm a married man, Alfred. No more supermodels or heiresses…"

"No, I meant your…other…nightlife."

Oh, that. Bruce rubbed the back of his thick black hair. "You know how important he is to Gotham."

"I know that. But you now have a wife. Even if you did marry to save her life, don't you owe a responsibility to her? After all, she's in a strange new world and you're the only one she knows."

Bruce swallowed. Why hadn't he thought that far ahead? Then again, there wasn't much time. Grace's family was failing and it was only a matter of time until they lost. He had to get her out…wait, didn't he mean to get them out too? Alfred was looking at Bruce, expecting an answer.

"I'll tell her when the time is right." The standard answer. Alfred said no more, although Bruce knew he wanted to tell him off. "If supper's ready, I'll get Grace." Bruce said. Not waiting for Alfred's answer, he went to Grace's bedroom.

The door was partially opened. "Grace?" Bruce rapped on the doorpost. "Supper's ready." There was no response. "Grace?" Bruce pushed the door open. Grace was asleep on the bed. He nearly missed her as her white pantsuit blended in with the bedcovers. She hadn't even bothered to take off her white high heels Her chest rose and fell in a calming rhythm.

What should he do? Not that he blamed her for falling asleep. She's had a long day. Now he could go to work in the bunker…wait a minute. He felt badly for a little bit for the feeling that he was free. She had given up everything for a chance at a life with him. So shouldn't he give up some of his life for her?

Bruce gently took off her heels and set them on the floor. At least you did something nice for her, he tried comforting himself as he left the room. The loyal butler was waiting for him in the kitchen. "Alfred, put my serving in my canteen. Grace is asleep and Batman has work to do in the bunker tonight."

A/N: So… R+R constructively please? I'm afraid I made Bruce and Alfred too OOC and I'm terrified Grace is a Mary Sue. So please let me know if I did or not.