Reviews for Question of Honor
Nectere chapter 17 . 9/13/2019
This is probably long behind you but I just wanted to review it. The story is okay, I can see there are some of your own ideas you’re trying to explore. However, it seems very convoluted. The first few chapters you had the Corte Maltese idea but suddenly you almost completely abandon that to pursue the Joker plot. There was also that scene after Joker crashes the party where Grace is about to leave Bruce. That didn’t really make sense, it came out of the blue; there was no trigger for her actions. The whole Hugo Strange plot is unrealistic so far; if he’s so dodgy and untrustworthy, why is Grace still interacting with him? Why isn’t Batman investigating him? Regarding characters, I can see you’ve focused more on Grace, which is good because she’s an unknown to readers. However, because of that, I feel you haven’t quite nailed Bruce Wayne/Batman’s complex character. The writing is okay, no grammar or spelling issues. But you tend to switch unnaturally between past and present tense (i think you’re focusing on present tense but in my experience past tense seems easier to work with). There also isn’t a clearly defined POV. I can see you switching between Bruce’s and Grace’s POV, but I think it occurs too often. And sometimes it’s written in 3rd person, but then you use ‘our’.
Guest chapter 33 . 7/26/2019
J-man chapter 8 . 9/25/2018
Goldfish chapter 33 . 5/30/2018
So when will bruse find his wife in Arckem? Can how soon?
clockgirl191 chapter 17 . 12/29/2017
I know whatcha mean Talia must be crazy to follow her father even though all that he had done to her. As for Bane I always thought he was being manipulated by her and never really had a chance to live life due to being in the pit for so long.
erica.phoenix16 chapter 8 . 8/1/2017
Please update soon.
FaiRYaiIL chapter 33 . 6/8/2017
This is an a amazing book you have written maybe you could finish, if you have the time to do so?
erica.phoenix16 chapter 7 . 4/12/2017
Please update soon.
Guest chapter 9 . 4/9/2017
So if Grace's parents always had money (why didn't she get new clothes?) and a safe place - why did she need to marry Bruce? They could hae gone to the island much earlier, their ownership of the island is not a new development. The marriage wasn't needed. Holes in the story.
Guest chapter 8 . 4/9/2017
It takes more than an hour to learn self-defence
Guest chapter 6 . 4/9/2017
How stupid is Grace? A guy named Strange weird her out, knows Bruce is Batman and Has a connection to Hope. Grace ignores all of those things. She does not find them strange. She tells no one.
Guest chapter 2 . 4/9/2017
Can she stop crying? Especially after that encounter with Hope. Why was she crying? It's not like she can be employed Underground a fake name. She is an adult. She should not worry about a petty coworker.
And since when is she in love with Bruce and wants his affection? They are planning on an annulment, are they not?
erica.phoenix16 chapter 6 . 12/3/2016
Please update soon.
erica.phoenix16 chapter 5 . 6/29/2016
Please update soon.
Jade Williams chapter 33 . 3/23/2016
Just found your story today... I understand it has been a while but please update
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