Lift your head, baby don't be scared

Of the things that could go wrong along the way

You'll get by with a smile

You can't win at everything

But you can try….

Wearing a simple long sleeve white dress and black boots, Yuna serenaded her audience with a mellow song. She slowly moved across the stage and enchanted every person on the auditorium with her lovely voice. She was the master of ceremonies of the event. She opened the event with a song called 'With a Smile'.

After a minute or two, the song was finished. A couple of people stood up and gave her a round of applause. She was very well received by the audience. Well who wouldn't be, she was fantastic out there.

Yuna went backstage and talked to Tifa, the one in charge, and asked for the timeline of events. Tifa was commanding the boys of moving the props in place at the back. Yuna silently walked behind her and gave her a hug. "Tifa, why are you wearing our school's P.E jacket and jogging pants while I'm here wearing a formal dress."

Yuna pouted and showed her displeasure more. Tifa turned around and gave her the paper she asked for. She pushed Yuna back to the stage and smiled. "It's because I will not appear in stage. Hurry up! I bet the boys already finished in setting the props up."

Yuna nodded to her and went back at the stage. The lights of the auditorium went on causing the audience to give some round of applause. Yuna went in center stage and read the storybook she was carrying aloud.

"A long long time ago, there was once a prosperous kingdom called 'Cornelia'. The kingdom was a very rich land. People there are so lively and friendly but suddenly their King contacted an unknown terminal disease. Worrying about his father, our main character went to his father's quarters and talked to him. And this is how the story will start."

Yuna bowed her head and went to the far right side of the stage as the lights dimmed. The auditorium went silent for a minute then a change of tune was heard. Footsteps were then heard coming from the backstage. Everyone was at the edge of their seats after hearing a girl's sandals footsteps. The audience's mind was on wild while thinking who could that person might be. Terra? Tifa? Lightning?

"Brother! Brother!" A panting voice was heard from the far right sight of the stage. Everyone was in daze. It was a girl's sandals footsteps and yet they were hearing a voice of a man trying desperately to be a girl. They cleaned their ears and tried to listen once again but it was no use.

"Brother! Brother!"

The girl finally appeared at the stage. "She" has a very long orange hair and was wearing a pink dress with frills in its neckline. "What did Father say?"

Everyone one at the auditorium laughed and fell on their seats. "Luneth go home your drunk!" One of his friends shouted from the audience. Onion Knight kept his cool and took a deep breath. He stayed in his character and continued on.

"Well?" He said with a very cute innocent face.

The audience contained their laughter and waited for the next scene. It started to get serious when a man clad in a typical prince outfit from the far left side of the stage walked in. "He" raised his head and started to speak. "Father gave me a task."

The audience was in awe. Terra raised her head and patted Onion Knight's head like a real brother would. Some of the girl's from the audience even blushed from that single line. She was very into character…

"What task?"

While her co-actor was a laughing stock from the audience. Onion Knight was doing great actually. It's just his real character and the younger sister that he was portraying was seriously distant from each other. No one even imagined that they will live to see the day of Onion Knight wearing a tiara on his head.

"I see. The characters will be played by the opposite gender." Aerith smiled from her seat and added, "I wonder if Cloud is included."

"Selphie stop laughing like crazy and just watch the show silently." Penelo tried to calm down her friend from the seats. "I wonder if they managed to convince Squall to do this as well." Selphie opened her cellphone and readied her camera. "I need to have a photograph of that."

Penelo resigned and sighed from the hopelessness of her hyperactive friend. "I wonder if Vaan is wearing like that as well."

The audience suddenly went silent when Terra continued her dialogue and spoke, "He asked me to find a suitable wife before he passes away." She stopped for a second and sighed. "Instead of finding for a cure for his sickness he wants me to find a pretty woman to be my wife."

"Will you do it big brother?"

"If this is what our father wishes to and it can't be helped without a woman by my side I can't succeed on taking the throne."

"With that, the prince and his lovely cute sister left their kingdom and went in search for a lovely maiden to be his wife."

The lights went dimmed again to change the props for the next scene. Onion Knight and Terra exited on the right side of the stage and took a breather. Onion Knight growled at Yuna for her unnecessary added remarks but was instead scolded by Lightning for fooling around.

While on the other hand, everyone from the backstage was in panic. It appears that they encountered some trouble. Tifa kept yelling and was asking where Cloud was. Lightning tried to calm Tifa and the others down and tried to patch the problem very quickly.

After a few minutes, Yuna went to her usual post and continued on narrating the story. "The very next morning, the prince and his younger princess set out on an adventure with their trusted chocobo-"

"AHYUCK!" Tidus, wearing the chocobo costume, made noise. Yuna face palmed and accidentally said on the microphone, "That's not how a chocobo was supposed to sound." causing much more laughter than it supposed to have. Yuna blushed and tried to cover her face from embarrassment.

Yuna cleared her throat and tried to not be embarrassed even further. She paused for a minute and continued narrating, "It was night time before they arrived at the next kingdom. His sister was already tired and hungry even the prince can't handle how hungry he was anymore. Luckily, there was a tavern nearby on this town. They entered the tavern and sat on one of the tables. They were greeted by three waitresses from the tavern."

"Welcome!" The "girl" with a beautiful rose on her hair said. "Anything you want?"

"A meal for two if you please and are there any place we could have a shut eye?" Terra asked the three ladies.

The girls were shocked and whispered to each other. The girl that welcomed them delivered their plate and smiled. "My name is Belle. Are you perhaps from the neighboring kingdom?"

"Yes, yes we are." Terra answered his question and took a sip from the glass. "I'm actually finding a woman to be my wife. My name is Locke Cole."

"My, my that's a pretty odd thing for a reason to be travelling aren't we?" Belle's friend joined in the conversation and added, "My name is Rosa by the way."

"And you?" Terra asked the emotionless one beside Rosa. "It depends on you. You can choose my name and my job. I can be a white mage, a dark mage, red mage or-"

"Don't worry about her. That's Sarah. She's been kidnapped far too many times by someone that she loses it sometimes." Firion/Bella interrupted his friend WoL/Sarah and smiled. "Why don't you stay at my house for tonight? It's free of charge."

"Are you sure it's okay?"

"Of course!"

"Belle, Sarah I need to go my son, Ceodore, is waiting for me. Nice meeting you Locke and -?"


"and Refia." Rosa smiled and went towards the door. "I need to go now. My husband might get angry at me."

"And so with that, Locke and his sister Refia went to Belle's house to stay for the night." The lights went dimmed again for a change of the environment. Terra and the others went to the backstage for a breather.

"Man I'm so tired." Tidus removed the chocobo's head and exhaled very deeply. "This costume sure is not my size. It's so small and so tight."

"It's because it's supposed to be Cloud's but he got AWOL all of a sudden." Tifa shouted loudly to let Cloud clearly hear her from the very back.

"I was doing my job of putting the props on the stage." Cloud bluntly said and went to change for his appearance on the play. But in truth, he was actually doing everything he can to not wear that chocobo costume.

"Well it's already been done. Chop! Chop! On to the next scene!" Lightning intervened and ordered everyone to get back to work.

There was a sound of creaking door and footsteps from the stage. Firion, Onion Knight and Terra went to their places and proceeded on the next scene.

"Treat my house as your house. Don't be shy." Firion smiled and guided his guests inside. "Just be careful my friend's tends to break out a dance number every now and then."


The lights went dimmed and a loud background noise can be heard from speakers of the auditorium. Everyone listened for a moment and caught up from the melody of the song. Everyone was laughing and finally got why Firion was named 'Belle'.

Be our guest! Be our guest! Be our guest!
Get your worries off your chest
Let us say for your entree
We've an array; may we suggest:
Try the bread! Try the soup!
When the croutons loop de loop
It's a treat for any dinner….

Tidus, Cloud and Squall broke in for a song and sang the classic song of "Be Our Guest" to Terra and Onion Knight. After their dance number, Tidus stood in the center and introduced his self.

"I'm Lulu. I might look thin but I'm actually pregnant. My creators are just lazy to create a new model for me."

"I'm Cloudko….. I want to be Don Corneo's lady for this evening." Cloud introduced his self next while wearing his trademark silk dress, blond wig and diamond tiara.

After the two, the spotlight was then positioned to Squall. The background music stopped and everyone was waiting for Squall to say his dialogue. "I'm…" Squall paused and walked away. "I already did the dance routine. I don't want to do this shit."

Everyone from the backstage was shocked. Tidus and Cloud also took their leave and carried on. Lightning went to their side and scolded Squall. She scolded so loud that even the audience can hear her. Everyone just laughed and applauded for their display. Tifa, embarrassed from their doings, went to stop them and signaled Terra to continue.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! You mustn't leave. I need you to break my curse. The rose has only few petals left. I beg of you!" Firion screamed with all of his might while the door closes and left him locked inside the manor.

"After the horrible stay at Belle's manor, Locke and his sister Refia left early in the morning to get away as soon as possible. They went back to the tavern to get their pet chocobo to continue their journey."

"Crap!" Lightning said from the backstage and called out Tidus, "Tidus! Hurry! You can still make it in time." Lightning pulled down his costume and threw him to the stage. However instead of throwing Tidus, Lightning only managed to throw the chocobo's head to the stage.

"KYAH!" Onion Knight screamed and fell down on the floor. The audience laughed and mocked Onion Knight's girly scream. Onion Knight's eye changed and smirked. He tried to remain in character and come up of an impromptu.

"Our….. pet… chocobo…. KYAH!" Onion Knight screamed again and threw the chocobo's head at the audience hitting the ones laughing at him. Onion Knight sniffed and shed fake tears. "I'm sorry big brother. I was so shocked. I didn't know what came over me."

Terra sighed and hugged Onion Knight. "It's okay. It's not your fault. You were just shocked as I am. Luneth really need to control his anger."

"Because of the sudden death of their pet chocobo they had no choice but to travel by sea. They went to the port and met a man named Faris. Locke asked Faris if he could let them ride his boat which Faris agreed."

"Traveling to find a wife eh?" Bartz said and grabbed his chin. "Good thing I don't need to think of things like that. As a man who lives in the sea, I don't need a woman by my side." Bartz raised his hands and confidently said.

A splashed of water then hit him, revealing a bra underneath his clothes. Terra and Onion Knight was shocked and speechless. Bartz hurriedly went to his cabin and hid there the entire time of their journey.

"So…." Penelo turned to her right and talked to her friend. "So Bartz is actually playing a girl who cross dress as a guy. Basically he is a boy portraying a girl who cross dresses as a boy."

"I don't even know what the plot of this play anymore." Penelo added and rubbed her aching forehead.

"At least it's funny though." Selphie reasoned out and took a couple of pictures. "What do you even expect on those guys anyway?"

"Sadly, I don't know what to expect."

"At last, they finally reached land. The kingdom that they are in now was rumored to be the place of the fairest maiden of all. Thinking that the fairest maiden of all is his destined soulmate, he set out to this land and tried to find her."

Screams and shouts from the girls in the audience were heard. They deduced that Zidane was the only one left. He was the fairest one of all. He was the princess that the prince will marry.

The stage was on its last preparation. It was the finale. The part they have all been waiting for. After all of those weeks of practicing, it will finally come to this. It has finally come to an end.

"Terra can you come here for a sec?" Lightning called out Terra from the backstage and asked a little favor from her. Everyone was busy preparing for the final scene that no one noticed the last minute replacement.

"This is the place, the place where I will meet my beloved wife." Terra said from center stage and acted out. She slowly stepped outside the stage and quickly made her way through the audience. The final scene was happening in the audience. Terra gently smiled and knelt. "Would you be my wife?"

The girls screamed and the people from the audience clapped. "Oh my! This is so sudden." Vice Principal Cosmos said and refused the offer. "I didn't know that I'm going to be part of the play."

"You are the fairest maiden of them all." Terra took her hands and kissed it. A few girls screamed and fall out of their seats. They can't believe that Terra can be a fine gentleman. She acted so professional.

"WAIT A MINUTE!" Zidane slammed his wig from the ground and approached Terra. "What the hell is happening?! This wasn't on the script! Are you just going to leave me like that?"

"Lightning… told me to."

"Terra can you come here for a sec?"


"I just noticed Vice Principal Cosmos was on the audience. Could you change the ending and proposed to her instead?"

"What?" But what about Zidane?"

"He'll get over it."

"That was great play." Aerith went backstage and greeted Cloud. "I never knew you had it in you, Cloud."


"Tifa, you are great too." Aerith turn to Tifa and gave her a handshake. "In fact everyone was great. I should have brought Zack as well. But he said he didn't appear in the Dissidia game so it was a violation."

"Hey no breaking of fourth wall!" Tidus peeked out from the curtains and glared at Aerith intensely. "I'm the only one who could pull that off perfectly."

"Excuse me how do you know who I am?" Tifa asked.

"Because you are from the same game." Tidus intervened and jokingly answered. He was one-sidedly fighting for his spot on breaking the fourth wall from Aerith.

"It was nothing. Don't bother about it." Cloud answered Tifa and took Aerith's hand and left the backstage. "I'm going to see her off."

"What a weird play."

"It is as if they were parodying some games that don't exist on this universe."

"It must be Tidus work. They were breaking the fourth wall the entire time."

"How was the play?" Gabranth scooted low and asked his company.

"Their acting was not good. I shouldn't have bought a ticket and instead wasted it on food."

[Author's Notes]

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Don't kill me.

The play was a complete mess. It had no sense and I'm sure it wasn't that funny. Please if you're going to criticize please do it gently. OTZ

I thought since this story is for laughs maybe a play like this is okay but if you don't like it then I guess I'm a failure as a writer. You waited for this for so long yet this is what you will get. *SEPPUKU*

BTW, the song featured in the start is a OPM song. It was from the Philippines (Mabuhay ang mga Pinoy!). I thought that maybe I could promote our country's songs. Our musicians really do great ballads and mellow songs. Don't worry some of it are in English so you'll have no trouble on understanding it. The songs are so calming and full of meanings so I hope that you will listen to them.

With A Smile is performed by one of our countries greatest bands "Eraserheads". It also has a revival one sung by Aiza Seguerra.

Next UP: No Meeting Today