Disclaimer: I don't own them!! So there!! I also don't own the song 'Born to Fly'. I can't stand country. But it's Moonbay that has to listen to it, so let her like it.

Summery: What if it had been Moonbay that picked up Raven instead of that dude in the white Gustav? What if in their travel they became closer than intended and they sparked something between them? Raven/Moonbay.

Timeline: Guardian Force, Episode 42. (I think.)

A/N: I know it's unlikely, but hey, it could happen!! Alot of people like Raven. I haven't found what makes him so great yet, but this is for anyone who will read it. Oh, and Raven and or Moonbay fans too. One more thing, if you don't like this pairing or one of these people, don't call me. Don't tell me nuthin', because I'll just put another chapter out simply to make you mad.

" So I confess ma sins to tha preacher! About tha love I've been prayin' to find! Is there a brown-eyed boy in my future? Yeah. And he says, girl you've got nuthin' but time. But how do you wait for heaven?! And who has that much time?! And how do you keep your feet on tha ground!! When you know, that you were bor-or-orn!! You were born to fly!!"

Moonbay made her way across the wasteland towards the Emperial territory. She was transporting some supplies to some soldiers that were doing some recovery work near a bunker from the war. She wasn't getting paid as much as she'd like to, but she was getting paid. And that was important.

" Hey, cause I will soar away like a blackbird. I will blow in the wind like a seed. I will plant ma heart in the garden of ma dreams! And I will grow up where I'm warm, wild and free. O-oh! How do you wait for heaven?! And who has that much time?! And how do you keep your feet on tha ground!! When you know, that you were bor-or-orn!! You were born to fly!!" Moonbay sang out.

She was about to get into the ending when she spotted someone walking through the desert like a zombie. She pulled up along side them. They didn't seem to notice her. She certainly noticed them though.

" Raven!!" She cried.

He made no move that he heard her and kept his trudge up. She looked at him strangely and didn't see his Organoid anywhere. She couldn't find Shadow in the sky either. He looked like he hadn't been asleep in a few days and he looked like his body was going to collasp in on itself.

Now Moonbay was in no way stupid or compassionate to a fault. But she knew she couldn't just leave him there in the desert where he could die. Even though he deserved more than that. She decided she was going to show him the mercy he would not give defenseless soldiers and people.

She opened the canopy of her Gustav and called out to him.

" Hey, Raven! Hurry up and get in here before you pass out!" She ordered.

He paid her no attention. Moonbay didn't like that. She tried twice to coax him into the Gustav, but he would not acknowledge her, let alone decline her offer. She finally got fed up with him and decided to knock him down. She pulled up behind him and nudged him with a small boost of speed.

He fell into the sand and looked up at her. She was smiling broadly.

" Well, are you comin' or do I have to bury you this time?" She asked.

He looked down and started to stand up. She offered her hand and pulled him up to his feet. He wasn't prepared for her burst of strength, he fell against her. She caught him and held him up. When his dazed eyes looked up at her, his pale cheeks were turning pink. Moonbay took one look at him and burst into a fit of giggles. The more she giggled, the pinker his cheeks got.

" Let's get you into the Gustav and get you some water, ne?" She said.

He didn't respond. She just sighed and brought him in. Raven sat next to her in the passenger side. She handed him some water. He took it all in so fast, he started coughing. Moonbay patted his back until he stopped.

" Are you okay?" She asked.

His answer was not coughing anymore. She shook her head and continued to drive. She was about to ask what exactly it was he was doing out there when she felt something warm on her shoulder. She looked over to see him asleep with his head resting there. He snored slightly, but she didn't mind.

" So serves my good deed for the decade." She said smiling.