Reviews for Born To Fly
AniGirl 7 chapter 20 . 9/2/2008
I'm happy to say, 6 years later from when you first published this, this is still my most favorite Zoids fic of all time! :)
ShadowRebirth37 chapter 20 . 6/18/2008
Lol. Fantastic job! I must say you have a serious talent for R/M and Zoids in general! Man, you were one of the first authors I read fics of when I first discovered this fic, and "Cold" was the first fic I ever read. This soon followed.

Anyway, this was absolutely fantastic!XD Lol. Evil Reese just won't leave poor Raven alone, will she?XD Lol. I really like this fic, it was one of the first ones I ever read and really enjoyed. Lol. You, my friend, have a serious knack for Zoids fanfics!XD And I normally don't say

Lol. Btw, why haven't you finished the sequeal to this? Or finished "Cold", or many of your other fics? You haven't updated in ages, are you still alive?XP Lol. I really wish you would come back and continue your fics, some of the other veteran authors, like Blade Liger Knight with her epic fic "Raven's Legacy", have returned and continued and finished their fics. I would really love to see this fic's sequeal and "Cold" finished, but hey, I'm just a reviewer!XD

Btw, I forgot to mention, I used to be the anonymous reviewer "Ibeyla the Zoidian" before I got this account about 2 months ago. Lol. I'm sorry if I annoyed you with all those reviews, I was just so blown away by your fics that I couldn't stop Lol.

Um... if you ever have some time, could you please R & R my fics? All but one of them are CC/GF, and most are multi-chapter fics. My first fic, "Rebirthing", is about Shadow when he is reborn and is told from his POV. "The Distant Stars" is a one-shot, and is a teaser for an up-coming fic about Raven. "The Dark Savior", my pride and joy, is an AU before CC fic about an alternate way Shadow and Raven first meet, and has a few OC Organoids, including Leiden, the evil feline that can scare anyone witless. "Of Zoids and Organoids" is a collection of short one-shots based on random words, and is primarily told from the Zoids and Organoids' POVs. "Broken" is a re-write of the scene of Shadow's taming in the episode 'The Distant Stars', and tells might what have happened if Shadow had fought back when Raven tried to tame him. And last but not least, "Fury's Core", an AU, NC0 fic about the Berserk Fury's past as the Geno Breaker and his thoughts about his old and new pilot, different Zoids, and other things that I can't say yet, for it would ruin the Lol. I would really appriciate it if you R & R my fics.

Anyway, this fic is absolutly amamzing, and must be the best R/M fic I've ever read! (besides "Cold"XP Lol.) I would really love if you'd continue the sequeal or "Cold". Please R & R my fics if you can, or shot me a PM sometime if you want. Lol. Again, fabulous job, and I would love to see you update any of your Zoids fics sometime. Awsome job!XD

Fabulous work! Please R & R my fics if you ever get a chance!XP

Kester chapter 1 . 4/21/2008
Wow absolutly loved the entire story. Id never thought of RavenxMoonbay before! Love the description of Fiona and Vans house. Only minor thing is the chronology is a bit confused and zoids seem a bit off thier respective strengths, but hey whats a story if you know everything about it!

Keep up the good work with your other pieces,

Ibeyla the Zoidian chapter 20 . 1/30/2008
OH MY GOD! That was one of the greatest R/M I've ever read! I've got that warm and fuzzy feeling! SEQUEL! SEQUEL! I can't stand cliffhangers! (I mean that in a good way!:) Please post a sequel, this storyline is too full of life and spirit to let die! I beg of you, POST A SEQUEL! I will be waiting as patiently as I can force myself for your decision, but hear me out, this story is still full of promise, don't let it die! Anyway, FANTASTIC WORK! :)
CoilyKhaleesi chapter 11 . 10/18/2006
the story is hot, but the "so fresh and so clean" was cheesy
Drifter008 chapter 3 . 8/7/2006
Raven's a pervery
Drifter008 chapter 2 . 8/7/2006
funny and cute
Drifter008 chapter 1 . 8/7/2006
good really good
Shadow Existance chapter 20 . 10/3/2005
OMG! That is the BEST Zoids fic i have ever read!

I was a bit hesitant on the whole Raven/Moonbay thing but you handled it excellantly. it's such a lovely story and really original.

reese and Hiltz just walking of like that was a bit OOC but i didnt think moonbay should have killed them. Aw Remix is the perfect name for a young Konig Wolf. It suits him so well.

i love the humor and Raven's smart remarks. it was great. fahrenheit (Sp) was a really good nick name.

I look forward to the sequel. _
Serenity Blossom chapter 20 . 6/5/2005
I adored this story! I read the whole thing twice! Great job!
The Crimson Dragon chapter 20 . 10/16/2004
I don't usually like stories which have paired Raven with, well, any character off of Zoids, but this was really great! Um, you could of made Raven a little harder to catch, if ya know what I mean. He was a little bit too... "Lovey Dovey" And he doesn't act like that, but it was good.

See ya!
Raven's Leading Lady chapter 20 . 5/13/2004
Bravo! Way to go! You da man! Two thumbs up! I see an author in you yet. I haven't read a better story on the internet in my life! Keep up the good work! And I mean good when I saw good!
Being a huge (and I mean Huge) Raven fan, I expect a lot from fanfics (about Raven). I've made a few myself. From a scale of 1 to 10, I give you and 11!
Once again, BRAVO!
Kuso-head chapter 15 . 3/28/2004
Big-O sucked...
Tara White chapter 20 . 1/11/2004
sniff...sniff oh boy you brang me to tears reading that beautiful story of yours i never thought i'd find a story like that any way you must be a really good auther and keep up the great work and i look foward to another story of yours
cdcfhgsgdsd chapter 7 . 12/12/2003
what in the hell are you thinking making raven a freaking powder puff
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