Come home

This is it. Thanks to all of you who've been with me since October, I've been really pleased with the support this fic has had. Some of you have asked if I will be writing more. The answer is, not for a few months, and even then, not Spooks. I have a promise to keep first, then I will return if I can.


It was over. Adam glanced at the clock again. 05:36. Nearly two hours. Nearly two hours, he'd been a father. Fiona was quiet now, so was their son, almost definitely Wesley. It had been scary to go through, holding Fi while she screamed, the midwives said she'd been relatively quiet, Adam hadn't agreed.

The baby shifted and cooed. Fiona's eyes flickered half way open. She shushed it.

"You alright?" Adam asked her softly, as soon as the baby was quiet again.

"I've had worse." She sounded so tired, he could read pain in the tendons of her neck.

"Coming from you, that doesn't mean much."

"Dear Pot," Adam smiled.

"Touché." He kissed her on the temple. "We won." She nodded once

"We won." There'd never been anything wrong with her. She'd always been whole, she'd always been perfect. She opened her eyes more fully, looking down at their son, joy lighting her face through her exhaustion.

"I love you." Adam whispered to her. "Both of you."

"Good." Fiona whispered back. "Because I love you too."


Thanks to my Mum (beta) for introducing me to Spooks, for persuading me to pen my fanfiction and stoically reading it all.

My Grandmother, for inspiring me to write (look for `Footsteps to Freedom` and `Broken Warrior` on Amazon. If I am ever half the writer she is, I will be very happy).

My Brother, for learning with me to manipulate characters and worlds together, in to stories which were never written, which no one else heard.

My Lord Jesus Christ for... well, everything. It would take me an age to write out.