Hey guys this fanfiction will have more chapters and the chapters will be longer yay!

Chapter 1

Sakura was at her house enjoying her afternoon when she heard a knock on her door she got up from the couch and went to the door she opened it to find Shizune carrying a blonde Sakura guessed her age was like 4 years old sleeping kid "hey Shizune who's the kid?" Sakura asked

"actually that's why I'm here you see this kid… is… Hokage Tsunade"

Sakura's jaw fell "that's Tsunade!" she asked shocked "what happen to her?"



"yes I've done it"

"what have you done?"

"well I've made a youth potion"

"dear god you sound like Lee talking about youth"
"ignoring you I'm gonna see if this works" Tsunade chugged down the potion down

"uhh Tsunade"


"you did make an antidote right?"

"no this is supposed to help peop-" before she could finish she started to shrink and then she stopped and was now 4 years old

"Tsunade are you okay?"

"who awe you?" Shizune automatically knew her mind regressed while drinking the potion

"what am I gonna do I don't know how to take care of kids?" then an idea hit her I know I can ask Sakura" then she left Tsunades office and went to Sakura's house

End of flashback

"so I need you to babysit Tsunade so I can figure out a cure plus do her paperwork but like she ever does it"

"well this technically isn't a mission so I would still have to train with my team and my parents are on a mission so what would I do about that"

"well you could take her with you just make sure she's safe while your training"

Sakura thought about then decided "alright I'll do it"

"yes thank you Sakura you're the best!" she handed the sleeping kid into Sakura's arms and left

"well it looks like you're in my hands now" Sakura placed her gently on the couch so she wouldn't wake her up and then put a blanket on her

30 minutes later Tsunade woke up looking scared "whewe am I?" Tsunade asked "whose house is dis"

Sakura heard her and walked over to the couch "well hello Tsunade"

"who awe you? whewe shizune?"

"Shizune had to work so I'm taking care of you" after she finished she heard Tsunade's stomach growl "are you hungry?" Tsunade nodded "let's get you something to eat do you like spaghetti?" she nodded again Sakura picked her up and placed her on a chair

Sakura got some spaghetti from her refrigerator added some tomato sauce put it on the spaghetti and pit it in the microwave for about a minute when it was done she took it out and placed it on the table "tank you" she was about to eat but then stopped

"whats wrong Tsunade?"

"I'm sowwy I nevew got youw name"

"oh of course my name is Sakura"

"hi Sakuwa tank you for taking cawe of me and making me dinnew"

"aww your welcome" Tsunade started to eat her dinner after she finished she had spaghetti sauce all over her face "hey you got a little something on your face" Sakura grabbed a napkin and wiped Tsunades face after that she picked her up and placed her on the floor "so do you want to do anything?"

"do you have any toys?"

"actually I still have some of my childhood toys in my closest hold on one second" Sakura ran upstairs in to her room opened her closest and found a few stuffed animals "perfect she grabbed a bunny, giraffe, and a hippo and brought them downstairs to Tsunade and placed all of them in front of her

Tsunade jumped up and down excitedly and grabbed the giraffe "tank you Sakuwa"

Sakura giggled because of how cute she sounded "your very welcome Tsunade"

Tsunade ran off with the giraffe imagining some kind of an adventure with it "wow youw coow Mw. Giwaffe you can fwy" she said lifting the giraffe up moving it

Sakura couldn't help but stare at Tsunade playing with the giraffe it was just so cute but Sakura decided it was time for something "hey Tsunade I think it's time for a bath"

"aww can't I pway fow 5 mowe minutes"

Sakura thinks she has some bubble bath stuff under her sink she went upstairs to check and she did (strangely) she went back downstairs and said "how about a bubble bath"

"a bubble bath"


"yea I want a bath now" she started jumping up and down excitedly Sakura giggled and picked her up and carried her to the bathroom she got out the bubble bath stuff from under the sink started the water for the bath after it was high enough she put the bubble bath stuff and squirted it in then when it got a little bit higher she turned the water off

"alright it's ready" she took off Tsunades clothes and put her in the bath where she automatically started playing with the bubbles after washing Tsunade with soap and shampoo she asked "do you want to get out now or stay a little longer?"

"I want to stay in a wittwe wonger pwease"

"alright" after 8 minutes Sakura came back in the bathroom "I think it's time to get out"

"aww" she said making a sad pouting face Sakura took her out and Tsunade was shivering like a chuwawa

"you see this is why I wanted you to get out now" she said as she wrapped a towel around her Sakura picked her up and placed her on her bed while she looked through her closet looking for some of her childhood PJ's luckily she found some "okay Tsunade I found something" she was holding a pink footie pajama with red hearts all over it and she put it on Tsunade and then gave her the giraffe she played with earlier and gave it to her "alright I'm gonna take a shower then we'll go to bed okay"


It took 10 minutes for Sakura to shower and brush her teeth she exited the bathroom put on some PJ'S then lifted the covers she decided to sleep with Tsunade "alright it's time for bed"

"good night Sakuwa, good nigh Mw. Giwaffe"

"good night Tsunade"

"you didn't say good night to Mw. Giwaffe"

Sakura giggled "good night Mr. Giraffe" she kissed Tsunade on her forehead which made her smile then she drifted to sleep Sakura closed her eyes wondering what tomorrow will be like
