Reviews for Babysitter Sakura
Guest chapter 2 . 1/9/2014
Remember to capitalize the beginning of every sentence. Don't forget to use commas! When Tsunade says "yea can I watch sailor moon?", she should really be saying "Yeah, can I watch Sailor Moon?"

Sailor Moon is capitalized because it's a title.

Otherwise, cute story. I'm a big fan of deaging.
SanDavis687 chapter 9 . 12/8/2012
I can't wait till the next chapter I wonder if tsunade will remember her little experience.
Guest chapter 6 . 12/6/2012
Keep writing more chapters This stuff is great
SanDavis687 chapter 8 . 12/8/2012
Wow I really like where this story is going great job ;)
thede-ager chapter 1 . 11/28/2012
Well one thing to answer your questions just keep reading
JuneGilbertVivianRaeven chapter 2 . 11/27/2012
Please watch the run on sentences. And you need to remember to capitolize the beginnings of sentences. Otherwise, I like your plot. Chibi Tsunade is cute! I want to see Jiraiya's reaction to his love's de aging. Will Tsunade get her memories back when she gets older? How will she age if there was no antidote?