Chapter 1: Lovely discovery

Rating: PG-13

Pairing: Asami/Akihito

Contains: mature language

Warnings: EXTREME ooc-ness, fluff, sex scenes.

Summary: Akihito gets pregnant, what will happen?

Disclaimer: I don't own the viewfinder series Yamane Ayano does.

My note: I don't know if I will add another chapter, it depends on if anybody likes it…

04/18 9:35

Akihito woke op noticing that once again Asami wasn't there, he decided to stay home that day he didn't have any jobs for the next week. He had been feeling sick for 2 weeks now. The first week wasn't too bad, he rarely had any problems with doing work. However the next week was different, he was hungry all the time his head hurt and his stomach felt funny. This Monday he had decided to take a couple of days of, his friends had said his sickness was probably from over exercising. He hadn't told Asami that he quit working for a while, afraid he would take advantage of him and fuck him every day. To keep up appearances he left Asami's apartment every morning pretending to go to work. While he actually when to the house of one of his friends to rest. He would leave in the evening when he felt like it.

When he got up he felt a strange feeling in his stomach. He had the vague feeling he had felt that before, but he decided to ignore it and take a shower. When he got out he noticed that his stomach was bigger than usual, he rubbed over it with his hand, 'had he gotten fatter?' Then it hit him, he knew how he knew this feeling!

When he was 17 he had a boyfriend. They loved each other dearly but it changed after they first had sex. Akihito had felt a strange feeling in his stomach, when he noticed it grew he started to get worried 'Was he sick or something?' He had told his lover about it and they went to hospital, Akihito was shocked about what they found out… He was a bearer, a male that could have children. He was one of the 8 males that could have children, the two boys had a fight about the baby. Akihito wanted to keep it but his lover didn't, having a child would be bothersome. He said he only liked males so that he would never have children. Akihito was furious, how could he say that! He wanted to keep the child and raise it alone…

He thought back to that time….

He was so happy, he was 8 months pregnant when it went wrong….

His ex-lover, his child's father suddenly appeared yelling and screaming telling him to abort the baby! He HATED that guy, how could he have fallen for him?! He screamed back and they got in a fight, suddenly the guy snapped, he grabbed Akihito smashed him against the wall making him pass out. He didn't remember anything after that, he had woken up in a hospital bed where a doctor told him he had lost the baby. He felt heartbroken, the child he had carried for 8 months was gone, KILLED by his own father!

He had sued the man and he had gotten his right. He was sentenced for 8 years in prison. Akihito had planned to visit him, when he heard he was killed after 5 weeks in prison. Akihito was shocked even if he had killed there child and treated him like shit, he still loved him and the idea of him dead because of Akihito made him shiver. He didn't go to his funeral, he couldn't show his face to that guys parents, it was his fault he had died.

End of flashback…

Akihito sighed, just thinking back made him depressed. But that wasn't important now. The matter at hand was that he might be pregnant again! He ran to the bedroom, grabbed pants and a shirt and he quickly dressed himself. Then he fetched his walled and ran to the elevator. He hurried to the mini market two streets away to buy a pregnancy test. He sprinted all the way back home and ran into the bathroom panting...

He stared at the stick in disbelieve, he had expected it but it was still a shock. He looked at the plus on the small screen and he growled. He was in deep shit, what was he going to tell Asami? "Hi welcome back, how was work? I am pregnant by the way…" Like that was going to work, he sighed again… He should have watched out better. He knew what the doctor had told him….


"Akihito-kun I would like to tell you something about your situation. Being a bearer is not the same as being female. Your body works about the same but it is different. For example, a woman can get pregnant every month, while you can only get pregnant one day every 2 ½ months."

Akihito looked surprised "I didn't know, are there any more differences?" The doctor smiled. "Not as important as this one, however most males that got children got twins, triplings or even more." Akihito looked shocked. "Thank you doctor, I will remember..."

End of flashback…

He got up, he needed to see his doctor to talk about this. He wouldn't tell Asami, it was way to awkward. The man always watched him anyway so why wouldn't he be doing it now. He just had to find out by himself. He wasn't sure what to do yet, but one thing he knew for sure: he wouldn't let anybody harm his baby, never again...

04/18 11:47

Akihito walked into the waiting room, it felt so nostalgic the last time he was here was 6 years ago. He walked to the counter. An old lady with white hair 'till her shoulder sat there. Akihito smiled, he recognized the old lady. She had helped him through his first pregnancy. She looked up, a smile appeared on her wrinkled face "Akihito-chan I haven't seen you since a while, how is it with your little girl? You suddenly stopped coming, did something happen?" Akihito smiled bitterly. He hadn't spoken or seen the old lady since he had lost his baby girl. He felt guilty, the old woman had given him so much care and help. She even took him in her house when he had an emotional period. That he had lost the baby would have brought her a lot of grief, so he hadn't told her.

Haruna-chan looked at him in worry, the kid had such a sad expressing on his face. She wondered what had happen to the cheerful happy boy? He had been overjoyed when he had first seen his daughter on the echo. But now nothing of that happiness was exposed on his face, just pain and grief. 'Akihito-chan? What happened?"

He looked up seeing the worried look of the old lady and he decided to tell her what had happened to his little girl…

She looked shocked when he finished talking, tears in her eyes. Akihito worried about that the old lady was this sad about his loss, it made him feel heartbroken. He watched the old lady as she whipped away her tear and smiled. "So why are you here today? I hope it's not just to see me?"

He smirked, the old lady had always been tough. "I am here to get take a pregnancy test, does Mira-san still work here?" She looked at the boy's belly softly smiling when she saw a tiny baby bump. "Yes she still works here I will make an appointment right away, do you want to have it today or another time?" "Today, if that would be possible."

She nodded and told him he could come back at 2:30 pm for his appointment. The old lady asked if he could wait for 10 minutes then she would have her break and they would be able to catch up about everything.

04/18 12:10

They entered the cafeteria together and took a seat at the table where they used to sit every Sunday. Haruna smiled "So tell me, who's the father?" Akihito blushed bright red at the question. He answered in a soft voice which made the old lade laugh "My lover…"

She gave him a worried look "I hope it's a nice person, does he treat you well?" Akihito wanted to give a honest answer but he couldn't. If he told the lady about their nightly activities she would disapprove, not to mention it was too embarrassing to say. He had no other chose but to avoid the question "I love him dearly," he said while turning even redder. The old lady smiled, that answer was good enough for her.

Akihito decided to ask the lady a question to get of topic "so what have you been doing?" The lady smiled, he could see the warmth in her eyes "I started dating someone…" Akihito was pleasantly surprised, he loved the old lady and had worried about her being single at her age. He decided to answer her the same question "Does he treat you well, do you love him?" She smiled. "He is going to be my future husband, and I love him dearly."

Akihito and the Haruna continued to talk until 4:56 pm when they suddenly noticed the time. They hurried back to the hospital so they would still be in time for Akihito's appointment.

When he walked into the room he saw Mira-san smile at him. He felled his heart skip a beat, he hadn't been this nervous in a while. He sat onto the bed and laid down. He hoped his baby was healthy, he wouldn't be able to suffer through another miscarriage. The old lady noticed his discomfort and softly squeezed his hand.

04/18 15:35

1 hour later, Akihito was sitting in a restaurant he had decided to spoil himself. He looked at the pictures on the table in front of him, his cute children. He was happy that they were all healthy. He had even cried when he heard the news, it was still too early to see the genders yet. He wondered what his children would look like, like him or like Asami. Akihito felt a warm feeling pass through his body, at the thought of his lover. He wondered if Asami would be a good dad, he smiled imagining Asami carry a baby boy or girl. Their baby boy or girl. The waiter brought his food and he decided to dig in.

04/18 15:55

At Asami's office…

He had just finished an annoying meeting with a politician. The man had been extremely annoying, he kept on nagging about nothing. He really needed a cigarette and his cute pet. He snapped his finger, 2 men came in immediately, one with a cigarette the other with a box. He smiled, he accepted the box while the other main lighted the cigarette. He waved to the door and the men hurried out. He opened the box containing a full rapport about his lover's actions and an envelope filled with pictures. He frowned; his boy had gotten a pregnancy test? Did he get someone pregnant? Asami got annoyed; did the boy cheat on him? He would make the kid explain this to him in detail when he got home.

04/18 17:21

Akihito unlocked the door and walked into the hall. While taking his shoes off he spotted Asami's shoes. He was surprised, Asami was never home this early. He walked into the dark living room, something was off. Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder, Asami's dark husky voice whispered in his ear "So my kitten is home? Could you explain to me what you did this morning?" Akihito shivered. He sounded angry, what was he angry about? He opened his mouth and slowly and whispered "work…"

Asami's grip tightened "What kind of work?" Akihito started to get scared, Asami was never aggressive against him outside of bed. What had he done this morning to make him this angry? He suddenly realized, he had bought the pregnancy test. But that wasn't a thing to get angry about right? What was going on in Asami's head?

Asami's POV

His kitten was still quiet, as if he was thinking up a excuse. It annoyed him, he had hoped that Akihito would get angry. Then he would have thrown him on their bed and fuck him all night. He would have made the kid tell him who he got pregnant. And gotten rid of the woman. But his plan wouldn't work if Akihito was this nervous. WHO THE HELL was this girl to get his kid in this state? He decided to get straight to the point, this wasn't going anywhere. He whispered into the brat's ear "Who was the pregnancy test for?"

Akihito's POV….

Akihito froze on the spot, Asami knew he had bought the test! It was to be expected, he hadn't looked out for any guards following him. He had been in such a hurry. He cursed himself, why hadn't he looked out better?! There was no going back now, he had to tell Asami. He softly turned around, so he could look into his lovers eyes. He opened his mouth "The test was for me" Akihito said in a trembling voice. Asami narrowed his eyes. Akihito noticed this. "I am pregnant." When Akihito said this Asami burst out in laughing "You're a male, you can't get pregnant. If you don't want to tell me you have to come up with a better excuse Takaba. " He was shocked Asami didn't believe him? And he called him by his last name. He was really angry. Akihito opened his mouth to explain "I am a bearer, I can have children."

Asami expression stayed blank, was the kid telling the truth? He had heard about males that were able to have children. He had never met one before. He stared at Akihito, his beautiful hazel eyes where filled with anticipation. He was waiting for his answer. He sighed, he had no other choice but to believe his pet "I want prove."

Akihito nodded, it was normal for him to want prove. He was happy Asami believed him. He opened his bag and took out the foto's, baby foto's from this morning. He handed them to Asami.

He stared at the pictures in his hands, was this really inside his pets belly? Akihito grabbed his hand and placed it on his belly with a smile. He felt a soft kick…

Another note: Just so you know Akihito is 2 1/2 month pregnant, not two weeks he just started to get morning sickness. Sorry for the confusion…