Reviews for The more the merrier (former: pregnant)
NikkiS71 chapter 13 . 4/30
So cute, but very crazy! The little was between Ryuichi's and Mayu is heating up. She actually free first blood! LOL! Wonder what will happen when the babies come? Mayu better watch herself. One false move around the babies, I'm sure Akihito will start to have a taste for roasted rabbit! I'm sure Asami won't mind that at all! LOL!
B reading U!
NikkiS71 chapter 11 . 4/30
Goodness! Mayu is actually an ASAMI! LOL! She acts just like him! LOL!
Too funny!

B reading U!
NikkiS71 chapter 8 . 4/29
The nursery sounds like a dream room! I must admit, I have had 2 sets of twins. First set a girl and a boy, the second twin girls. I fell in the trap of dressing my babies the same. Sometimes I would choose different colors, but it would be the same style of outfit. So cute!
I know that Aki is extremely cute as a girl.

B reading U!
NikkiS71 chapter 7 . 4/29
Poor Mayu! It's a good thing it was just a minor fracture. Had it been broken, in sure the doctor would have to put her to sleep. That's what they did to my niece's per rabbit a few years ago.
Dickpie? LOL! Akihito's vocabulary is so colorful! LOL... Where did THAT particular one come from? LOL!
NikkiS71 chapter 6 . 4/29
I love the pet rabbit! The fact that it acts like my dogs is extremely cute for soo many reasons!

Cute chapter!

B reading U!
Guest chapter 14 . 4/23
I can't really read it. There's something wrong with the text.
midnightlibra89 chapter 14 . 4/24
I believe your writing has improved with this newest update. I hope the less warm parts of Asami and Akihito's life won't prevent them from being happy. I'm glad to see that you wish to continue with this story. The first one always holds a special place.
emymonmon20 chapter 14 . 4/23
Welcome back
thanks for the updating it has been a long time since the story started we have been waiting and still support your story.
please don't keep us waiting for too long.
disp chapter 14 . 4/23
thx for continue this story stay health take care, i jope will be happy end
ChientzNimea2Wind chapter 14 . 4/22
I don't understand
autumncat210 chapter 14 . 4/2/2019
It was good
Guest chapter 14 . 8/12/2018
this sucked
BaeAdoreme chapter 14 . 2/5/2017
Are you going to countinue?
Guest chapter 14 . 1/13/2017
Two years. It's been TWO YEARS! Please update. I wanna know what's gonna happen.
JorunnaParva chapter 14 . 3/17/2016
You should have the ring say dilexit semper, it means 'always loved'.
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