A/N I'm finally posting the first two chapter of this story. I've been working on it for awhile. I would like to give a shot out to Malpal my wonderful Beta. She is an amazingly pateint woman and wonderful writer.

You're not touchin' em, you bastard. Your idea of helpin' people are cuttin' on little girl's brains and makin' em crazy as a loon." Jayne growled through gritted teeth, his stance defensive and ready to spring on the Alliance doctors who were attempting to gather the crew that lay broken in the base of Mr. Universe's Moon.

River gently walked over to Jayne. "They need surgery Jayne or they will die."

"Didn't ask your opinion Moonbrain. Let me do my job Dong Mah."

"Your job is to protect the crew, not allowing them to drift away forever. They all need more medical help than Inara and I can offer. We could care for Kaylee but she would endure more pain, while we helped. The Operative has sworn to us that they will be safe and looked after."

"Don't trust him none. He chased us all over this verse trying to catch you 'n your brother, think he's gonna high tail it stop know?"

"I'm fine. I will watch over everyone. You need looking after too, Jayne. If they don't remove the bullet lead poisoning and death will come to the mean grumpy man. Surely it is better to be cut on by a white coat."

"I don't want em touchin me, River." She had never seen the emotion that was in his eyes. He truly saw the Alliance as the big bad guys that they had always been, Jayne Cobb was a changed man, Miranda had seen to that.

"She will protect you all. Promise me you will let them take care of you. We need our man with girl's name to make the family whole."

"You're crazy Moonbrain. And just a bei bi shiou ren. My job is to protect the crew. And whether or not I like it you're crew. Damn it." He growled with frustration.

"I'm not that crazy anymore, and age is irrelevant, I've had my brain cut and dissected for these purple bellies fun, they made a weapon out of a girl. I just took out a room full of nightmares that no one should ever see. Eighteen may be my physical age, but the things I've lived through most will never go through and should not have to. I can protect this crew and I will with my life. Let me do this one thing to repay you all for protecting me."

Hearing what Jayne was thinking, River frowned and stomped her foot in frustration. "Oh Jayne let it go Ariel was a long time ago. You shouldn't think so ruttin loud." With those words she stormed past Jayne with a fierce look in her eye. A look that told Jayne she could easily back up her words with fierce and bone breaking action.

"Wo de ma. That was sexy." He breathed out in confusion.

With a new found understanding, he realized he had never hated the girl as he had thought for so long. In fact, it was quite the opposite. He saw something in her he could hold onto... Hands on his hips, he spat on the ground and shook his head wearily. He was humped/