A/N: Thanks so much to Irishbrneyes for betaing for me again. Your awesome. They share a sweet moment but they will have road bumps and still a slow burn. Please read review and get ready for more updates. Ashe

Re-uploading after it took all my spaces between paragraphs were removed for some reason. Hope this is easier to read.

Chapter 6
The Shooting

Jayne carried Mattie to the mule and gently laid her down in the back. The attack had left her weak and unable to walk on her He then picked up River, as if she were as light as a feather, and placed her on the passenger seat. Simon climbed into the back with Mattie to make sure she stayed stable. Jayne jumped into the driver seat and fired her up. Mal, Zöe and Kaylee rode in the other mule. Jayne drove carefully back to Serenity, not wanting to jostle Mattie anymore than necessary. Jayne radioed Mal. "Hey Mal why don't ya go on ahead and have Nara and Kaylee start gettin' the infirmary ready for the Doc." "Will do Jayne. See you on the ship." As Mal responded he and the rest of the crew passed Jayne. The night air had turned cold and at the rate that Jayne was driving it would take at least three hours to reach Serenity. Simon took off his jacket and laid it over Mattie who was shivering uncontrollably. If he couldn't get it under control than the TB would flare up again. River was shivering too, since she had left Mattie's sweater she had borrowed back at Ma's during the commotion. "Hey, Mooney, ya cold?" Jayne asked glancing at the young woman sitting next to him. "Yes. I suspect that the temperature has dropped twenty degrees since our journey to Ma's." River answered. Jayne rested his arm over the back of the seat and River scooted into the big man's side. He draped his arm around her shoulders and ran his hand down her arm to try and warm her up. Simon went to open his mouth, but then he saw how calm River was being, and the care that Jayne was taking of his mei mei in that moment. He decided that if they were truly happy, than he would just let it be.

Suddenly a hover car came out of nowhere, and shots were fired at them. Simon was hit in the front right shoulder area, and he screamed out in pain. "SIMON!" River shrieked. "What's going on baby doll!?" Jayne asked in panic as he drove into the woods for cover. "Man named Ellis is looking for Mattie; wants to finish what he started; shot Simon. It picked his right lung, Jayne! Mattie and Simon will both die if don't get back to Serenity immediately."
Jayne had grown up in these woods, so he knew them like the back of his hand. He drove twisting and winding through the woods of Tanis until he couldn't hear anymore gunfire. He wasn't about to let his little sister, or Simon, die! Not on his watch. So he headed for the Starlight river. If he headed up the stream and turned left at the waterfall, they should come out of the woods right behind Serenity. River reached for the com. "Captain Daddy! Is the infirmary ready to receive?" She asked in a small frightened child-like voice; her left hand clutching Jayne's shirt.
He had to abandon her in order to maneuver the mule through the woods. "It's gonna be okay. We're gonna save em'." He tried to reassure her while they waited on Mal's response. "It's ready to go. What's wrong 'Tross?" Mal asked when he heard the fear in River's voice. "I didn't hear them! We were followed from Ma's by a man named Ellis. He trying to kill Mattie, and he shot Simon in the process. His right lung was nicked by the bullet and we're at last ten minutes." River answered hurriedly.

Soon they were driving up the ramp of Serenity. Jayne quickly killed the engine, jumped down and had Simon up in a fireman's carry, headed toward the infirmary. River was right behind him, mentally preparing herself to save her brother's life. On the way to infirmary they ran into Mal and Inara. "Hey, Cap, Mattie is still in the mule. Could you grab 'er and bring her up here?." "On it." Mal said as he turned toward the Cargo Bay. He had never seen such a luck of concern in Jayne's eyes, and his poor 'Tross rushing around to save her big brother's life, and Jayne's sister.
River was finally able to get the surgery started. She wasn't a doctor, and it wasn't something she had studied in depth, but she was able to read Simon, even while he lay on the operating table. The only thing that came before his prestige medical training was River, Kaylee and their "family" aboard Serenity. Kaylee was trying to help, but she kept breaking down into tears. "She can't save Simon if the "machine" doctor can't calm down." River stated. Jayne understood what she meant. He wrapped his arm around Kaylee, while guiding her out of the infirmary. Once outside she began to sob uncontrollably, and her knees buckled. If Jayne hadn't been there to catch her she would've fallen. "Hey mei mei, it's gonna be okay. River's doing all she can and Nara's helping too. What do ya say, let's go get us some of your engine brew and have ourselves a drink." Jayne said guiding Kaylee toward the mess hall. He swore he could hear River's voice ghost "thank you." across his mind. If that was the case maybe all he had to do was think back.

Mal and Zöe kept an ever-present watch on River and Inara as they worked on Simon. Jayne headed back after he got a few drinks into Kaylee, and got her settled into her hammock. "Is he gonna make it?" Jayne asked Mal. "I don't know, Jayne. It's bad, according to the look on River's face, and that's all I need. You mind if I ask you a few questions about what's going on, on this gorram rock?" Mal said without give Jayne much of a choice. "Guess not, Mal." "First, what in the hell happened here?" "My pa was tie miners' spokesperson, I'd guess you'd call him that. Anyways, he wanted better pay for the hard work they did and when he got close to find somethin' out 'Ol Dug Spade had the mines blown. My pa was kilt along with best friend and his older brother. I got whiskey drunk when I was fourteen, and shot the bastard in the dead of night." Jayne answered with a sigh. "I understand that. What's up with Mattie and her son?" Zöe asked this time. "Atlas Keg was the other man killed with my pa, and Alex was his son. He had another boy Aaron. He was the youngest boy; a good kid. Mattie said he was killed in a mining accident, which tells me it wasn't no damn accident. Ellis, the man Riv said was after her, he takes care of Spade's dirty work. My guess is that they wanna 'get ridda of all the Cobbs and Kegs since we've caused so much trouble." Jayne answered angrily. He was going to care of the Spade's and Ellis for once and for all. "I take it we're doing more than a job here?" Mal asked. "I ain't leavin' my family to deal wit' the shit I started Mal. I can't!" Jayne answered honestly. "I can respect that, and I'll back ya." Mal said clapping his merc on the back, and shaking his hand. There had been a time not so long ago, when Mal would have turned tail and left this rock letting him stay if he wanted, but Jayne was family now, and like Jayne had all but said, you didn't let family down, or go.
When Inara came out her hands were covered in blood. Her normally well-kept hair was messed up, and she looked worn and haggard. "Is he gonna make it?" Mal asked with true concern. "He's critical, but stable, and River said he should make a full recovery. She's asking for Jayne." Inara said. Mal walked over to her, and put his arm around her, guiding her to the kitchen to fix her some tea.

Jayne walked into the infirmary, and River ran to him growing small body into his large arms. "She almost lost him!" She sobbed into his chest. "You did good Moonbrain. You saved me." Jayne said as he ran his hands through her dark chocolate curls. "Not her gege! She almost lost her zing xiong! The bullet was meant from him. The bringer of death did not perceive the girl as a threat, or the doctor. Kill you, kill the girl, kill the Core you, and then finish what he started." River sobbed out. "Nobody's gonna kill me, baby." Jayne said picking her up and cradling her into his chest. He felt so proud of her. If only River knew that she was his hero. He would have been lost if not her. Zöe stood watching the scene, and she was reminded of her own lost love. She would back the couple as soon as they figured it. "Will her stay with her tonight?" River pleaded. "I'm here Xio Mei. You ain't got nothing to worry about." Jayne said softly. He sat her down and she busied herself with checking on Simon. Jayne went and got several blankets to make them a pallet for the night. Mattie was occupying the other exam table. Jayne kicked his shoes off, and laid down stretching out. "Mooney, go get ready for bed, I'll watch over Doc." Jayne said. "Thank you." River replied. She came back wearing a blue night-gown that came down to her ankles and her hair brushed out. "He is not comfortable." "I'm jus' fine baby girl." Jayne said sleepily. "Take your shirt off." River demanded. Jayne did as he was told. He lay back down and turned his back to her. He didn't trust himself to face her. "Will you hold me?" River asked scared. Jayne sighed and turned over. Somewhere along the way he had lost the will to deny her anything. He opened his arms, and she crawled into them. He folded his big strong arms around her, and held her tight. She snuggled deeply into his chest. The hair tickled her nose and his chest felt firm and strong. His heartbeat was steady, comforting, and it beat true. She saw the scar she had giving him, and kissed it before she could stop herself. Jayne's heart fluttered at the contact.

"Baby, you need to stop before you start something." Jayne growled deep within his chest. "What if she doesn't want to stop it?" River answered honestly. "You deserve better than an old, used up merc, River Doll." Jayne answered sadly. He had known he had been developing feelings for the slip of a girl for a while now, and had held them at bay, but having her in his arms, and laying feather light kisses on his chest was almost too much for the man. "Jayne, we will go slow, but I want this." River pleaded. Jayne knew he couldn't deny her. "Alright baby girl, but you have to let me set the pace okay? I ain't ever been in a real gorram relationship before." Jayne confided in her. "She hasn't either, but she can trust her Jayne with dark secrets. Things that not even Simon cam know. Can I have a goodnight kiss?" Shed asked. Jayne moved his hands so that her head was held tenderly in his large rough calloused hands. It had been years since he kissed a girl on the lips, and he was terrified. He leaned in, and started the kiss slow, just his lips touching hers. River flicked her tongue out, asking for invitation, Jayne understood as he parted his lips. God help him, she tasted like the sweetest honey he had ever had. He kissed her passionately and deeply for several minutes before braking the kiss. "Soul meets soul on lover's lips." River whispered with reverence. Jayne smiled and pulled her closer. For the first time since leaving the Academy she slept without nightmares plaguing her mind and Jayne slept with peace in his heart, and his past did not haunt him.
Simon woke the next morning, and saw his mei mei in the arms of a shirtless merc. Simon's first reaction was to bay for his blood, but he thought of his unlikely love with the mechanic and realized how at peace his little sister looked. "This must be what going mad feels like." Simon thought before he shut his eyes once more.