You know you're life is gonna be messed up when you wake up in another era….in another world.

Mine is turning out that way. I was home, now I'm in the desert with no idea how I got here and why. You're all wondering what the hell I'm talking about right? Let me just back it up for you to how my day went.

~~~~A day earlier~~~~~

Just your normal girl, living her normal life. I get up and work, then go home, play games and die in my bed. I moved out of my parents house around 19 after I finished paying off my car. I share this apartment with my best friend Jane. We been pretty good friends since high school freshman year.

So let's start the story after work….In the morning.

I work 3rd shift security. Its tiring and boring really. I don't do any or those action shit you see on t.v. I'm just a girl in a big security jacket, sitting on a chair in a post. So I get off around 8 in the morning.

"Hey Alice, anything interesting happen tonight, or did you just stare at your feet the whole time?" Jane was in the kitchen making coffee for when she goes off to work.

"Neh…I had movies to watch, kept the night going for sometime." I took off my shoes and jacket off before heading to my room. Jane comes into my room and sits down on my bed with a cup of coffee in her hand. "You need to watch this new anime. Well read it as well, there is a bit more out in manga then the anime. But its good and new and different! You should watch it and tell me what you think." I only stared at her with my eyebrow raised before shaking my head and yawn.

"I'll care to read, watch or whatever later. I wanna sleep right now. I had a hard time staying awake last night and just wanna pass out now." I stated in a tired voice. Changing into my pjs and pushing my friend out the door before crawling into bed.

Now my friend is a big fan of animes and manga. Not to say I'm not interested in them, I just don't get into them as much as she does. Lately she been getting into some new anime called Magi. Jane has been pushing me into reading it and then watching it. I promised to watch it with her sometime, but right now all I wanna do is drift off into dream world.

That morning, something came to me in my dream. Usually I can't remember dreams, but this one stayed with me.

I open my eyes to see I was in front of a tall tower. It was beautiful, decorated with gold and white stones. Around was just a desert, nothing but sand blowing everywhere as far as I can see. I felt a sudden need to enter it, but I was too scared to so I took a step back. This…this isn't a normal tower, something was off. I took a few more steps back from it before tripping and falling onto the hot sands. I want to run away, no I need to run away. I stand up as fast as I can and turn on my heel to run but a sudden voice came into my head.

"You can't go far if you don't gain one."

I turn around and scan the area to pin point where the voice came from. "w-who said that? What do you mean "gain one"?" I waited to hear another voice. It never came again and soon the world around me crumbled before I fell into darkness.

"Gahh! Oof!" I rub my head and find myself on the floor. Jane walks through the door and stares at me before laughing. "Oh yeah that's sexy Alice" I glared at her before standing up and rubbed my head. "I had a weird dream…and I can remember it in full details, ow" I yawn and look at the time. It was 3:46 pm, eh enough sleep for now.

"Weird dream huh? Come on I made food. Tell me over spaghetti" She leaves out of my room and I follow after her. I walk into the kitchen and see a colorful DVD cover. I picked it up and read the title. "Magi. Is this the anime you wanted me to watch?" I look over Jane who was making my plate.

"Yeah! I was gonna make you watch it when you awoke. Come I have your bowl, let us watch it. It's pretty cool." She takes the DVD out of my hands and into the living room with her bowl, I grab mine and follow her to where she eagerly places the DVD in and jumps onto the couch before hitting play. So then I began to watch this anime, which isn't bad. I think the drawing style is pretty cute and very light, even though it has soacesme darkness to it. Aladdin was pretty cute with a perverted side to him, I like him. He be pretty fun to have as a little brother, though I can see me being the one to kick his ass whenever he does something perverted.

But it wasn't until Alibaba and Aladdin got close to the tower did I freak. "Pause PAUSE!"

Jane jumped from my sudden burst and paused it before looking at me confused. "What's wrong?" I just stared at the screen before looking at her. "That tower…My dream, I was by a tower like that and I didn't wanna go into it. Suddenly a voice from nowhere told me I needed something." Jane just looked at me like I was on drugs. "Well…that is weird…but you always have weird dreams. I mean come on, you had a dream of surfing on a chocolate bar to save some random child." I puff my cheeks at her, just as I was about to say something, a weird noise came from the T.V. "Did…you hear that?" I asked, looking over at Jane who had the face that said I-have-no-idea. Just then, the T.V. Brightens intensely at us, causing us to cover our faces. Soon that was about all I remember before waking up from the heat of the sun on my back…Maybe also it doesn't help that someone was poking my back. I looks around my surrounding , or the best I can do with the sun blazing down on me, making it hard to see. I turn to look to see who was poking me, about to tell them off before I froze into place…

Wait…Isn't this…Aladdin?!