((This is my first fan fic! I would greatly appreciate reviews/comments and I will try to keep updating consistently. I hope my plot doesn't seem too dry, but I will keep writing and I promise it gets better! I have a general idea of where this is going, Thanks for reading! Oh yeah, the plot is manga based bc i thought having them closer in age works a bit better for their characters and I'm using the dub names bc I'm used to those except I do like it when he calls her Usako... ))

She trudged home after receiving another failed exam back. Her mother was not going to be happy. Maybe she'd get kicked out this time? Oh well...

Even though Serena was 14, her life was hard. On the outside everyone saw the bubbliest most optimistic and carefree girl you could ever meet. But appearances lie, and there was definitely more to Serena.

Yes she was happy but that didn't mean she was never sad. She was the only one of her four other friends who was single. She began to see less of them when one of them had began dating, so that only made her more aware of what she didn't have. She longed for a lovey-dovey walk in the park, sharing ice cream, and if meant having someone who loved you, Serena would even consider a going on a study date.

Her optimism was easily her best quality. She was the most loyal friend you could have, and yet there she was, a beautiful blonde and actually friendly young lady who could not for the life of her attain a boyfriend.

What kinda world is this? I can't even get a date. I guess that doesn't even matter anymore, I wouldn't be able to go seeing as how mama is going to ground me 'till I'm 18 when she sees this? She sighed; she continued walking home, distracted by her thoughts, almost crossing the street during a red light.

In a blur she was in someone's arms. Strong muscular arms that felt familiar, she knew she was safe. A truck zoomed by and Serena realized she had just in fact been saved, but when she turned around to thank her savior, there was no one there. The bustling city paid no attention to the frozen girl on the sidewalk.

Trudging along, she resumed her walk home. She walked past the Crown arcade, and inside caught a glimpse of her daily tormentor. He happened to be looking in her direction and she turned away, continuing her walk back home. She missed the frown that appeared on his face, and he began to wonder if the incident earlier had left her in a state of shock. His favorite Odango would never pass by without stopping in for a milkshake, he knew something was wrong.

After contemplating whether or not to go after her, he decided he would not be able to quell his curiosity. He bid farewell to Andrew, but then decided to order a milkshake.

"A milkshake? For you?" Andrew was sure he had heard wrong.

"I thought I'd order one. Break the old routine." Darien couldn't think of anything else to say.

In the blink of an eye, Andrew had the milkshake ready, and as Darien stepped out the door, he heard Andrew yell, "It's chocolate, her favorite!"