Hyperdimension Neptunia: The Shinobi of Balance

A Naruto/Hyperdimension Neptunia Collab. Crossover Story

A/N 1:Howdy folks ! Satsujinki Nanaya here with my bro to bring you a new chapter of this collaboration fic of ours, I am sorry we took so long but between our other story , which we hope to update soon too, life and a pile of video-games yet to play … well we had our hands full ; anyway here's it hope y'all enjoy it as much as we did writing it and don't hesitate to let us know your opinion Laters !

A/N 2: Yo, everyone! Nanaya Zero here, and I'm proud to finally present to you the next chapter of "The Shinobi of Balance"! Sorry this took so long. College has been a pain, as well as trying to breathe life into my other projects. However, here we are now. Hope you enjoy this chapter!

Disclaimer: We do not own Naruto or Hyperdimension Neptunia. They belong to their rightful owners. We are not making any money off of this work of fiction, either. This is just being written for fun.

Disc 001 – New Beginning

Silence reigned supreme throughout the area as the blond jinchuuriki looked on at the girl standing before him, all while his mind was running a mile a minute. He knew what this kind of situation could lead to, thanks to his time training under the Gama Sennin, Jiraiya. He liked being able to walk upright, thank you very much!

'Oh, real smooth there, idiot...' He thought to himself sarcastically, 'That was really the most convincing thing you could've said...'

"What do you mean, mister? Why are you carrying an unconscious girl around in the middle of the night?" The girl asked, tilting her head slightly to the side in confusion.

'Okay, she's not jumping to conclusions. Good... Now to pray I don't screw this chance up!' Naruto thought with a bit of hope welling up inside him before answering the question.

"Well, you see... I was passing through not too far from here when I heard a loud noise. I came over here to investigate, and found this girl..." He gestured to the unconscious lavender-haired girl he was holding at this point. "... with her head in the ground and looking pretty beat up. So, being the gentleman I am, I freed her and was about to get her some medical assistance." With that said, silence reigned once more for several moments.

'… Okay, that sounded way less unbelievable in my head...' Naruto thought, resisting the urge to facepalm for not thinking of a good cover-up story. The girl looked on at the blond with an unreadable expression on her face, before...

"So, you were just casually passing by and heard a loud noise that seemed to be created by the girl you're carrying, and decided to help her because she was injured?" The girl summarized the blond's words with a suspicious tone in her voice, causing him to begin to sweat nervously a bit.

'I've heard enough of that tone of voice to know where this is going... Dammit, Ero-sennin! I know that you set this up from beyond the grave somehow! When I meet you up there, I'm kicking your ass!' The blond cursed mentally, before closing his eyes and bracing himself for the inevitable beat down. After a few moments of waiting for pain that never came, the blond was surprised to see the girl with her hands clasped together in front of her chest with a delighted expression on her face.

"Mister, you are so nice! Going out of your way to help a total stranger... Why, if only there were more people like you, who aren't creepy molesters!" The girl gushed, earning a sweatdrop from Naruto.

'She actually believed me..? Is this girl for real..?' He wondered silently while looking to the girl before him with a shocked expression.

"Oh, how rude of me..." The girl began to speak, bringing Naruto out of his thoughts. "I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Compa. It's nice to meet you, mister!" With that said, Compa gave a light polite bow.

"It's nice to meet you too, Compa-san. I'm Uzumaki Naruto. Though, don't worry about any formalities with me." He replied with a slight grin upon realizing that this girl wasn't going to hurt him. At least, not intentionally.

It was then that the girl Naruto was carrying reminded the two of her presence by groaning a bit and muttering something incomprehensible. Compa looked to her as if she had just remembered that there was someone present who needed medical attention.

"Oh! We need to provide her with medical attention!" Compa began, worry clear in her tone of voice. "If you could Naruto-san, please follow me. I'm a nurse in training, and my house is closer than the hospital. I can at least give her first aid so her condition doesn't get worse!" Naruto raised an eyebrow at this statement, before nodding.

"Alright. Lead the way, Compa-san... Though, please don't call me 'Naruto-san'. Just 'Naruto' will do." The blond replied, before Compa began to lead the way to her home.

15 minutes later, Compa's Home...

After arriving at a cosy looking cottage with a peachy-cream color scheme, Compa guided Naruto to the bed, where he set the unconscious girl down gently... Albeit with some difficulty, due to the vice-like grip she had on his shirt.

"Okay, Naruto." Compa began, earning a sigh from the blond, "I have to make sure this girl's condition doesn't worsen, so I'll need you to leave the room for a bit." Nodding, Naruto headed towards the living room and sat down on the nearby couch.

'This is probably a good time to go over everything that's happened... But, I think it'd be better to get some rest first... Damn, I'm tired...' The fatigue from everything leading up to his current situation finally hitting him like a ton of bricks, Naruto allowed himself to lay down on the couch and quickly drift off into dream land...

Naruto's Dreamscape...

When he opened his eyes again, the teen shinobi found himself back in a dark void once more. A fact that he could only say one thing about.

"Sonova'... Not again!" Just as he was about to start cursing this turn of events, a gentle, calming female voice rang out.

"Please, do not feel alarmed." A gentle, decidedly female voice rang out through the void. Naruto raised an eyebrow before assuming a ready stance.

"Who's there? Show yourself!" He demanded, looking around in an attempt to find the source of the voice. However, it was a futile effort. He couldn't see anything in this darkness.

"I am sorry if I have startled you, but I mean no harm to you." The voice began, causing the blond to relax a bit. There was just something... Refreshingly sincere about this voice. Naruto snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the voice began to speak again.

"Sadly, I am unable to show myself... However, I trust you are the one Kami sent to aid us in our crisis?" Upon hearing the voice's question, Naruto allowed himself to fully leave his battle-ready stance.

"I'm guessing you're the friend Kami told me about?" He asked, as couldn't help but shake the feeling that the source of the voice nodded in response.

"That is correct. I am Histoire. I am the world's everything, and the world's everything is me." The now-identified Histoire introduced herself, before continuing to speak once more. "I offer you my thanks for choosing to help me without knowing what to expect."

"Yeah... I guess I couldn't leave a world in danger..." A sad smile made its way onto the blonde's lips after saying that as he recalled the events leading to him arriving in this world. The silence that followed only served to worsen the guilt Naruto was feeling, eating away at his soul... But as always, he masked his pain with a grin and air of cheerfulness.

"Anyways, can you tell me more about the situation and this world?" He asked. Histoire gave a slight hum, sensing that something was off about the blond's cheerful attitude, before answering.

"Of course. The world you now reside in is called Gamindustri, and it is divided into four continents: Planeptune, Lowee, Leanbox, and Lastation. Each continent has its own general theme in society, with Planeptune being the most futuristic, Lastation being more industrial, and Leanbox and Lowee having more of a medieval fantasy theme." Histoire explained, earning a nod of understanding from Naruto.

"Each of the continents have a goddess known as a Console Patron Unit, or CPU for short, to watch over and protect it. Normally, the CPUs reside in Celestia, the holy land that is situated above the four landmasses. From there, the CPUs offer protection from monsters in exchange for the faith the people of the landmasses give them." At this point, Naruto chose to speak up.

"So, let me get this straight... This world has four continents, each with their own goddess to worship in exchange for protection from monsters?" Naruto asked, trying to summarize what he heard as much as possible.

"That is correct. However... A problem has arisen with this system of protection..." Histoire began, "Lately, the four goddesses have begun to fight for the title of 'True Goddess', and as a result, a great evil was able to infiltrate Celestia and forced the four CPUs to retreat to their respective landmasses." At this, Naruto couldn't help but sigh.

"Wonderful... It's going to be like dealing with another Great Shinobi War..." He groaned, before sensing a bit of confusion on Histoire's end of the connection. Seeing nothing to lose in explaining, the blond proceeded to sit before taking a deep breath and beginning to give a full explanation as to what his home world had been like. From the Bijuu to the five Kages, and even the four Great Shinobi Wars, Naruto left nothing out. And by the time he had finished, he could easily feel a bit of sorrow from Histoire.

"I... am sorry to hear what your world has been through... And as much as I do not want to admit it, I can see exactly what you meant... And I fear it is all my fault." Histoire replied. Naruto raised an eyebrow upon hearing this, but chose not to pry on the matter. Instead, he offered a reassuring grin—even though he wasn't sure if Histoire could see it or not—and struck his chest proudly with his right fist.

"Hey, don't worry. As long as I'm around, I'll make sure that nothing like that comes to pass! That's a promise of a lifetime, and Uzumaki Naruto never goes back on his word!" The jinchuuriki exclaimed, some of his usual optimism and bravado shining through once more. Histoire couldn't help but feel reassured upon hearing Naruto's words.

"Thank you, Naruto-san... You have no idea how much it means to me to hear that." Histoire replied, before sensing that her connection with the blond was weakening. "I am afraid that our conversation must stop here for now. My strength is beginning to fade..." Naruto was about to ask something more, but was quickly cut off.

"Forgive me for not being able to answer all of your questions, Naruto-san... However, I know we will meet again soon. And if you need to know more of the situation... Just ask Neptune, the girl you saved." Naruto could only nod as the world around him began to fade to white...

Back in Reality, the next morning...

Slowly opening his eyes, Naruto was forced to blink several times to adjust to the lighting of his surroundings. Pushing himself up into a sitting position, the young shinobi proceeded to stretch a bit to get any kinks out of his joints before standing up.

"Whew... That conversation aside, that was easily the best rest I've had in a while." He said to himself, only to pause when the sounds of a mild struggle reached his ears, accompanied by an unfamiliar voice...

"Huh? H-hey, hold on, slow down! Be carefu-"

"I don't want it to come loose, or you'll trip over it! Hmph, hah! There!" That was unmistakably Compa's voice. Curiosity overriding common sense, Naruto proceeded to head over to the door leading to Compa's bedroom—where the noise was coming from—and opened it up... Only to promptly blush brilliantly at the sight that greeted him.

After all, no matter how powerful a shinobi he was, there was nothing that could have prepared him for what could only be described as medical bondage. The girl he had saved—Neptune, if he recalled the conversation properly—yowled in pain as Compa continued to try and treat her superficial wounds.

"This is waaaay too tight..! I'm gonna' snap! Can't breathe... Can't make... more... comments!" She managed to gasp out. Naruto would have found the situation somewhat humorous if his brain hadn't temporarily shut down from sensory overload.

"Nep-Nep? … Did I wrap it too tight after all? Please get a hold of yourself! I'll unwrap you right n-ahh!" Compa began to say, only to be cut off as she wound up getting tangled up in the bandages as well, and in a not-so-modest position to boot.

"It's tighter now!" Neptune began, desperation clear in her tone of voice. "You're just tangling us both up... Stooop! Gimme scissors... Gimme... now..! Just put 'em in my hands, and I'll do it myself...!" Complying with Neptune's demand, Compa managed to grab the scissors from nearby and handed them over to the lavender-haired girl, who immediately began to cut away at the bandages...

… Only for both of the girls to jump in surprise when a "thud" rang throughout the room. Let it be known that Uzumaki Naruto, for the first time in his life, felt what it was like to be on the receiving end of something akin to his Oiroke no Jutsu.

10 Minutes Later, Compa's living room...

After the two girls managed to get free from the bandage wrappings and Naruto had woken back up, the trio sat around the coffee table in the middle of Compa's living room.

"Ahem..." Neptune began, "So, I was thinking while you were wrapping me in bondages... Where am I? And who's the catboy-wannabe over there?" She asked, earning an indignant "Hey!" from Naruto upon hearing her (unintentional) jab at his whisker marks. Compa, on the other hand, became a bit flustered upon hearing what Neptune had called her treatment.

"Th-they're bandages!" After taking a quick breath to calm down a bit—and failing to do so—Compa continued on to answer the questions. "We're in the Central City of Planeptune, and he's Naruto. He's the one who saved you by helping me bring you here!" At this, Naruto grinned sheepishly and scratched the back of his head.

"I see... Well, thanks for the save, Mister Whiskers!" Neptune said cheerfully, causing a tickmark to develop on the blond's forehead.

"Can you please just call me Naruto? It's bad enough I was born with these marks, I don't need people to give me nicknames based on them..." He grumbled the last part, earning a giggle from Compa.

"Anyways," Neptune continued on speaking, "I remember someone mentioning the world below?" At this, Compa looked back to Neptune with a warm smile.

"Yes, that's absolutely right, Nep-Nep. This is one of the major landmasses beneath Celestia." She explained, only to cause a question mark to proverbially appear above Neptune's head.

"One of the landmasses? So there are several?" Neptune questioned. However, this time it was Naruto who chose to answer. It wouldn't hurt his chances of blending in, thanks to his conversation with Histoire.

"Yeah. There are four major landmasses here in the lower world. Planeptune, Leanbox, Lastation, and Lowee." The blond trailed off, realizing that he had forgotten to ask Histoire about how the people of the different landmasses commuted when the need arose. Thankfully, Compa picked up where he had left off.

"Sometimes they float closer to one another, and other times they drift away. Remember?" At this, Neptune gained a cheerful look. A look that filled Compa with hope that the girl actually remembered something...

"Nope, not at all! Planeptune? Landmasses? Rings no bells for me." … And that was the sound of Compa's hopes being brilliantly dashed. However, this gave the cream-pinkette an idea.

"Maybe you're suffering from amnesia... I've never seen a case in person. How original! Maybe you bumped your head..." She wondered aloud, earning a deadpan look from Naruto.

"Uh... Compa-san, she DID bump her head. Did you forget how I found her?" He asked, causing the pinkette to smile sheepishly as a sweatdrop ran down the back of her head.

"Yeah, I did actually..."

"Amnesia, huh? Isn't there medication or something for that?" Neptune asked, only to get a nervous smile from Compa, while Naruto remained silent.

"No, not for amnesia. It's usually only temporary. I'm sure your memories will start coming back to you eventually!" The pinkette began, "My Grandpa always told me, 'Fancy may kill or cure!' So get some sleep, take it easy, and you'll be better in no time." At this point, Naruto sweatdropped at the rather... unique phrase Compa's grandfather had shared with her. However, at this point Neptune gained an confused look on her face.

"... Get some sleep? I feel like someone asked me to do something while I was unconscious..." After a few moments of silence, Neptune perked up. "Yeah! Someone was crying out for help... in my dream!"

At this, Compa offered a slightly puzzled smile. "In your dream? Then it's not real." Naruto, on the other hand, knew better. His conversation with Histoire was proof—to him, at least—that what Neptune was saying was true.

"Oh, you never know! It was really weird... I betcha' it was someone far away went like 'pa-choo'," Neptune made a weird gesture at this point to go with her little 'sound effect', "and sent me a telepathic message, y'know?" It was at this time that Naruto chose to speak up again.

"Compa-san, Neptune-san is probably speaking the truth. I had a similar dream last night." He said, and to his surprise... Compa didn't give him a strange look. Instead, she adopted a thoughtful pose.

"It's possible... Actually, many places, Planeptune included, are being threatened by more and more monsters lately. The military forces failed to keep them from appearing... We can only defend ourselves and keep them at bay now." Compa explained, a bit of a sad look crossing her features.

"Then... There must be a boss character generating all the monsters somewhere in this world! I bet my mission is to go defeat that boss and save the world!" Neptune exclaimed, earning a sweatdrop from Naruto.

'She dreams awfully big, doesn't she..? Not like I'm one to talk, though...' The blond thought to himself with a slight chuckle.

"You may be right about the boss character, but nobody has seen or heard anything like that..." Compa replied, before a serious expression adorned her face. "How will you find it? This is irrational, dangerous, and absolutely impossible!" At this point, Naruto stood up and struck his chest proudly with his right fist.

"Hey, nothing's impossible, Compa-san! Hell, I've pulled off a lot of miracles on my own in the past, so imagine what we can accomplish by working together! Besides, nothing'll get done if we just sit here. Someone's gotta' take initiative, and strike while the iron's hot!" He declared, a confident smirk playing on his lips.

"I agree with Naruto!" Neptune cheered, jumping to her feet as well. "Plus, I can't ignore something like this once I've noticed it!" Now, it was Compa's turn to stand up, albeit somewhat nervously.

"I believe Grandpa did have a saying like that. Yes, that's right! I wanted to be a nurse to save people! So, why would I save the injured, but not those being threatened by monsters? How impolite of me!" The pinkette exclaimed, earning a mild sweatdrop from the other two present.

"Nep-Nep, Naruto... I'm not the strongest, but I'll help! Three is better than two!" Hearing this, Naruto raised an eyebrow, wondering just how the girl was planning on defending herself.

"You will?!" Neptune exclaimed, snapping Naruto out of his musings. "Don'tcha have school? You're not in the middle of anything like summer vacation, right?" She asked, hope clear in her eyes.

"Right, but... This city's population has been declining due to monsters eating them. Students are leaving school out of fear, so it's closed down for now. Classes are suspended until further notice." Compa replied, a warm smile on her face. Naruto couldn't help but wonder how the hell she could talk about things like that with a genuine smile...

"Oh, that sucks, but that means you can camp out, right? Goodie! Let's go find the dungeon where the boss is waiting!" Neptune cheered, earning a sweatdrop from Naruto once more.

'Well, at least they're optimistic...' Naruto thought, a small smile making it's way onto his features. 'And as long as I'm around, I'll make sure to resolve this crisis and help out where I can!'

So it was with new found determination that the trio consisting of Naruto, Neptune, and Compa set out from the apartment in search of a place where a boss could be residing... What would await them on this new adventure? Only time would tell...

Disc 001 – New Beginnings... End

Chapter Soundtrack:

1. Humoresque of a Little Dog (Earthbound/Mother 2 Original Soundtrack)

-Conversing with Compa and the Trip Home

2. In The Moonlight (EVER AFTER-Tsukihime Reproduction Soundtrack-)

-Meeting Histoire

3. Track 15 (Princess Waltz OST)

-"Medical Bondage"

4. Soul Survive (Devil Survivor OVER CLOCK OST)

-Psyching up for the Adventure and Departure