
"-. .-"

So I was going to bed one night, not long after I finished chapter 68 of my other story, and the idea for an absolutely batshit insane Harry Potter fanfic, of all things, wormed its way into my head and just would not let me sleep. It's even worse than my Dragon Age / Warhammer 40000 crossover mind egg, which is saying something.

So I figured I may as well carry out a bit of catharsis and write down what came to me, and the result was the start of a story in which I will attempt to somehow use a bloody deus ex machina to make a narrative more interesting rather than silly.

And why not, I'll explore the idea of divine intervention too while I am at it.

So what will be part of this mess?

-Characters? Lots. Some you won't expect, some you definitely will.

-Time travel-done by none of the actual characters, bizarrely enough (not counting Time Turners).

-Heavy handed "forced salvation". None... I hope.

-A deliberately slow-going beginning (as in, the first 10 paragraphs or so).

-A huge mix between different esoteric concepts and JK Rowling's magic.



-A proactive and rather bold approach to dealing with Voldemort and wizarding bigotry.

Well, that's all I've got for now. This story will be even more of an experiment than the other one, just so you know.

Pardon my egress.

Carry on.