This fic is a little taster of one I fully intend to write, which shall follow the series. It includes my OC, The Angel, AKA Psia, the Doctor's wife. The premise is that she has been traveling with him all the way through the show, from his first regeneration to the present. They got married when the Angel was 103, and the Doctor was 109, and I imagined that they eloped in the TARDIS, after the Angel saw it in the museum. Eloping just seemed like the way the Doctor would marry somebody. Anyway, I have never actually seen a fic where the Doctor has a Timelady wife that didn't get trapped on Gallifrey or, separate from him for years.

So, for Rose lovers, sorry, but the Doctor is already completely and utterly taken. There will also be no Rose being a jealous bitch to the OC, for Rose haters, as Rose will view her as a big sister or something similar.

This fic shall contain little one shots, serious or cute moments with the Angel and the Doctor, not sneak peeks as such, but just becoming familiar with the character. Will contain multiple regenerations.

Records: 9th Angel/10th Doctor

"The number of records down there..." the Angel muttered, climbing back up from where she had been, the storage area beneath the console room.

"Oi!" The Doctor pointed a finger at his wife accusingly."More than half are yours!"

"I never said they were yours," she smiled at him, before collapsing into the pilot chair. The two Gallifreyans were alone in the console room, Rose probably asleep or at least recovering from their recent run in with the cybermen.

The Doctor looked over at the blond Timelady, who suddenly looked very depressed. She was leaning forward, her face in her hands. He knew the reason-she felt responsible for Mickey leaving, like she had taken his place without permission or something like that, forcing him to have to leave.

He hated seeing her like that, just as she hated seeing him blame himself for everything.

A sudden idea occurred to him, and he smiled.

The Angel was roused from her depression by the sound of music, a record that she recognized very well-it was 'Whip It!' by Devo, a record from 1980. One of her favorites, that she and the Doctor used to dance, albeit badly, to. She looked up, shocked, to see her husband leaning on the console, grinning.

"Theta, what..." she trailed off, her eyes surprised."We haven't listened to this in years!"

"It always used to cheer us up," the Doctor shrugged, walking towards where she sat, now a little smile on her lips."And you need a little cheering up right now."

"I-oh!" The Angel exclaimed as he pulled her out of the chair, and spun her around, completely out of time with the music, but they never bothered dancing well to that certain song. She laughed as they both sang along to the song, the Doctor laughing with her as they danced around the console like a pair of maniacs. As the song ended, the Angel was doubled over with mirth.

A pair of arms wrapped around her waist from behind, and the Doctor buried his face in her hair, also in fits. She turned to face him, and threw her arms around his neck, and giving him an extremely thankful kiss.

"Thank you, Theta," the Angel murmured, her arms still around his neck. He brushed a strand of her hair out of her face, shrugging.

"I know, I'm wonderful," The Doctor replied, a self satisfied grin on his face.

The Angel smiled,"You are indeed."

Cute one to start off with. I was literally awwing all the way through this! These will be out of order, fair warning, and I'm starting the long fic right at the end of Parting of Ways, so I can have lots of flashbacky goodness for season 2! This one will have about twenty little stories, so people can get to know and love the Angel before her proper debut. Oh, and her nickname is 'Psia', pronounced Sigh-uh.

I would check out the song, I could just imagine the Doctor and the Angel dancing like maniacs to it!