The greatest kept secret in all of Sacoridia is about to be revealed... A farm girl is sold into slavery and Karigan is still missing in Blackveil. Mornhanan is back and no one knows his plans. One girl may hold the key, but while battles are going on outside the castle what's happening inside its walls?
This is my own character but your favourite characters will be here soooon! :D

As she looked back she remembered. She remembered all her father's drunken beatings, her mother's tears and all her happy Christmases. How could they have done this to her? How could they have sold their only daughter into slavery?

Annora turned to the man who now owned her. He had dark brown hair and hazel eyes. His face had a strong harsh look to it. Edmond of Kanell. That's where she was going. She was going to Kanell. A two week ride away.

Edmond, or master (which she had to call him), had brought two men with him. They wore guard uniforms but it was obvious they were all good friends.

Annora looked back at her mother. She was going away. Away from her mother who was always there to look after her and she would never see her again. She would never see anyone again. Not her mother, not her father and not her step brothers. They stood there with their arms around her mother trying to sooth her. Annora couldn't help it, she started to cry.

"Come on. Let's not wait for the grass to grow. We have a two week ride ahead of us." Edmond tried a smile at Annora, but his face looked like a giant frog. Tears came down Annora's cheeks.

Edmond clicked and one of the guard men came forward with a pack pony and just looked at Annora expecting her to mount.

The girl turned around to her parents and snarled at her father. "I hope you have enough money to pay your debts and buy more alcohol. Bye mum, bye Gregory, bye Thomas." She wished she could say more. Thank them for all their help and support when her father hit her or yelled at her, but she couldn't. The words chocked in the throat and all she could say was bye.

Annora climbed up onto the pony's back and then they turned around and left the only place she had ever known.

They stopped just outside the village of Appleby. Edmond and his guards sat around a camp fire and Annora sat next to them. She stayed as quiet as a mouse trying not to draw attention to herself, as the men drunk and laughed next to her.

"Well you did pretty good this round didn't you Ed?" The guard named Greg asked Edmond.

Edmond smiled. "So, my dear, what's your name?" He turned to Annora.

"Ummm, my name is Annora." She said quietly. She was getting scared.

"Nice name." Edmond said. "So how old are you?"

"Um, sixteen." Annora muttered.

"Sixteen master." Edmond corrected her. "You're going to need to start showing me some respect. I'll let you off for now, but when we get to Kanell, if you don't show respect you'll get punished. It'd be a shame to ruin your pretty face." Edmond went for a smile and Annora ended up flinching from the sight of it.

All was quiet while Greg was on watch. Annora had lain down next to the fire. She gripped the pot tightly. This was her chance to get away and finally be free for once.

Annora tried to imagine Greg as a chicken. One of the chickens she used to have to sneak up on and knock out. She stood up slowly. Greg stiffened and Annora swung.

Greg fell to the ground, Annora jumped over him and went to jump over the fire. She fell to the ground and kicked out into Greg's face. She scrambled up and squealed as the fire's coals burned her.

Annora took off into the forest. Not caring where she went as long as it was away from her 'master'.

The forest was eerily quiet. Not a thing stirred, even the wind was still. Annora planned what she would do next. She would get a job at a respectable inn, then she would make enough money to buy a farm.

Suddenly Annora felt a jarring pain in her ankle. She fell hard on her face. Strong hands pulled her up and turned her head to look at them.

Annora moaned. She was looking into the eyes of Edmond.

"Now what do we have here?" Edmond smiled. "Trying to escape are we?" The guard named Truman laughed.

"I. I. I got lost." Annora almost laughed at her stupid excuse.

Edmond laughed. Then, without warning, he turned and slapped her so hard he put all her father's beatings to shame.

"Never try to escape again or you'll end up getting whipped." Truman then pulled Annora all the way back to the camp site.

That night Annora dreamed of her mother. She came to her and sung the songs she used to sing when Annora had been hit by her father. Annora didn't know what she said because she sung in a different language. She used to say she was taught it by a traveller. Annora was upset when she was shook awake by Greg. They set off again towards Kanell.

This time they stopped in an inn. It was called The Black Arrow. They ordered dinner and sat down at a table next to the fire.

Greg brought back stew for everyone and bread for him, Truman and Edmond. Annora just had stew to eat.

She sat quietly in the corner gulping down her dinner in case they took it away from her.

The door opened and in walked a man in a deep black cloak. He had his hood up so Annora couldn't see his face. He carried a long bow and arrows.

After talking to the innkeeper he sat at a table in the corner and Annora felt as if he was watching her.

"Come on, let's go to bed." Truman whispered in his harsh gravel like voice.

Edmond nodded. "No good ever came from King's Arrows."

"Come on." Greg pulled Annora to her feet and they walked to the stairs and disappeared upstairs. As Annora left she felt the man's eyes on her.

Annora had never seen a King's Arrow before, she'd heard of them, but thought they were made up. They rode like the wind on horses as black as night. They never missed a shot and they were experts at swordsmanship. Some people said they had magical powers.

Annora dreamed of horses. She dreamed of a place where she was free. Free of everything, free of her father, free of rules, free of walls and doors and free of Edmond. Annora was shocked at the hatred that burned inside her. She hated Edmond. She hated how he took advantage of a drunk and forced him to sell his daughter as a slave.

Disclaimer: In this chapter I own everything :)
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