Reviews for Black Arrows
LegendOfZelda4ever chapter 18 . 3/30/2015
Sorry for the long review in advance. This was nice, I like how it wasn't KxZ. I have nothing against the pairing, but there are others out there like Fastion, Teligoith, Lhean, heck even Amberhill and Somial! Back to the point, at first I thought this story was in the future cause Kyden sounded a lot like Karigans' son, or the love interest of the main character. It was a nice telling, you kept the characters fairly in character. Except for those cute moments like the Eletian and Elf fight :D I also like the pairing with Santanara that was a nice one and he got healed! Even better :) All in all this was great, another to add to the favourites!
Aereal chapter 18 . 5/25/2013
Yay thanks for the shout out Lou! And congrats on finishing your fic... You rock!
Cassie chapter 17 . 5/24/2013
This is a wonderfully spun tale in the Green Rider world, I enjoyed it drastically. But I need the last chapter! You can't leave me on a cliff hanger like that! I found only one critique; in one of the earlier chapters Laurelynn, is spelled wrong and it made me double take and think about it and break the flow we Green Rider junkies crave. But other than that it is a wonderful tale. :)
Aereal chapter 17 . 4/5/2013
Congrats Lou and also to Owlkin for this awesome chapter. I found myself totally caught up in the fight scene; the descriptions were really great. Look forward to reading the finale!
Aereal chapter 16 . 3/11/2013
Ooh I can't wait for the big battle!
Aereal chapter 15 . 3/3/2013
Looking forward to the battle!
Mellyrian chapter 1 . 2/18/2013
Just from reading the first chapter, I think you could turn this into your own book.
NaomiMiller chapter 11 . 2/13/2013
I'm getting more and more intrigued with this story with every chapter. I loved Karigan's line about their war party. Cracked me up! I can imagine it would be terrifying to learn that instead of a mere common girl like you thought you were you were actually Elvish royalty, something only believed to exist in fairytales. Great chapter!
Aereal chapter 10 . 2/10/2013
Woo hoo another chapter! Yes more please :)
Aereal chapter 9 . 2/6/2013
Exciting stuff! But I'm sorry to say I'm still confused about the details... Like why an army of eletians are running after them when they're already in eletia? Happy to help, PM me if you want :) its good but I think you can make it even better :)
Aereal chapter 8 . 1/30/2013
Song, they had it coming, they only had themselves to blame... That song? I'm sorry I didn't see til now u added a chapter... I'm still a little confused but I'm not sure why :) keep going and it will all make sense I'm sure!
Guest chapter 8 . 1/23/2013
they had it coming
they had it coming
they only have themselves to blame ...
NaomiMiller chapter 7 . 1/22/2013
I've always wondered about the Eletians, since they seem so close to descriptions of elves I've read in other books. I like this idea of two seperate races.
Aereal chapter 7 . 1/21/2013
I think I get it but I'm still slightly confused :P maybe if the story about the history of the elves/eletians was longer & more detailed it would have more time to sink in? It's all so sudden and fast, I was like, whoa! I think your story needs to settle down a bit in general, spend more time describing the physical environment, people's emotions, link it back to the books a bit more... Etc. But its really imaginative, keep it going :)
NaomiMiller chapter 6 . 1/20/2013
And even more questions than answers. Still loving it though. I love stories that keep me guessing.
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