~ Chapter Five ~

The Art Of Seduction

When they arrived at the Halls of War, she was laying there, warm and silky beneath him, her body becoming as comforting as it had but only a few sweet nights ago, yet still she denied them the pleasures he so terribly desired.

Control had been no secret throughout the Palace, Xena relished it, and having the God of War under her thumb made it all the more enticing, with it she could ensure her feelings would not be uncovered.

His fingers seemed to run in circles now, tracing the milky smooth softness of her flesh, eliciting small moans that escaped her throat as she arched and melted into his touch; and when they began their journey of touring lower, raising the hem of that elegant dress, she found herself holding out for a breath.

The sharp gasp let him know how much she was enjoying it, her heart hammering as trying to regain some sense of composure, though where his carnal mind saw nothing but surrender, Xena's held victory as she suddenly rolled and flipped them over, her mouth engaging his with an all and familiar source of power.

"Gods should also know their place, Ares." She whispered languidly into his ear after that searing kiss, and on the most sensually dark tone he had ever heard, making sure to stress every word just for the sake of keeping the game interesting the very instant she felt the fine material of that stunning gown de-materialize from her body.

Her voluptuous thighs were now clenched on either side of his hips, with surprising force one might add, as her hands were still working at efficiently pinning his wrists above his head while securing them firmly with Hephaestus' chains.

Despite the fact he was acting 'prisoner,' he didn't seem to mind though, on the contrary, he couldn't help gasping loudly at the hypnotizing sight offered by her perfectly round breasts.

"I agree." He answered in a thick voice, all his attention diverted by those arousing, extremely hard nipples that he began licking with teasingly slow, wet strokes.

"That's cheating." Her voice reigned down on a playfully punishing intonation with each desirous sensation.

"And to think, after all these years I considered you a God of... honour," she deliberately mocked in sarcasm, refusing to suppress a smirk while leaning back to admire and trace the smooth muscles of his arms and granite-like stomach. "Or did something change along the way?"

"A God of honour!? Me!? Darling, I'm flattered but, that's Athena's department. I'm anything but honourable. I was under the impression you kinda' realized it by now." The God answered, gazing lustfully at her lips, the chocking urge to bite and tease them slowly becoming overwhelming.

"So uh, now that I'm your humble prisoner and all... what are you planning to do to me, My Lady? Are you going to... torture me to death?" He inquired sensually while glancing suggestively towards his painfully throbbing shaft.

"I suppose a girl can dream." Xena teased, before raising a finger to lightly and evocatively caress the curves of her unbelievably inviting body, allowing them to glide seductively up and over her breasts only to descend gradually towards that unbridled place of pleasure.

"Do you want a piece of this?" She paused with every intent on heightening his desire.

"It depends how good you are. I just might, and not only a piece." The God insinuated, cracking a grin while as if having a will of their own, his hands struggled to break free, his fingers seeming more than eager to braid themselves into the Warrior Princess' long silky tresses, every fibre of his body literally craving for contact, for that kind of control over her.

"You could take your time while you're at it." He continued, mesmerized by the way in which her creamy skin reacted under her own touch; still, it was definitely impossible to hold back a very naughty observation that rushed to complete the rest of his sentence.

"Though I'm sure I could do a better job than you're currently doing. You don't appear very satisfied. But I'm sure we can fix that."

"You're right, I'm being far too kind." His Princess noted, a devilish gleam to her eyes, one that clearly indicated more intimate forms of enjoyment to come while her slender hands lightly ran up his thighs to just below the stomach, where the fastener of his leather pants was placed.

Deftly, she undid the belt and inserted a hand, which quickly encircled the object of desire and pulled it out for full view, the contact of which compelled a soft sigh to suddenly escape the Olympian's lips.

Straddling his chest again, she slowly took hold of his hands, still restrained by the chains of Hephaestus and carefully began to unlock them while teasing a palm with her tongue before moving onto his fingers, sucking each one individually.

Her pleasurable journey continued down his powerful arm, proceeding to stroke and nibble the sensitive flesh, just to repeat the actions with his right hand and arm.

Still riding him, she tenderly caressed his face with her hands before moving onto an ear, starting with the lobe, sucking, nibbling and blowing on it only to be met by a salacious moan when she slid her tongue in and out of his ear cavity.

As she moved onto his handsome face, peppering it with light feathery kisses and ending with his full lips that were claimed in a dominantly passionate kiss, their tongues duelled for a while before Xena leisurely pulled away to explore the rest of his body.

She was now progressing on to his muscular chest, licking and nipping the skin while rolling his nipples between her fingers until finally unleashing her tongue, first circling and then flicking it back and forth over them, sending a jolt of extreme pleasure straight to Ares' groin.

Every nerve in his body was at attention, waiting for her to move lower as the Destroyer of Nations headed towards his navel, teasing with licking and sucking, using her long fingers and hot breath to tickle the surrounding hairs.

Before too long she was gripping his member by the base, beginning to stroke the shaft with a strong steady rhythm while licking the head in response.

And when she found the ridge running down the underside, she ran her tongue along it and across it, tormentingly flicking and pointing to no return, aware this had been a particularly sensitive spot for past lovers, and by the sounds of it, Gods too.

Gently she started sucking the head as her free hand persisted to stoke his throbbing shaft, the soft groans convincing her to suck harder before slowly sliding his cock inside her mouth, allowing it to rest upon her tongue before moving her head up and down, smoothly and continuously.

A hand was still around the base of his cock which she began to move up and down in sync with the movement of her mouth, gradually increasing the speed as she continuously slid his aroused member in and out of her warm mouth.

With his cock rhythmically gliding in and out, Xena slid her tongue back and forth across the quivering shaft, bringing him closer to orgasm.

"Sweet Olympus, don't stop!" Ares managed to groan, trying hard to remain still, the first spasms already taking over his body.

His fingers were now convulsing mechanically into her hair, instinctively pushing her head up and down, imposing her a change in rhythm, forcing her to go faster, obviously unable to control his urge any longer, almost completely lost to that rapidly approaching, immanent orgasm building like a tidal wave inside him.

"Oh yeahhh!' He moaned once again with a thick, beastly voice, the ever so sweet pressure coming from his fully charged, nearly exploding balls, pushing him one step closer to that unique mind blowing state he was aching to feel.

Seconds later, his toes started to curl, and his legs began jerking involuntarily.

His entire body buckled violently, unable to hold anything back, grunting savagely while one load of cum after the other inevitably filled Xena's waiting throat.

A new fluttering sensation was now running through his system at the sight of his Princess swallowing it all; he was delirious.

"I told you I'm a woman of many skills." The assertion came instantly as she consumed the last of his seed, relishing its taste which promptly became visible on her face, knowing this view would excite him.

"Oh, I don't doubt your skills." He daringly confirmed.

"Good, because neither do I." Xena tauntingly whispered before teasing his ear with soft nibbles and tracing the outside with her tongue, while perceiving the sensation of his aroused member pressing hard against her stomach.

"If I didn't know better, I'd say you were threatening me?" He curiously announced, amused by the darkness of her statement.

"If you didn't know better, I'd say I was." She blankly concluded, leaving no room for doubts.

"And what if we swapped roles? Would I get to threaten you?" He questioned with a large grin, obviously far from interested in hearing her answer given the fact that before her mind could even elaborate one, he was already rolling on top of her, parting her legs with rather shocking ease, as if it were a habit he was keen to repeat on a daily bases.

"Try that, and your repute as the God of War will be crumbling faster than the walls of Athens. Trust me on this, or the next time you feel the urge to consummate, I might just act on it!" Were the exceedingly challenging lines subsequently breaking through the ether as Xena bit her lip in anticipation, enough to suggest at least the hint of gracing him with a hot, extremely dirty look in return.

"You're a very dangerous woman, my Dear. Even for a God. And you do know how I feel about danger." He stated alluringly, completely blown away by the overwhelming amount of dark energy reverberating from her body at the same time with the sound of her voice.

He couldn't quite tell what this woman had done to him to keep him that hooked to her for so long; she had obviously managed to successfully break record after record when it came to the time he was willing to spend with her in bed without getting bored, but one thing he was sure of; there was magic, mystery and fire in her eyes and he loved her for it.

"Now... may I?" The honeyed question left his tongue to tease her nipple, where he began licking with firm, unhurried strokes.

By now, Xena could feel a wetness quickly forming deep within her core as she let out a moan and arched her back, while Ares continued to attack her soft flesh with slow licks and kisses, her breasts rising and falling sensuously as her fingers began weaving their way down his muscular back.

"Hmmm. According to your body's reaction, I'd say I'm a far better expert than you'll ever be." He devilishly teased while taking a long look at the warm, translucent liquid flowing down her legs, unspeakably tempted to lick that creamy trail too.

"I'm starting to get worried I'd be too much for you." He continued instead, while inserting two anxious fingers inside her, his eyes shining with bliss at the sound of her barely restrained moan.

For the love of all Gods, breaking that irritating self control and apparently impenetrable wall of cold, discouraging indifference she had built around her was all he could still ask of that boringly eternal life of his.

Hearing her scream his name had secretly become his number one goal, he just had to do it, and letting her know in the process who the master was, could only increase the amount of fun.

"Then you haven't seen Hercules, have you; because I know you're not just saying this to hear your own voice." Under the guise of insouciance, there was no denying a smile, and allowing him to believe whatever he wanted appeared to be the best approach to their push and pull game.

"You were always a terrible liar, did you know that?" He inquired, trying hard not to laugh at her childish attempt to make him jealous.

"A mortal, no matter how good, could never be compared to a God, my Dear. You can blame the Fates for that, I guess." He said, winking at her with a bemused look.