Mother and father dear

So I found this from a year ago and I believe it was meant to be a part of this, so here it is.

Bungo Baggins was going to marry Belladonna Took.

Or at least, that was what Bungo decided in his mind at a relatively early age as he watched her beat Fastolph Bolgerinto the ground with a wooden sword over some nasty insult Bungo had missed the delivery of.

She was pretty - beautiful, actually. Also...mildly terrifying. In other words: she was perfect.

Yes. He was going to marry Belladonna Took when he grew up.

"You have anything to say?" She rounded on him when she was done with her revenge.

Bungo shook his head. No. At least...not yet.


She left then, leaving the moaning Bolger on the floor. Bungo watched her go.


Bungo was not far into his years, as said, but he was a normal hobbit and therefore wanted to lead a normal hobbit life.

A normal hobbit life, he knew, as every hobbit did, was to spend the years in the fields: earning an honest living, eating, drinking and smoking pipe weed. He would celebrate the simple life, the quiet life, the life where everything was perfectly normal thank you very much. When he grew up he would marry, build a house and somehow end up with a bunch of little hobbits very similar to he himself now. One day, in the very very distance future he would get old and when that happened he would spend all his time doing what his grandfather did: sit around in the sun smoking his pipe. That was just how it went.

He was going to marry someone one day and he had decided on her. He told his parents so in a matter-of-fact sort of way when he went home later that day.

Of course, it was not going to be all that simple, he later realised, because for him to marry her she had to want to marry him. Getting her to want to marry him, by chance, would become a challenge that he would partake in for the majority of the years of his life.

Valar, help him...

Bungo Baggins was going to marry Belladonna Took -No, really, he was. It was just taking a bit of time, is all.

So what if all his friends were all rather further along in the normal hobbit life than he was? He was forty-six, not dead.

Belladonna was bold and daring with a wit as sharp as a knife. Her famous blackberry pie could bring a hobbit to tears to joy. She was worth it.

He made an effort to visit her as often as he could. On this particular day he found her bustling round her kitchen and thought to pop his head through the open window to say hello.

"Good day!"

Bungo ducked the rolling pin that came flying at his face.

Never startle a Took.

"Good day!" He cried again, and made a hasty- no, strategic, retreat.

Bungo Baggins was going to marry Belladonna Took, even if it killed him. (Which it currently seemed it might.) First though, he'd have to find her.

The respectably proper hobbit nearly let loose a string of unrespectable words as he discovered first hand that the snow drift he was soldiering through was rather more deep in some places than others.

Damn the cold. Damn the winter. Damn the wolves.

No sensible hobbit would be so far from the smials at a time like this, not without good reason – which came round to why Bungo was stumbling round in circles in the snow as helplessly as a baby rabbit with a blindfold on: Belladonna had been to travel from Frogmorton several days past. She should have arrived in Hobbiton by now, but she had not.

So here he was: freezing his hairy hobbit toes off, making enough noise to alert a deaf wolf and armed with a only rolling pin to defend himself.

Her rolling pin, actually - the one that she had thrown at him four years ago. He'd kept it.

One day he'd return it to her as an engagement gift.

She was headstrong, stubborn and so very very stupid to be out here in the first place...but he loved her.

The howl of a wolf had his blood turning to ice. Oh Valar.

He turned, near dizzy with fear because he could hear it- He could hear it running towards h- TWANG!

Bungo blinked. Belladonna blinked back. The wolf...erm, felt effects of a frying pan to the skull?

...As he'd said: perfect.

Bungo Baggins was going to marry Belladonna Took.

She'd said yes.

I am planning on writing a part 3 to the Desolation of Gloin, but am yet undecided whether to go after Legolas and Gimli or to the dwarves' second quest to TAKE BACK EREBOR! Until then :)