A/N) Thank you for all the reviews! Updating a bit earlier than normal, but this was done so I thought I would post.

This is the last chapter. It wasn't meant to be though it has now become it when I was writing this chapter. There is news at the end of this fic :)


This was it.

It was her time to make a stand, to make a speech about the events of the Chancellor's death. Padmé was dressed in simple clothes rather than her Senatorial dress. Her nurses were watching from the side, had advised her not to wear tight fitting clothes to the session as they could pull on the stitches. They had only consented to this outing because the investigation into the Chancellor's death had stalled until they could hear her statement.

And Padmé had insisted of course.

As she was introduced to the Senate, Padmé cleared her throat and approached the podium slowly. Her tummy still ached from the wound but the bacta patch was doing its job of healing the internal muscular damage. She leaned forward, placing her hands securely on the podium, a stern expression on her face as she looked around at the waiting Senators, all of whom wanted to know what evidence she could present to them.

"I'm here to tell you the truth about the duplicity of the late Supreme Chancellor Palpatine," she began, projecting her voice loudly. "As a child he was my mentor, guiding me when I became Queen and became a dear friend. It pains me greatly to tell you that the man we all thought we knew was really a traitor to the Republic. The Chancellor held me captive in his office, with the intention to use me against Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker who he sought to seduce to the dark side of the Force." She turned her head around the room, casting her eyes over her fellow Senators. "Yes, you did hear me right! The Chancellor has the same powers as the Jedi order but he used those powers against us and the Jedi!"

"Former Chancellor Palpatine intended to destroy the Jedi Order!" The next little piece of information that she was about to reveal had come from Bail Organa who had been sitting on this piece of information since the beginning of the investigation. He was giving it to her to use in her case against Palpatine. "The Chancellor had instilled in the Clone army of an Order that was meant to be used to execute all the Jedi! Since this inquiry began, the senior Clone troopers have been questioned and confirmed this detail to us. That Order was going to be issued and every single Jedi would have been murdered!"

Padmé took in a deep breath. She paused ever so briefly. "I was held by the Chancellor in his private quarters, a means to an end. Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and Master Obi-Wan Kenobi arrived in the office with Count Dooku. They knew that the Chancellor would be acting against them so they worked together to fight back against him. The Chancellor acknowledged Dooku as his former traitorous apprentice in front of me, in front of the two Jedi – Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and Count Dooku were working together to instigate this war! Those words I heard and I pass them onto you now to consider the ramifications of this!"

"The Chancellor threatened to kill me unless Anakin joined him! Master Kenobi fought the Chancellor who wielded a lightsaber just like the Jedi can. He created a diversion for Anakin to try to get me out of there. I was watching the fight, the Chancellor had skills he should not have – he was not the man that I knew. I will never forget what happened next. I was flung through the air by the Force."

She reached out and patted her tummy. "I was stabbed by Master Kenobi but I had seen that it was Count Dooku who had used the Force on me and tried to make it look like that it was Obi-Wan who had turned against his friend! Dooku wanted to turn Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi against one another! It nearly succeeded if I had not remained conscious enough to share this with Anakin."

Her voice quietened. "I do not know what happened after that, save that both the Chancellor and the Count are dead. My evidence has come to an end, but I urge my fellow Senators, fellow Republicans to look at how the former Chancellor became someone who we did not recognise. Remember he issued an execution order on Master Kenobi, and though it may seem callous of the Jedi to act against him, the Chancellor was plotting their downfall. If the Jedi had not learned of his true identity, an Empire could have risen from the ashes that this Republic once was. I beg you to remember that matters of the Force we cannot understand, but we can rely on the Jedi Order to act accordingly when they identify a threat that is not just to them but to the galaxy at large!"

Padmé stepped away from the podium, taking in a deep breath, her eyes sweeping the Senate hall, watching her friends and colleague talk quietly with one another.

Whatever happened now would determine the outcome of the enquiry. She only hoped that the Chancellor's duplicity in the past would be considered. There was still more evidence to be collected and reviewed but how could the enquiry ignore the very fact that the Chancellor was responsible for the Separatists pulling away from the Republic in the first place? That information was not for her to elaborate on… that would come later from the Jedi Order, when Anakin testified. But she hoped that her speech today would clear Obi-Wan from being in the frame, of being handed over to the Separatist government for murdering their leader.

Would the Separatist confederacy really agree with what Dooku had done to Obi-Wan? Would they really seek to prosecute him if it was proven that Dooku was allied with the Chancellor? That the two leaders had colluded together to make a war? She wanted to believe that the Separatists were decent people, tricked and manipulated by Dooku as well, and that they wouldn't want to prosecute a Jedi within their own government.

If it did come down to that and it was a matter of the war continuing all not, Padmé had a feeling that if the Separatist Senators did want Dooku's killer, for peace they may very well demand his surrender. Padmé knew that with Obi-Wan's mental state still very fragile that any such action by the Republic to placate them might throw him further over the edge.

She had to believe that the Senators would make the right decision, that all of them were thinking of the Republic as a whole rather than their individual selves, and that was a tall order to hope for.

Sighing, Padmé settled down into the chair provided to her by her nurses and sat back to wait for the end of the session.

Before Padmé's speech, Bail Organa had learned of the events involving the Jedi regarding the Chancellor's and Count Dooku's death. He had been shocked at what had happened, at how far the two Sith had gone to destroy the Republic and one another in the end.

Though he had been aware that Obi-Wan Kenobi had been captured, he was unaware to the extent of what the Jedi Master had suffered, at what had happened to him to so change who he was as a person. Bail always remembered him as the calm Jedi Master who was able to negotiate his way through a major crisis, who only used his lightsaber when needed to and opposed using aggressive actions when he could. The fact that his friend had changed that much was disheartening.

Obi-Wan hadn't told him the full story; it had been Anakin Skywalker, on the authorisation of the Jedi Council to report to him the full facts of the battle, though he had bought with him a written statement from Obi-Wan.

The full details would be released in a report that he was writing up, that each Senator would read and then vote on the outcome. The same report would be sent to the Separatist Council. The statements of Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi were included in that.

Bail could not disagree with the actions of the Jedi Order in this case though there was bound to be a few Senators who would have wanted them to have taken the case through the courts regarding the Chancellor, however the Chancellor had control of the courts, undoubtedly staffed with people who were loyal to him and would not find him guilty of any misnomer.

The Chancellor had acted unwisely in the last hours of his life. He had known that the Jedi were coming for him, he had thought that he could win, but his ambitions had failed, and Padmé had nearly died as a result. Bail was certain that if Skywalker had lost his duel, then the Senators imprisoned within their offices would have been executed to implicate the Jedi Order, thereby making them traitors to the Republic.

The order that had been found within the clone army to execute all Jedi would have been activated. Innocent people would have died, children too. Bail shuddered at that thought. The Chancellor had been evil.

Effectively the Chancellor had signed his own death warrant by imprisoning Padmé. In his view the Jedi were right to kill him rather than capture – he hoped that the rest of the Senators agreed with his sentiment.

Dooku's death was more complicated to handle. But he hoped that the Separatist Council would listen to Padmé's words and the reports of the two Jedi and come to the conclusion that everyone in the Republic had been simple pieces of a chess board that was a playing field for both the former Chancellor and the Count.

A headache was brewing as he continued to write up his report. He wanted to get this sent out as soon as possible.

The sooner the enquiry ended, the sooner the Republic could elect a new Supreme Chancellor.

A week later…

The two Jedi, former Master and Apprentice, one who felt that he did not belong in the Order and the other that wanted to be a Jedi but wished to be allowed attachments, stood side-by-side in front of the Jedi Council.

They had been called forth to the chamber after the Council had deliberated what they would do with the two of them. Obi-Wan's case was simple, or so Anakin assumed, since the acts he had committed had been influenced against his will – he couldn't be blamed for his transgressions. The Council had already judged Obi-Wan, had already told him that he could leave if he wanted to, that they were not going rescind his seat on the Council. Anakin suspected that they had called him here due to the developments in the Senate regarding the enquiry into the Chancellor's death. He thought that they would offer Obi-Wan the same choice they had done before.

They probably thought the other man would take it, would stay, but Anakin suspected differently. He thought Obi-Wan would leave.

Anakin on the other-hand had done what he had with a free will. His fate was in question here rather than Obi-Wan's.

"Skywalker," Mace Windu was the first to speak, always the spokesman for the entirety of the Council, the one who always gave the decisions, but who did listen to the other opinions of his other Council Masters. "Today we pass judgement on you and your place within the Jedi Order."

Anakin swallowed, bowing respectfully before the Masters. He straightened and prepared himself for the worst.

"You have broken our rules willingly. You have formed attachments, attachments that a Jedi should not have. You married knowing that you were risking expulsion from our Order. You asked for the chance to prove to us that you can still be a Jedi and have attachments. We have watched you throughout the last few months," continued Mace.

Anakin swallowed.

"And we are impressed with how you have acted during this difficult time. We Knighted you with reservations – as we believed that you were not ready. We gave you a Padawan to train to challenge you and to test your commitment to the Jedi Order. With Obi-Wan's capture we kept a close eye on you, and we have seen that though you still have faults you are far more attuned to the Force then you once were."

Anakin didn't know what to think to that. Was that supposed to be a compliment? Hadn't he been in tune with the Force prior to becoming a Knight? He had known they had Knighted him with reservations. He hadn't been trained since he was a baby, unlike most of them there. He kept quiet choosing wisely in the face of what he was unsure was criticism or not.

Mace Windu leaned back in his chair. "You helped to destroy the Sith and you helped to save Obi-Wan, even at the cost of getting your wife to a medical centre. A Force trance on a non-Force sensitive person doesn't always work. You didn't make her your priority in that pivotal moment when you saw what Obi-Wan was about to do."

"And that shows that your attachment did not hinder you at a most pivotal time," finished Ki-Adi Mundi.

Anakin's breath became quicker. Were they going to let him remain in the Order?

"You prevented a Jedi from falling to the dark side. For that the Council are grateful for your actions. This has been a difficult decision to make considering the many long centuries our law on no attachments has lasted for," continued the Korean Master. Now he leaned forward. "Master Yoda will pass our judgement to you."

Swallowing, Anakin stilled himself, his body completely tensed up as he wondered what they would say. Obi-Wan stood beside him, his head bowed forward.

The oldest Jedi Master spent a good minute probing Anakin with the Force. He let Yoda do so trying to keep himself calm.

"Hmmm… Strong attachments you have. Always at risk of the dark side you will be."

"But I can –" interrupted Anakin, wincing when Yoda raised his gimmer stick and he silenced, choosing not to finish his sentence.

"Shown you have that resistance you have to it. Acted as a Jedi would with the Chancellor, you did. Helped save the Order, this we cannot forget. A Jedi you may remain."

The words filtered through his head in relief. A Jedi you may remain… "Really? You… you mean that? I… I can still be married to Padmé?" He had to check, had to make sure that they were aware he would not give her up.

Yoda inclined his head. "Acceptable this is. Each Jedi case of attachment from now on will be assessed. Trained to avoid attachments Jedi still will be, but if in Knighthood they show they remain committed to the Order and form attachments then allow this the Council will. An example you will be to the younger Knights. Required you will be to spend time in the Temple, not every night can you go home, a Jedi your first commitment must be."

A small smile tugged at his lips. Anakin could stay in the Order. He was baffled and pleased all at the same time. He had expected to be expelled which even though he wanted to be a Jedi, he wanted to be with Padmé more so if that had been his fate he would have accepted it grudgingly. He had broken the code after all. And he realised that he did not feel mad about the idea that he could have been expelled. He rightly deserved it. Nor did he feel angry about not being able to go home to Padmé every night. Oddly enough it felt right if he was to balance bring a Jedi and having an attachment.

"Congratulations Anakin," said Obi-Wan quietly, his head still bowed.

"Thanks. You were right." He would hugged Obi-Wan but he thought in front of the Council would be the most inappropriate place to do so.

"Master Kenobi," started Adi Gallia.

"Please, Master Gallia, don't refer me to me as a Master. I'm not," interrupted Obi-Wan.

The happiness that had elated itself inside Anakin's chest seemed to abate as his head caught up with his heart as he realised what Obi-Wan was going to do.

The Council members exchanged looks as they considered Obi-Wan's words.

"Do you still wish to leave the Order?" queried Saesee Tiin.

"I need to think away from here. I feel out of place here." Obi-Wan chewed his bottom lip. "Senator Amidala's speech did me favours. The Separatists are backing down on my assumed murder of Dooku considering the evidence of the former Supreme Chancellor working with the Count. Though there was never any proof that I killed him, the fact that he was colluding with the Chancellor of the Republic and trying to murder him at the same time, makes his death justified." He hated the thought that he had gotten away with murder.

Just a few hours ago, security recordings from an old derelict building away from the Senate district showed the Chancellor making regular visits there… as well as the Count in the days before and after the start of the clone wars. Even though no footage was of their meetings, the fact that they arrived at the same place spoke volumes. Files found on the Chancellor's private datapad that had been hacked into by Republic specialists also found details of extensive blue-prints for the construction of a planet-shattering station. The files also provided intricate details into the orders that the Clones had been programmed with.

The evidence was there and Obi-Wan's name had been cleared from being pursued by the Separatists. He could now leave the capital if he wished to. Though the finer details of what happened in the Chancellor's quarters would never be released, it was still a lot for Obi-Wan to take in and to learn to live with.

"I want to remain a part of the Order," said Obi-Wan slowly, "and I don't want to leave without your permission to do so. I cannot guarantee if I leave if I'll come back quickly either." There was sadness in his eyes.

Yoda looked kindly towards the troubled Jedi. "Have my permission to leave you do. Take your time you must if you are to heal properly."

Anakin watched as the rest of the Council echoed similar words. The Council would keep Obi-Wan's place on the Council open for him though Obi-Wan asked them to reconsider as he didn't want the Council to be incomplete while he sought to find himself again. Perhaps he wouldn't? Anakin could understand that sentiment but the Council seemed assured that Obi-Wan would come back to them.

Anakin wasn't so sure on that. But he had to believe in his friend and mentor that he wouldn't leave for good.


Hello Master. Obi-Wan recognised Qui-Gon's voice. Come to change my mind about leaving? He was in the process of packing, back in his old quarters. He was taking very few belongings – a change of clothes, bedding, nutritious snacks and his lightsaber crystal. He refused to wield a lightsaber.

No, you are doing the right thing by walking away, answered Qui-Gon.

Really? You are the first one to think so, retorted Obi-Wan. Though that was a lie. He could sense that Anakin understood why he was leaving. At least someone in the Order could understand his position on this.

You've been damaged, Obi-Wan, but you are not beyond healing. You did not kill Dooku. No matter how much you wanted to, you didn't. Dooku can no longer control you. Padmé's injury is not blame that you should accord yourself either. You will see that in time.

Obi-Wan wished he could believe his old Master. It still felt strange to know that Qui-Gon could commune with him. Apparently being dead didn't stop his Master from doing impossible things.

In time you will learn this too… If the voice of Qui-Gon had a physical image, Obi-Wan was sure his Master would have been smiling while speaking that comment.

I don't even know where I'm going. Obi-Wan hadn't even thought about it. He just knew that he had to leave.

I would suggest visiting Stewjon.

Obi-Wan started. Stewjon? Why go back to the place of my birth?

You said you didn't know where to go. It is a place to start, it is your beginning. A small, simple community may help you. You may be leaving Coruscant but you do not have to continue travelling. Settling in one quiet place may be all you need to find yourself again, answered Qui-Gon cryptically.

Obi-Wan frowned as he clipped the case shut, inserting a coded key lock onto it and picking it up with his right hand. It appears to be a feasible idea.

Qui-Gon's voice was silent. He did not reply.

"Great, don't talk to me anymore then," he said out loud.

I've said all I needed to say, Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan almost went red.

Taking his case, he made one last look around the room and then departed, not knowing when he would return, or if he ever would.

"Today Senator Bail Organa concluded proceedings into the investigation into the deaths of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and Count Dooku. He spoke at length of the findings and of the information shared to the Senate by the Jedi Order."

"Though the full details of what exactly Supreme Chancellor Palpatine was will never be publicly confirmed, it has been revealed that the former Chancellor was in league with Count Dooku, the two men working together against the Republic. It appears that the two worked together to mount this war, manipulating both sides."

"Organa also revealed that on the night of Palpatine's death, he was locked in his office, and told that he was a traitor to the Republic. Senator Organa kindly played this message out as did the other members of the Loyalist committee who were imprisoned in their own offices."

"In light of this evidence, the Separatist Council has agreed to plunder their resources into bringing General Grievous to justice who remains at large and in control of a large portion of the droid army. A number of Jedi have been dispatched to the war front to aid in this endeavour. The Council has also agreed to a cease-fire and talks which will be held on a neutral planet. It is expected that Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo will be one of the Senators hosting the talks."

"In light of the recent evidence the Separatist Council has now rescinded their detain warrant on Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. It has been confirmed that both Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker were present in the office at the time of the deaths. It is not known who killed whom. Bail Organa has said that the Senate has received statements from both Skywalker and Kenobi which have been shared with the Separatist Council but the full details will only be released when the witnesses to the deaths of Palpatine and Count Dooku have died. Both governments are happy with the end result of the investigation and no arrests have been made."

"Now the long, hard task for everyone is to begin rebuilding the shattered Republic and to determine if the Separatists can be recognised as a legitimate government."


Anakin was running towards him as he completed his checks on his starfighter.

Sighing, Obi-Wan dropped down the ladder he was standing on and watched as his friend skid to a stop. "What is it, Anakin?"

"Are you just going to leave without saying goodbye?" the younger man asked, looking slightly distraught that Obi-Wan would do that.

"I was hoping to," he admitted, feeling shame at his actions. He was trying to exclude Anakin though that was the last thing he wanted to do. It actually hurt that he was leaving this place despite feeling that he had to. A part of him wanted to stay here, wanted to remain and have Anakin at his side at all times. But how could he bear to look at Anakin when he had taken Padmé's chance of ever being a mother away from her? How could he even face her? She had forgiven him but did he really deserve it?

That was why he had to leave: to figure out if he really did deserve the leniency granted to him by the Council and the Republic, and if he was still the Jedi he once was.

Anakin sighed. "I know you feel that you can't face me but I don't blame you. Padmé is alive. Even if she had died I wouldn't have blamed you."

"How can you say that?" snapped Obi-Wan. "You've blamed me for other things before!"

Anakin bit his lip. "That was in error when I was immature enough to think that everything was your fault. It never was. It was mostly me for not listening to you, for not taking the Code seriously enough. I can't blame you for things that Dooku did. If I did that would make me a callous person."

"I don't deserve yours or Padmé's forgiveness," replied Obi-Wan quietly.

"You have it and I hope that one day you realise this," smiled Anakin, grasping his former Master by the shoulder. "I don't want you to leave but if you feel you have to then all I can do is support you and hope that one day you return to the Temple."

Obi-Wan looked away. He didn't know for sure if he would but his hopes to return were high. If he could figure himself out he would step back into the world that had been a part of his life ever since he was a baby.


"Don't apologise. I know you feel conflicted," interrupted Anakin. He held out a hand.

Obi-Wan stood there unsure of whether to take Anakin's hand and shake it in goodbye or to hug him because he really didn't know when he would see him again. In the end he opted to shake the hand, choosing the more comfortable option for him.

"May the Force be with you, Master," said Anakin quietly.

Obi-Wan inclined his head. "And you."

Climbing up into the cockpit of his starfighter, Obi-Wan settled himself down. He had elected to not have an astromech droid with him. He fired up the engines, waiting for his screen to tell him that they were warm enough. He looked back out of the cockpit window as it slid into place over him and saw Anakin standing back, watching.

Taking the joystick he eased the ship up off its struts and gently into the air.

He felt calm and at peace.

As he guided his starfighter out of the Temple hanger he realised that he felt like that because he was going away from the troubles that rocked his soul. He wasn't running away, merely going away for a while to think things through.

A slight smile came to his lips as he joined the air-traffic queue waiting to move into orbit.

Obi-Wan sat back, feeling relaxed for the first time in ages.

This trip will be good for you. Qui-Gon's voice reverberated inside his skull. You'll come back here.

Obi-Wan didn't share his sentiments that he definitely would so he voiced the words that were the only option to him. "I hope so. I really hope so."

Walking slowly up the landing pad until she reached her Master's position, Ahsoka traced her gaze to where Anakin was looking. He watched as Obi-Wan's starfighter lifted into the air, a sorrowful expression on his face.

"What is Master Kenobi doing?" she asked, her curiosity breaking the silence, and then she noticed how her bond with Anakin was feeling. "You're sad."

The starfighter engines roared to life and the fighter gently glided upwards, before slowly turning and heading up and out into the atmosphere and into space.

Anakin turned to face her. "He's going away for a while. I'll miss him."

"So he can heal?" asked Ahsoka, tipping her chin up.

Anakin smiled lightly in acknowledgement. "He's going to find himself again, Ahsoka."

She didn't know what to say about that. But she could understand why. "Do you think he will come back?"

"I do. I believe in him," said Anakin. "It may not be this year, it may not be the next one, but he'll come back. I'm sure of it."

To be continued…


"The Protector"

Please let me know what you think!

There are still some loose threads hanging: the Republic is still rebuilding, General Grievous is still at large, and Obi-Wan has walked away from the Jedi Order which considering that is what he's been saying he wants to do shouldn't come as a surprise that he has actually done so… but he hasn't left the Order officially as he still wants to be a Jedi.

Originally there wasn't going to be a sequel. But that has now changed. Safe to say Obi-Wan's journey needs covering in greater detail and it fits better in a sequel then continued in this story since the aspect of people playing dangerous games is now over. The epilogue for this story has now been scrapped or rather moved to occur later on in the sequel.

I am now working on "The Protector" and I hope to begin posting soon, perhaps this Tuesday if the first chapter is completed by then. Please bear in mind that I am in the process of writing my dissertation, exams to revise for and other essays to write so updates to the sequel may be slower in coming.

But here are some details about "The Protector":

Summary: Hurt and damaged from his experiences at the hands of Count Dooku, Obi-Wan Kenobi seeks healing on the planet of his birth. When the still-at-large General Grievous attacks Stewjon, Obi-Wan must put aside his fears of wielding a Jedi's blade and become the protector he was born to be.

So there you go.

I hope you enjoyed reading 'Dangerous Games' and I hope you join me for 'The Protector' which will continue this story.

May The Force Be With You!
