A/N: I forgot where this story was going and had to read the whole thing over again.

Chapter Four:
The House of the Good Guys

(Do chapter names even matter that much? I'm just going to put whatever I want.)

Quidditch dawned bright and early. Sebastian met up with Blaine in the stands and handed him a Gryffindor flag and scarf.

"Kurt's not coming to the match, he told me to tell you," Sebastian added as they found seats.

"I figured," Blaine sighed, trading his bright yellow scarf for the deep red one. "What the– Whose scarf is this?"

"Nick's," Sebastian said.

"He uses to much cologne," Blaine said.

"Someday you'll learn a spell for that," Sebastian replied. "Ready to watch the slaughter?"


"Hunter's a top-rate Keeper, I'll give him that," Sebastian said as Hunter blocked yet another of Jake Puckerman's shots and threw the Quaffle to Santana. "Don't think he realizes all those practice games were just a way for Jeff and I to perfect this shot." Nick faked around Santana. She tried to throw the Quaffle to her teammate, but Jeff intercepted it. "Right here, watch this." Jeff threw the Quaffle to Nick, who threw it back to Jake, who threw it to Jeff again as they raced down the field. "And…" Jeff threw the Quaffle to Nick, who immediately bounced it back at Jeff, who used the end of his broom to whack the Quaffle through the far left hoop. Hunter seethed as the crowd cheered loudly. Hunter's eyes locked impossibly with Sebastian's even as he was in the stands. They were cold, so cold. "Oh! Do you see that, he's pissed!" Sebastian cheered, pumping his fist in the air. "Yes! Attaboy, Sterling!"

"Can probably only do that two or three times before he figures it out," Blaine said.

"Not if you switch it up. Watch Gryffindor's Keeper here," Sebastian said. The Keeper saved the shot Santana had tried to make, bouncing the Quaffle to Jake. Jake, Nick, and Jeff weaved in and out of the other players all the way to the–

"Ooh!" Blaine and Sebastian exclaimed at once. A Bludger had flown right into Jake's path, but he'd deftly dodged it, and one of Gryffindor's Beaters had hit it back in the direction from whence it had come.

The game was close, Slytherin was up by 20 points, then Gryffindor was up by 50, then Thad had hit Gryffindor's Keeper with a Bludger, and Slytherin had taken an easy lead again. The Keeper was okay, just disoriented, but it still kept him from Keeping correctly. Slytherin was up by ten, forty, seventy.

"The Snitch," Blaine muttered to Sebastian, in case there were spies.

"What, where?" Sebastian asked, looking around, wildly. As a Chaser, his eyes were not as trained as Blaine's were to that flash of gold.

"Look at Rory," Blaine said, still quietly. Sebastian looked at the Gryffindor Seeker, then he saw the Snitch, not too far off from Rory, but he was looking in the wrong direction. Kitty, Slytherin's Seeker, hadn't seen it yet either, and she was all the way across the pitch. Blaine bit his lip, hoping Rory would turn around as Santana scored yet another goal. The Snitch darted around one of the towers of the stands as a Bludger came through and Rory dodged it, fortunately catching a glimpse of the golden ball as he did so. He took off, speeding, as that darned Snitch led him on a chase all around. Kitty took note, and was soon behind him, her broom was far superior, but Rory was tactical, a Gryffindor, nothing if not daring.

Just like that it was all over, Gryffindor had won, 290-220, a fairly high score for a game, but both teams were practically professional.

"Injuring the Keeper, that's the thing to do, really," Sebastian said. "I wish I was a Beater, I'd send a hard one right into Hunter's stupid giant nose."

"I don't think that's legal, really," Blaine said.

"Then I guess it's a good thing I'm not a Beater," Sebastian said.

Nick and Jeff threw the best parties. It was still sort of a mystery how Nick had become Prefect, but it didn't seem to stop him from taking impromptu trips to Hogsmeade for Honeydukes candy and Butterbeer.

The ruckus in the Gryffindor Common Room was so great, you could hear it outside the portrait of the Fat Lady. Sebastian, Blaine, and a few other Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw Warblers approached the portrait.

"Password?" the fat lady asked. Everyone looked at Sebastian.

"Why are you looking at me?" he asked, stepping forward and knocking on the wall next to her frame. The frame pushed forward and the Warblers all piled in.

"Yeah!" Jeff exclaimed, spotting Sebastian and running through the crowd to high-five him.

"Congratulations!" Sebastian exclaimed.

"Hey, now, next match is us versus you, careful," Jeff said.

"Oh, I may have taught you everything you know, but I am far from teaching you everything I know."

"Bring it on," Jeff grinned. "Try the miniature sausages, they're delicious."

It was hours later by the time the party had started to dwindle.

"I miss Kurt," Blaine said. He and Sebastian were sitting on the couch near the fire. Nick and Jeff were sharing a chair in a rather indecent manner.

"Yeah, but you don't need me ot get into Ravenclaw Tower, go find him," Sebastian said. Blaine shrugged. The portrait hole opened.

"Gryffindor sucks!" came the shout from outside, the protesters, as a few Gryffindors entered the room.

"Not as much as you lot, pipe down!" Sebastian yelled as the portrait hole closed again. "You're right, this is boring, let's go." He got up and Blaine followed him out of the portrait hole. Outside, the group of Slytherins and Slytherin supporters booed.

"Shut it," Blaine sighed. "We're not even in Gryffindor."

"Well, well, well," came a voice.

"Go away Hunter, take your pity party to the Slytherin dorms," Sebastian replied, pushing passed him and his cronies. Unfortunately leaving Blaine behind him, Sebastian broke into a run and was soon lost to the maze of corridors.

"Honestly, haven't you made his life hard enough?" Blaine asked Hunter. Hunter broke away from his cronies and followed Blaine solo through the castle.

"Me, make his life hard? Excuse me?" Hunter asked. "He stole my position as Captain of the Warblers, and indirectly made me lose a Quidditch match."

"And last year?" Blaine asked.

"What about last year? He quit the Warblers of his own accord," Hunter spat.

"How about when he told you he liked you and you told him you didn't want to catch the gay?" Blaine asked. Hunter spun around and Blaine almost walked into him.

"How do you know about that?" Hunter asked.

"Sebastian told me," Blaine said. "Not trying to deny it, I see."

"That is certainly none of your business," Hunter seethed.

"Sebastian is my best friend, and I thought you and I were friends, so yeah, it sort of is my business, isn't it?" Blaine asked. Hunter seethed some more but didn't say anything. "Can you say something about it?"

"None of your business," Hunter repeated under his breath.

"That's fine," Blaine sighed. "I mean, I'm sure the student body wouldn't mind finding out what the two of you did in the room of requirement…"

"How did you know about that?" Hunter asked.

"Gotcha," Blaine said with a grin. "Spill."

"I'm not telling you anything about what happened in the room of requirement," Hunter huffed, folding his arms over his chest.

"Then what?" Blaine asked. "Do you like Sebastian?"

"No, I hate him," Hunter said.

"But do you like him?"

"No," Hunter insisted.

"Then why were you fooling around in the room of requirement, which I've now gotten you to admit and could probably blackmail you with, if I did that sort of thing?" Blaine asked. Hunter glared at Blaine. Blaine shrugged in that adorably innocent Hufflepuff way.

"You're a Hufflepuff," Hunter finally said. "You don't have a blackmail bone in your body."

"Watch me," Blaine said. "I can be very protective of my friends."

"Sorry to disappoint, Anderson, but I'm not talking to you about Sebastian," Hunter said lightly.

"Will you talk to him, then?" Blaine asked.

"Absolutely not," Hunter replied with yet another huff.

"Hunter, I won't tell anyone," Blaine said. "You're my friend too. I know that coming to terms with your sexuality can be a very scary thing, and I just want to help."

"I don't need your help," Hunter insisted. "And I am not even remotely bicurious, thank you very much." With that, he stormed off towards the dungeons, leaving Blaine standing in the Entrance Hall, feeling unaccomplished. Dragging his feet, Blaine walked all the way back upstairs to Ravenclaw Tower. I mean, really, no wonder there aren't any fat kids at Hogwarts.

A/N: Oh, Hunter, so stubborn. Poor Bas, he's going to be lonely for quite some time. Or is he? :D

Tell me what you think, I love hearing from people.


Also, what should happen now? :D