
The light was bright, but surprisingly it wasn't blinding. The light enveloped Jon's body immediately, and Dany was ejected out of it, along with himself.

The shape of a dragon and a wolf gradually appeared in the light. Ned stared at them open mouthed. He had not expected something like this. It was a magical moment.

The dragon spoke. Its voice was haunting and it echoed strangely. 'Jon Snow shall be no more.'

Then the wolf spoke in the same haunting voice as the dragon. 'And Jon Targaryen shall rise in his stead.'

Then they spoke together. 'History shall rewrite itself, justice held, right restored!'

They dived at each other, and seemed to melt together. For a moment Ned thought he had seen Rhaegar grinning in place of the dragon and Lyanna laughing in place of the wolf.

Then the light blinded him.

When he opened his eyes again, the light was gone and Jon looked the same as before, pale and weak. Ned wasn't sure whether it was just a hallucination or not.

Then Jon's eyes snapped open.


Rhaegar and Lyanna had disappeared two hours ago, and had not appeared since. Catelyn couldn't help but feel that it would be the last time she ever saw them again.

Don't worry about us, Lyanna had said, smiling. If you don't see us again, it is very likely that we don't have to worry for Jon anymore and have passed on. See you, Cat.

Rhaegar had smiled at her. I can't ever thank you enough for not chasing our child away. See you, Catelyn, and beware of my wife.

Catelyn had grinned at that. The two ghosts waved and left. And they had not been seen since.

Catelyn did her best not to worry. After all, it could mean that Jon was out of danger and they passed on.

And it could be that some old magic had killed all of them.

Catelyn knew that her worries were pointless. After all, who had heard of old magic killing people? Or ghosts, in their case. That time is past. But again, many unexpected things had happened in the past few moons.

Agonizing moments passed, Catelyn waiting outside the door anxiously. She sent Bran, Rickon and Arya to bed, telling them not to worry. Bran and Rickon had listened, but Arya went after much stomping of feet.

Then the door finally opened, and Ned came out with Queen Daenerys, looking tired.

'He's fine,' Ned said, as if in a daze. 'Jon survived.'

Catelyn gently guided him back to her bed, and he collapsed immediately on it. But, although he seemed tired physically, he didn't seem to be tired mentally at all. He told her what happened in the room, but when he came to the part where Jon woke up, he faltered. Tears formed in his eyes, which puzzled Catelyn. Shouldn't he be celebrating?

'You will see for yourself tomorrow.' He finally said.

The next day, Catelyn, driven by curiosity, went up to Jon's chamber. She supposed that Arya was already inside, because Catelyn didn't see her in other places. Of course, Catelyn didn't look in the streets.

She knocked, and pushed the door open.

Sure enough, Arya was there, along with Bran. Bran and Arya were gaping at Jon, who was laughing and mussing up Arya's hair. Catelyn had never liked it, but at this moment she found Arya quite adorable with messed up hair.

'How are you?' Catelyn asked. She never knew how to begin conversations with this boy.

'Only a slight fever. Father just keeps fussing over me. He needed five maesters to convince him that it's really normal.' Jon never lifted his head while talking to her. Catelyn felt a twinge of guilt.

'Jon, you know you can look at me. You are now a prince, and the blood of the dragons. It is I that should fear you.'

Jon lifted his head, and Catelyn looked into his eyes. Catelyn gasped.

Violet eyes. Just like Rhaegar's.

'Still takes some getting used to.' Jon said with a small smile.

So that was the reason Arya and Bran were gaping. And the reason Ned faltered in his explanation last night. And the reason Jon didn't look straight at her.

Of course, it isn't something bad, but it's unique. Violet eyes are only seen on Targaryens. If word of Jon's parentage escaped, with the help of his eyes, he would be hunted by Targaryen enemies or get pestered to win the Iron Throne. Catelyn knew perfectly well that he wanted neither.

'They're nice. Suits you.' Catelyn said softly. No wonder Ned was sad last night. He would never get to see Lyanna's eyes ever again. Because they had been replaced with those of the Dragon Prince's.


Robb was getting bored. He wondered how father managed to do this almost every day. Robb was about to doze off when Maester Luwin came in.

'My lord, there has been a bird from King's Landing, from your mother. They will be arriving at Winterfell in a week.'

'What of Jon?' Robb asked, worried for his cousin.

'Jon Snow will be coming too, but there has been no further mention of his current condition.'

At least he's still alive.

'Prepare Winterfell for a welcome home feast. See that their chambers are cleaned too.' Robb instructed his men. Finally, something exciting to look forward to.

The week passed, yes, but slowly. Robb felt that he might die of boredom before they arrived.

Then they arrived.

To Robb's surprise, there wasn't a litter for Jon. Only riders. Father rode at the head of the group, mother at his side. Behind them was Arya, Rickon holding on to her waist. Bran was riding beside Arya. There was a hooded stranger between them, and guards flanked each of them. Robb wondered where Jon was, and who the hooded man is.

Father hummed with approval when he saw Winterfell. 'You have done a good job during my absence, son.' Mother looked proud. Arya grinned at Robb, while Sansa showered him with courtesies. Rickon hugged him. Bran smiled at him.

Then came the feast. Robb was even more confused by then. Father requested that the hooded stranger eat in Jon's chamber, and no one should disturb him. Robb shot him a questioning glance, but father told him that all will be explained after the feast, out of public.

Robb was really very bored. It hadn't turned out as exciting as he thought it would. He considered sneaking to the chamber, but decided against it. Father's wrath was not to be toyed with.

The feast was finally over. Father dragged him and Sansa aside and said, 'Now, don't you go spreading rumors of what I'm going to show you. Come with me, and make sure nobody follows you.'

Robb wondered what all this secrecy was for. Could it be in any way connected to Jon?

Father pushed open the door, and they entered. The stranger's back was to them.

'Jon,' father called out.

Jon? Then why does it have to be secret? Or is it just another Jon? Is Jon disfigured?

Jon turned, and Robb found himself staring into violet eyes.

'Jon…' Robb felt his breath catch in his throat. 'Your eyes…'

Jon laughed quietly. 'Don't mind them.'

At least the laughter is still the same.

'Right, don't let anyone else know about my eyes, okay?'

'Why? Then don't you have to wear a hood all the time?'

Ned explained patiently to Robb about assassins out to kill the remaining Targaryens, houses that want a Targaryen to sit the Iron Throne, et cetera.

Jon grinned at him. Robb felt a pang deep down. The Jon he knew was still there, even the way of grinning and laughing. And yet this was not the Jon Snow he knew well and played with since youth. This was Jon Targaryen, rightful heir to the Iron Throne. His cousin, not his brother.

As if Jon could sense his thoughts, he said, 'Dad here agreed to take me as his godson, so you are still my brother, Robb. Don't pull such a sour face.'

That was when Robb realized that his emotions had been showing. Composing himself hastily, he said, 'Feel like sparring, Snow?'

'No!' father said sharply. 'He is still recovering from the after effects from you-know-what, and still has a slight fever. I will not allow it.'

Jon raised an eyebrow at Robb. Robb tried and failed to hide a snicker.

Father shook his head sternly. 'Boys.' He muttered before leaving.

Jon looked at Robb with those unnerving violet eyes. Robb felt another pang in his heart. Their brotherly love will never be the same again.

'Robb,' Jon said quietly. 'I know that you may not still want me as your brother anymore, but we still can be friends.'

Robb stared at Jon incredously.

'Are you kidding? After all we had done together? I won't change, even though you have. And you are still the same old Jon, just that Snow is now Targaryen. Your name is still Jon. Your features are still Stark, except for your eyes. And you will always remain an annoying…' Robb pulled Jon into a hug. '…little brother.'

The end. Hope that you liked it.

There will be one shots based on this story, but I don't think that I will be posting any more chapters.

Okay, next is just to tell you what happened to other characters.


He still missed Lyanna, but he had learned to get over it. Thanks to a boy called Jon Snow.

Avila Viten got a position of her own on the court, which aroused mutterings and Cersei's rage, but in the end Jaime sorted it all out.

As for George Greenwood, he stayed on Sapphire Isles and out of sight, which was good enough for him.

Daenerys was also given a high position at court as the Hand of the King, after she told him that she had lost all intention of getting the Iron Throne. She could still sit it sometimes, of course, as the Hand.

The dragons were still out there, doing who-knows-what.

It seemed like the end.