A/N: This is a story I've had buzzing around in my head for a long time now so I thought it was time to get it down on paper. It is very Kurt centric, but it also features an OC quite heavily. Kadam and Klaine are also present, along with others, so please give the story a chance. It's a multi-chapter and whilst I feel quite strongly about this story, I will only update A) when I have time and B) When I feel the chapter is good enough.

Warnings: This story mentions violence (both descriptive and non-descriptive), homophobia, attempted suicide, neglect, anorexia. If this triggers anything for you, then stop here.

Other than that, I hope you like it and I'll end my AN there. Enjoy!

Kurt and Adam sat sipping their coffees and amiably chatting at the cafe around the corner from NYADA. Kurt was more than a little confused. Here he was with a brilliant, attractive, British guy and at the same time he had golden eyes and gelled hair that smelled like raspberries running through his head. After the almost-wedding...everything had just gone up in smoke for him. Blaine had renewed his attempts to win him back (not that Kurt was complaining- far from it) but things with Adam were also progressing. He was realising sooner or later he'd have to hurt someone and he was torn over who to pick. But, in that moment, he tried to push his fears aside and keep up his side of the conversation.

"So, Adam, what was life like back in England?" he enquired with genuine curiosity. "Please tell me you've met Kate Middleton." He begged.

Adam laughed and shook his head. "No, no, sadly our paths never crossed. I grew up in London though, however we, er, let's say myself and the Duchess ran in different circles." He chuckled and Kurt rolled his eyes.

"Typical! My one link to the throne, gone!" He lamented jokingly as the boy opposite him laughed. "So, what was it like?"

"Very different to being here." He admitted. "Wet." He added, wrinkling his nose. "Wet and dreary weather. We're a nation of pessimists, I guess, but I had some really good friends. My Mum and Dad always used to be nagging at me to bring them around for tea, or at least to hang out for a bit. I swear they used to think all my friends were made up!" He cleared his throat, eyes growing distant. "One in particular...she was, well, she was something. Fit the proper British girl to a 'T'. Heck of a voice, but boy was she smart..." He shook his head slightly. "But England...I-I don't really know quite how to describe it. To me, it's home. To you, it'd be the strangest place on earth. We tend to be very reserved I guess, and everyone calls each other names like 'pet' and 'sweetheart'." He smiled. "It's nice." He shrugged. "It's just England."

Kurt watched with sparkling eyes and a half smile. "Sounds exciting." He said, taking a sip from his drink.

Adam grinned back. "Well, maybe I'll take you there one day." He offered in jest. Kurt's blue eyes went wide with excitement.

"Really?" He asked.

"Sure, if you like. Perhaps this summer I'll see if I can take you back to meet my parents?" Adam offered, slightly hesitant. Kurt barely seemed to notice though.

"Oh my God, that would be amazing!" He gushed. "And just think, we could go see Buckingham Palace, and-and Big Ben and drink proper English tea." He babbled, ecstatic. "And you could introduce me to that friend of yours!" He added.

"Oh, yeah, I guess so!" Adam agreed, grinning if taken aback by Kurt's enthusiasm. "But we'd best see where we are by summer, yeah?" He checked and Kurt nodded, grinning as they both lapsed into a comfortable silence. "So what about you? What's your story?" He questioned in return, leaning forwards.

Kurt shrugged dismissively. "Not much to tell, really. Born and raised in Ohio. Didn't have very many friends as a child, well, except for my cousin." He bit his lip and swallowed hard, tears pooling in his eyes. With a sympathetic look Adam reached across and held his hand. "Being gay there...it wasn't easy. So it was really just me and my Dad. She- my cousin- used to play around ours a lot, she was a few years younger than me though." He shook his head. "But that was a long time ago. Cut a long and boring story short, stumbled my way through high school- won Nationals with my Glee club during that time too- then started at Vogue after my first audition was a flop, started at NYADA, met you and then, well, you're up to date by then." He reeled off hastily. Adam chuckled and smiled at that, the two grinning at each other from across the table.

"We should be getting back. I've got dance in 15 minutes with Cassandra." Kurt grimaced at Adam's words. "If I'm late for that she'll no doubt have me in there for an extra three hours just to compensate." He rolled his eyes and the two shared a knowing look. Disposing of their cups, the two walked out of the coffee shop together.

Neither ever spoke of their back stories to one another again.

2 weeks later...

Adam sighed as the rest of the Adam's Apples trickled out after practice. Not that he'd admit it to anyone, but the preppy and happy attitude everyone seemed to exude in America- false or not- sometimes made him long for home which led him down a train of thought that always left him melancholy and slightly depressed. Kurt lingered at the door slightly as he watched Adam slump in his seat slightly, dragging a hand over his face in obvious exhaustion. Slowly, he approached the other boy.

"Hey, are you okay?" He queried softly, perching on the arm of the chair. Adam looked up and smiled wearily. Kurt. He was so...amazing. With his perfect hair, amazing eyes, beautiful voice and strong personality: Adam knew he was developing feelings and he knew that Kurt was too. He really thought it could lead somewhere. However, he wouldn't push his troubles onto the boy. After all, they barely knew one another. So he patted Kurt's arm in what he hoped was a soothing manner.

"It's nothing. Just had a long day I suppose." He promised with a smile. Kurt still didn't look convinced. "I just need a bit of time to myself; you know, gather my thoughts and rest a bit." He assured the other boy.

Kurt bit his lip indecisively. "Are you positive?" He checked finally, tightening his grip on the strap of his bag. Adam nodded confidently, a small smile on his lips. Kurt closed his eyes a moment, wondering if he should push a bit, before getting up. "Okay then..." He said slowly, standing once more as he placed a hand on the other boy's shoulder. "We still on for coffee tomorrow?" He asked.

"Of course." Adam replied firmly, smile growing just a smidgen. "I wouldn't miss it for the world." He promised. They shared a smile before Kurt departed, leaving Adam alone. As the boy's footsteps faded away to nothing, Adam's smile dropped from his face and he buried his face in his hands, groaning. Memories bubbled to the surface. Unpleasant memories. Biting his lip, he sighed wearily, resting his head on his hands and staring out into space, lost in thought. A whole year. One whole year since they'd had any contact with one another. Had it really been that long? He huffed out a breath. Even if he wanted to, he couldn't contact her. He wondered if she still thought of him. As he submerged himself in his musings, something cut through the silence. He frowned, realising it was a ringtone and pulled the phone out of his pocket. He froze when he heard the tune playing. Impossible... Excitement and worry coursed through his veins as he stared at the iPhone. Could it-was it? Biting his lip, he answered the call and brought the device to his ear. "Hello?"

"Well, isn't that a sound for sore ears." A female voice crackled through from the other end. Adam felt a beaming smile grow slowly on his face. "Oi! Watch it lady! Flying elbows are not appreciated!" The voice snapped distantly and Adam realised that no, he wasn't dreaming, and she really was on the other end. "Sorry about that." She apologised.

"N-No problem." He promised, grinning. "How-why-when?" He trailed off.

"Oh please, you really think I'd forget you? Or let you forget me?" She responded with a sniff. "I'm ashamed Adam, really I am. Besides, it's been a year. It's about time I found an opening to talk to you." She decided huffily. Then her voice turned soft. "Sorry. I've been really busy lately. Career and stuff." She explained

Adam waved his hand even though she couldn't see, an ear splitting smile still plastered over his face. "Hey, don't worry. You always were 'work first, work second and work third'" he joked. "I think the word 'vacation' is a foreign word to you, am I right?" He teased.

"Why, Adam Crawford, are you mocking me?" She responded in an equally playful manner. It warmed his heart to fall back into their old ways so easily. "Besides, I'll have you know that I am more than capable of taking a vacation. After all, why else would I be on a plane flying over the Atlantic Ocean on a flight headed for New York as we speak?" She reasoned, waiting for the penny to drop.

Adam sat in silence for a long moment, mouth gaping as he tried to process what he'd just been told. "Wait- what? You-you mean...?" He trailed off in utter shock.

"Pick me up from the airport in 2 hours." She requested, and Adam knew that she had her tongue pressed against the inside of her cheek. "I'll be waiting Mr. Crawford." She promised. Then, just like that, the conversation ended. Adam stared at his phone, trying to comprehend what he'd just been told, before his brain engaged. His entire face lit up as the 22 year old punched the air in utter glee and ran out of the room, sprinting down the hall and startling several passersby, including Rachel Berry who gaped after him with confusion and slight apprehension at his behaviour. Adam paid her no heed though and soon flew through the double doors of NYADA's entrance and ran all the way back to his flat to prepare for his guest. The smile never left his face the whole time he ran.

Back on an airplane suspended in mid air, a teenager hung up their iPhone and slipped it back into the inside pocket of her blazer, a tiny smirk playing across pink lips as she relaxed into her chair as her business class flight continued to sail through the air. Staring out of her window absently, her mouth twitched upwards slightly as the thin clouds parted, granting her a view of the coast of America drawing ever closer.

"Hello USA. What have you got in store for me this time?" She murmured to herself, eyes raking over the sight before she turned away. Picking up a book, she turned the page gently, eyes scanning the words from behind rimless glasses. Whatever was going to happen, she knew, it would certainly be an interesting stay. After all, with her around, interesting was the only thing it could possibly be. She'd make certain of it.