Me: So this story was inspired by something that had actually happened this afternoon. My dad had a splinter and my mom had to pull it out and I was kind of on an 8059 kick so I thought hey this would make a really sweet short story for this couple. So here it is.

Disclaimer: I don't own Katekyo Hitman Reborn or any of the characters they all belong to their rightful owner.

Enjoy ;P

I let out a sigh as I squashed the remains of my cigarette. Takeshi had just won their last big game and he asked me to come over and celebrate it with the team. After some grumbling I agreed that I would meet him over there in a little bit. I looked up, that little bit only being half an hour after the game when I was sure that everyone had already gotten to Takeshi's house. I opened the door and slid of my shoes before walking in. Takeshi's dad looked up as I walked in and smiled pointing to the side where the baseball idiot was laughing with the rest of them.

Takeshi looked up as I entered the dining room that was always reserved for the baseball team and smiled jumping up and running to me. "Hayato you actually came!" I saw a look pass through his teammates as he said my first name. I shrugged and muttered that I told him I was coming. "I know, we were just talking about my hand and what we should do."

I raised my eyebrow at his stupid answer and snorted. "What's so important about your hand?"

"I got a big splinter and it kind of hurts." he said pulling me over and making sit down beside him.

"I told him just to leave it and his skin will push it out on it's own." one his friends said. I never bothered to remember their names and I didn't feel bad about it either.

"But if he does that it'll just hurt worse." another piped up giving me a strange look.

I looked over at him and rolled my eyes letting out another sigh. "Let me see your hand." I told him holding mine out. He nodded and he put his hand in mine. On his palm under his thumb a long large splinter dug into his skin. I winced as I looked at it, dirt still laid around it and the skin looked red and angry. "Did you wash your hands after the game?"

"Yup." he said looking at. "With soap and it really burned."

"It's getting infected." I told him shaking my head. Damn idiot he had to have had in there for awhile. "How long have you had it?"

"About 3 days." he said looking away. "I was hoping it would go away like what Tanaki said it would."

"And if you didn't play baseball it probably would have." I told him with a glare. "But you always hold that bad and your hands always have dirt on them. It was bound to get worse immediately. Someone needs to take it out before it gets any worse."

"Oh." he said sadly wincing as I lightly touched around it. "Can you take it out?"

"What?" I said looking back up at him.

"Mom's not home and Dad's cooking." Takeshi replied smiling at me. "You're the only one left that doesn't have dirt on his hands. Please?"

"Fine." I said dropping his hand. "Go wash them again and then find me a needle."

"Needle?" he asked as he stood up. "Why?"

"It'll be fine." I told him. "I may only need it to help get the splinter out."

"Oh." was all he said as he headed upstairs.

"Is it that bad?" asked the boy I believed to be Tanaki.

"Not yet." I told him folding my arms. "But if he doesn't get it out soon it will be. Dirt got into the cut which is causing it to get infected. And keeping a splinter in isn't exactly good for you."

"But your skin pushes it out." Tanaki argued glaring at me. "And besides since when have you been on first name bases with Yamamoto?"

"If it doesn't get infected first." I said before paling. "And what does names have to do with any of this?"

"Hayato and I are good friends now." Takeshi said bounding into the room and handed me the needle. "I even washed the needle with soap." he said sitting beside me. "Ready."

"Whatever." I said taking a deep breath. I used to get splinters all the time from playing in the woods with Bianchi and her mom would have to take them out. I never really cared for it. I lifted his hand and looked at the splinter. A piece of the end was sticking out and I pulled at it with my nails getting some of it to slide out before Takeshi jerked his hand.

"Oi idiot hold still." I told him waiting for him to give me back his hand.

"Sorry." he said putting his hand back in mine. "You don't like you're enjoying this. Don't like splinters?"

"Does anyone?" I retorted. "And unless you enjoy having a splinter in you hand then I suggest you don't move every time I touch your hand.

"Sorry sorry. I'll be fine now I just wasn't ready for that." he told me. "It didn't hurt just felt weird."

"Fine." I told him pulling at splinter again before letting go. It went pretty deep into his skin and you could see some blood around it. I grimaced and before pulling out more of it. Finally I managed to get the splinter out and I held it up to Takeshi. "There." I told him putting in his hand. "No go wash out the cut and put some peroxide and a bandage on it."

"Ouch." he said looking at the splinter. "But for what it's worth my hand already feels better." he stood up. "Thanks Hayato. Come one you'll have to put the bandage on."

"H-hey wait!" I said as he pulled me out of the chair and up the stairs. He pushed me into the bathroom and shut the door behind him."Oi idiot what are you doing."

"Haha you don't seem to get along with the rest of my team." he laughed. "So I brought you up here."

"H-hey that's..." I stuttered trying to think of something.

"Don't worry about it." he laughed again. "Tanaki is hard to get along with sometimes and he isn't exactly a big fan of your to begin with. The girl he really likes really likes you so she won't give him the time of day anymore."

"Oh." I said leaning against the door with my hands pressed against it behind my back. "I hope he doesn't give you trouble because of that. And use hot water."

"No he doesn't." Yamamoto said washing his hand. He turned the water to hot and laughed. "You're so kind even though you try hard not to be."

"Shut it." I growled looking down at the floor. He turned the water of and handed me the towel and bandage. "W-what?" I looked up and he smiled. I frowned and patted his hand with the towel. His hand was rough and covered in callouses from playing baseball. Like the rest of him his skin was a rich tan and his skin was warm from the hot water. I lowered my head so my hair covered my eyes. The skin where the splinter used to be was already going back to it's original color and it wasn't bleeding. I ran my thumb over the area and he didn't move he just stood there quietly and I could feel his eyes on me, watching every move I made. I snapped out my trance and shoved the towel to him and put the bandage on over the cut. This was really the only time we've ever been this close to each other and it made me self-conscious. I always pushed him away so I wouldn't get close to him and hurt him.

"There." I turning around to open the door but he slammed his hand against the edge of the door and held it shut.

"Hayato." he said turning me back around. "Thank you for taking care of my hand."

"Whatever." I muttered. I blushed and my eyes widened when he ran his hand against my cheek the bandage scratching at my skin. "What are you doing."

"Why did you come here?" Takeshi asked me tilting his head as he played with my hair.

"You asked me too." I responded immediately. "You asked me to come over and I told you I would."

"But why did you say yes?" he asked tugging on my hair. My heart sped up and I looked up at him and smiled. "Why did you agree to come over tonight?"

"You won your last big game for the season." I told him quietly.

"So?" he said an odd gleam entering his eyes. "You never cared about my baseball games before."

"You worked hard." I muttered. "And since you asked I said yes."

He threw his head back and started laughing. "You are so good at avoiding questions."

"Oi..." I said as he brought his lips down to mine. I felt my face heat up, he stared at me his eyes closing slightly. My eyes fluttered shut and I leaned into the kiss dropping my hands back so that they lay flat against the door as he pushed me against it. He slide his tongue against my bottom lip and I granted him access and his tongue intertwined with mine in a complicated dance that he dominated. He dropped his hands down to my hips as he pressed himself up against me.

He pulled away as the need for oxygen became greater. A small strand of saliva connected our lips until he ran his thumb across my lips. I swallowed and he smiled. "There I think I got my answer."

"Idiot." I panted as he laughed. He pulled me away and opened the door. "Haha come down as soon as you can." he said as he closed the bathroom door.

"Idiot!" I yelled at the door as my blushed deepened.

Me: Ok so this defiantly didn't turn out the way I thought it was going to. I was just going to end it after Gokudera got the splinter out but then the ending just kept coming so I guess you can say that this story wrote itself. But I'm actually really happy with how this turned out and I hoped you enjoy it. I was thinking of writing this story from Yamamoto's P.O.V. and I probably still will but it may not be very soon unless I get some requests asking for it.

Later ;P