
Noise boomed all around her. Everyone was cheering for the return of Lisanna. Lucy wasn't cheering. She's been back for almost a month, yet they still need to host such a big party.

It's not like she hated Lisanna, but it was just something she did that made her...dislike her. She was holding hands with none other than Natsu Dragoneel. He was staring at her as if she was the center of the universe. Lucy completely understood that his long lost girl friend apparently wasn't dead and somehow came back from the dead.

But...It was like he had completely forgotten about her. Ever since Lisanna came back. Everyone ignored her. Even Levy and Wendy and Cana, they were all to busy congratulating Lisanna. One more thing, right when she got back, Lisanna asked Natsu to go out with her. Of course he said 'Yes' like the type of idiot he was. They been going out for almost a month.

Lucy would admit she was jealous. But she tried to push the feeling down. She was happy for Natsu of course. Even though she wanted to kick him in the face, but still she was happy for him.

They only thing she was happy about was...thy haven't kissed yet...she had no idea why she was so happy. Even though it was slim, maybe she still had a chance.


She shuddered that nickname was just sickening. Why in the world would Lisanna call Natsu Natsy?

It was a swift movement, Natsu pulled Lisanna close to him. Lucy thought it was merely a hug. She was wrong. What happened next shattered her heart beyond a million pieces.

They kissed, smack on. Everyone stopped what they were doing. All together they went.


And the worst of it? They made out right in front of her. Lisanna kept giving her smug looks as if she were saying, 'I kissed him first.'

She gave Natsu a weak smile, he was probably way to busy making out to notice. He stopped.

"Lisanna you should totally be on my team. "

He looked at Lucy standing near him.

"And...Lucy you're not gonna be on my team anymore."

He didn't even bother to say sorry. He had kicked her off just like that. Her sadness grew to rage, she stomped out of the guild. Nobody cared, nobody noticed. She didn't even bother to have her Fairy Tail mark removed.

She looked at the guild, this place was sickening. She would never come back.

Her eyes widened. A smile spread across her face. She knew the perfect place to go.