
SaberTooth Girl

The games continued. It was a real shocker to SaberTooth when Lucy didn't show up. It was even more of a shocker when they heard she joined Fairy Tail again. But they managed, Fairy Tail still beat them though, without any help from Natsu.

Natsu and Lucy were out cold. If you danced until morning, I'm pretty sure you would be out cold too. The funny thing was that they fell asleep in the same bed. It was kinda cute. The guild decided to let them sleep. It's not everyday you get to see something that sweet.

They woke up right before the party. And man did they have a blast. They party was more for congratulating Lucy's return than winning the games. Beer and food were flying everywhere. Right around 3:00 am everyone passed out. Natsu was sleeping with Lucy in his arms. He had actually kissed her on her forehead before he went out cold.

He was glad she was back. Really glad...


Flowers and rose petals flew around in the air. Raining down on two people. A blonde haired lady in a beautiful white dress and a pink haired man in a tuxedo.

The crowd had at least 400-500 people attending.

Including Titania, a certain Ice Mage, a winged blue cat, and the twin dragons from SaberTooth. It was hard seeing someone you had a crush on get married.

"I do"

Those two words finally came out of his mouth. The crowed cheered and more petals and flowers rained down from the sky.

"You may now kiss the bride!"

The pink haired man looked at his bride.

"I'm so glad you came back, Lucy..."

"I'm glad too...Natsu..."

They kissed, the crowd cheered.

Afterwards they danced. Everyone danced. Lucy and Natsu led. Everyone else followed.

Sting and Rogue looked at Lucy. They both had hoped she would have chosen on of them. But now they know she would've never been as happy as she was now.

Natsu twirled Lucy around and around, just like that night many years ago.

"Lucy...This brings back memories..."

"Natsu...I wonder how...WonderLands doing..."

Natsu laughed.

"I bet their doing fine...After all they have their Alice...But I'm glad...You didn't stay Lucy..."

Lucy nodded. She kissed him again. And for the rest of that day, thy danced and ate and cheered. It was a happy day for everyone. And one by one the guests left, giving them their congratulations as they left.

Gray and Erza were one of the last to leave.

"Good Luck Flame head."

Gray hit him on his arm.

"Lucy be strong! And don't hesitate to punish him if needed!"

Lucy nodded. They both left.

A white haired lady was the last one to leave.

"Congratulations Lucy and Natsu."

Natsu smiled.


Lucy hugged her. Lisanna waved and left too.

Natsu scooped Lucy up in his arms.

"Let's go home."

Natsu had bought a house. A real fancy house.

He took her home, just like that.

When they arrived, Natsu kicked the door opening and propped Lucy on the couch.

"I'll be right back Lucy..."

He stumbled to the bathroom. She shook her head.

"Natsu, Natsu, Natsu..."

She looked down the hallway. Something flashed. Lucy got up and walked down the hall to where the light came from. She opened up the door to her the desk was a glowing ball of light. Lucy approached it. The light slowly vanished. Leaving a pack of cards.

Lucy gasped and turned looked at the cards.

They were her cards. And all of them were there. She turned the deck over, a note fell out. Lucy took the note and opened it. She smiled as she read it.

"Natsu! Look!"

She ran out of the door excitedly. She would never forget what was written on that note. Even though the note had no name, she knew who it was from.

'Congratulations on the marriage Lucy...Here's a gift from us here in WonderLand...'

The last line was what stuck in her head the most.

'I hope you enjoy your gift SaberTooth Girl...'

She smiled as she ran to Natsu.

SaberTooth Girl...

Thank you all for sticking until the very end!

I hope you liked the ending. And yes this is the last chapter...

:) Thanks all of you out there that have Followed Favorited Or reviewed!