Pairing: Lyon x Gray

Warnings: Yaoi, boy x boy

Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail or any of its characters



The streets of Magnolia Town were, as always, bustling with life and cheerful characters. Adding to the colorful people on the streets this day were three comrades: Two boys and one girl.

Perhaps the term "comrades" was an exaggeration. The whitehaired male and the girl were separated: She sought to avoid him, clinging to the blackhaired boy in the middle. He, however, was not enjoying their company.

"Would you cut it out?"

Gray growled at the other boy while trying to wriggle free from Juvia's grasp. He was unsuccesful. The rain woman had learned how to hold on tight.

"Ahh, Gray-sama!" Juvia squealed, clenching Gray's arm even tighter. "Always so cool!"

"Oi, Gray! You let go of her!"

Lyon grabbed his free harm, perfectly trapping Gray between himself and Juvia. The blackhead sighed resignedly. It had been a long time since he gave up on bringing an end to this bickering.

A short distance behind them, another trio was following the drama quite closely. The pinkhaired boy in particular appeared to be enjoying it.

"Uwah," Natsu laughed, folding his hands behind his head. "Gray's really in a pinch, huh? It's like a love triangle or something."

"It IS a love triangle," Happy purred in response. The cat, too, was enjoying itself. The girl with them simply shook her head.

"Isn't it more like just a love "angle"? I mean, Lyon likes Juvia and Juvia likes Gray, but..." Lucy tilted her head in thought. "...if it's a love triangle, wouldn't that mean Gray is..."

Natsu and Happy's faced showed that they most certainly needed to know nothing more. They already knew what she meant.

Yes, for the love triangle to be complete, Gray would have to be in love with none other than Lamia Scale's Lyon Bastia.

"Enough already!"

Gray slammed his fist onto the table, making Juvia jump in her seat. He was fed up with watching his two allies show their admiration so openly.


"I'll be heading back to the guild." He stood up, looking down at the other two with and irritated, yet somehow tired, glance. "Don't mind me. Have fun."

A few moments of silence fell as left the room, leaving only a gloomy atmosphere behind. At the sight of Juvia's unease, Lyon spoke up.

"Wait here." He placed a hand on Juvia's shoulder. After all, this might be his chance. "I'll catch him."

Juvia nodded silently, remaining in her seat while Lyon went outside. Surprisingly, Gray had gone no further than the wall of the small bar they had been at. Leaning against it, he shot Lyon a short glance.

"I thought I told you not to mind me."

"Personally I'm thanking all things good in the world for letting me be alone with Juvia. However..." Lyon grabbed Gray's collar, pulling him closer. "I would rather not have her worry about you all the while. What's your problem?"

Gray shrugged, looking away from the other ice wizard. His face had gone almost expressionless, a rather unusual phenomenon.

"Nothing really. You two were giving me a headache, that's all." He continued, adding in a lower voice: "You're so noisy."

"You're a real piece of work," Lyon snorted back, letting go of Gray's coat. "Either way, you'lle be going in there again." He pointed at the bar entrance. "Voluntarily or by force. Make your choice."

Clicking his tongue, Gray shoved his hands into the pockets of his coat. It was clear that Lyon refused to back down, so he might just give in himself.

"Fine. Whatever."

However, as Gray turned towards the door a bluehaired woman stuck her head out. It seemed that Juvia had gotten tired of waiting.

"Sorry. Juvia thought it was time to head back by now."

"Yeah, perhaps we should." Lyon nodded in agreement. "It is getting rather late, isn't it? I suppose I will see the both of you tomorrow again."

As Lyon began walking away, Juvia and Gray remained at the bar. A few minutes passed before Juvia, too, said her goodbyes, yet before she could go anywhere, Gray called out to her.

"Juvia, wait. I need to talk to you."

The rain woman stopped dead in her tracks, slowly turning back towards the object of her affection with stars shining in her eyes.


"I, uh..."

Gray rubbed the back of his head, struggling to find words. This was awkward. The whole situation was awkward, but he ought to tell her. Who knew what she would end up thinking of him? Hell, how would she even react?"

"...I can't do it. Return your feelings, I mean." Gray felt like biting his tongue off. Was there even a limit as to how silly he could make himself sound? "I'm sorry."

"There's... someone else?" Juvia's eyes widened, first in surprise. Then in horror as she turned around, flustered. "Another girl? Guuuu~ Juvia will make sure she pays for-"

"Ah, that's not the issue!"

Gray's interruption only served to confuse the woman further. His embarassed expression as he finally dropped the bomb most likely only added to it.

"How can I say this? There is someone, but... it's not a girl."

Perhaps it was starting to dawn on Juvia what he meant. She still showed no sign of anger or disgust. That, however, might come later.

"It's a guy."

An awkward silence filled the street. Gray lost track of how long Juvia just stared at him as if he had fallen from the sky. He probably deserved that treatment.



Juvia's face went into a slight frown as she shyly averted her eyes.

"Is it... Lyon-san?"

"It's that easy to figure out, huh?" Gray chuckled, covering his eyes. Had Juvia really seen through him that easily? "Yeah. It's him."

For so long, Gray had kept the secret to himself: The feelings for a man that had always been a rival. Yet the confidence and strength Lyon held was alluring. Gray might already have fallen for him ages ago, but it was his flirting with the rain woman that had made Gray realize: He wanted Lyon as more than a simple rival.

"Aah, so relieved! Juvia thought Gray-sama had fallen for one of the girls in Fairy Tail."

Juvia had placed a hand on her chest, breathing out deeply as if a heavy weight had just been lifted. How was she able to deal with the situation so calmly?

"You're... not angry?" Gray asked carefully, afraid that much darkerbthoughts might loom underneath her calm demeanor. It quickly became apparant that this was not the case.

"No, not at all!" Juvia shook her head eagerly. "Juvia thinks it is fine. If Gray-sama can be happy with Lyon-san, Juvia will be happy as well."


Gray was at a loss of words. The woman, who had held him in sucha high regard, had easily accepted his feelings towards someone else: Towards another man. Never had he could prepare himself for that surge of relief overwhelming him at that moment. In a second, he had pulled the woman into a warm embrace.

"Thank you, Juvia."

They did not need to exchange further words. Finally Gray had been able to put the cards on his hands onto the table, right next to Juvia's. Their true color had been revealed.

But one hand of cards had not yet been completely revealed in this game that went three ways.

Pulling out of the embrace, Gray eyed a figure staring at him and Juvia, visibly surprised. Gray, however, felt horror and dismay.

Why had Lyon come back now.

"P-please excuse me." Flustered, Juvia turned away from Gray as she too noticed the presence of the third person. "I should leave." She swiftly began walking away, sensing the mood, turning back just once to say one last thing.

"Gray-sama? Good luck. I hope everything will work out."

With those words, the rain woman darted off with dotted red cheeks, leaving behind the two males. Neither of them spoke. Instead Lyon moved first, moving over to Gray, grabbing his collar and shoving him against the brick wall behind him.

"What the hell was that about?!"

Gray's head was slammed into the hard wall, making him groan as a dull pain spread in his skull. His blood ran cold. Lyon did not just seem angry. He was furious.

"Nothing, damn it!" It was difficult to speak with the way Lyon put pressure on his throat. As the pressure increased, Gray burst out a sentence impulsively.

A sentence that would turn everything around.

"I turned her down!"

The pressure on his neck eased slightly as Lyon sighed, still keeping Gray pinned against the wall. It appeared his anger had diminished.

"Tch. It was about time you did. I thought you'd never come to your senses."

Gray blinked in confusion. What was that supposed to mean? Why had Lyon not gone after Juvia already as Gray would have expected? Why was he so damn close?!

"I won't forgive you if you decide to fool around with someone else this time." A dangerous smirk appeared on Lyon's lips. Moving closer, he whispered four words before closing the distance.

"This time... you're mine."

The kiss was passionate and dominant from the very beginning. Lyon wasted no chances to nibble at Gray's lips, forcing his tongue in between them as they parted. He met no resistance as he roamed the mouth of the other wizard, who was being unusually submissive.

"Hnn?" Lyon hummed questioningly as the kiss was broken. "I expected more of a fight from you, Gray. Don't tell me..." He ran a finger across the lips he had just bruised. " turned down Juvia for this?"

"So?" Gray replied to the question with one of his own. "Weren't Juvia the one you were after? You might still be able to catch her. Stop making a fool out of me."

"Making a fool out of you?" Gray could feel his cheeks flare up at Lyon's loud laugh. "Please, you do so very well with that yourself. Did you really think Juvia had my genuine interest?"

Gray's eyes widened at Lyon's words. What was he saying?

"Juvia was the perfect excuse to be close to you where I could keep an eye on whatever you were up to. If I wanted a girl like her, I would have gone out with Sherry when I had the chance."

"This is about me, then?"

"It's all about you, Gray." Lyon's fingered trailed a line from Gray's lips and down his neck. "I've been waiting for a chance to make my move for some time now. Honestly, I thought you would end up falling for that woman instead."

"Tch. She's not really my type," Gray mumbled, a smile appearing on his face. "Perhaps 'cause I've always unconciously ended up comparing everyone to you."

"Likewise." Lyon's eyes were burning with a strong intensity as he put his lips to those of Gray once more.

"It was always meant to be you."

One could say that it was rather fortunate that Gray's apartment was only a short walk from the bar. Fortunate, seeing as Gray could simply throw himself on the bed, flat on the stomach, trying to take in all that had just went down.

Never had he dreamed that Lyon of all people had had his eyes on him for quite some time... especially considering that Gray had secretly wanted him too. All of their actions up until this point, including involving Juvia, seemed so awfully silly now.

The body creaked as a body hovered above Gray, one hand and knee on each side of him. It appeared that Lyon was far from done yet.

"That's sweet," Lyon chuckled next to Gray's ear before gently biting it. The boy below said nothing, but quietly enjoyed the sensations it sent through his body. "Turning your back on me like that. Are you already letting me have your body?"

Lyon ran a hand across the toned naked back beneath him. Neither of them were wearing anything more than pants: For Gray, that would be underwear only. Their habit of spontaneously stripping was, for once, rather convenient given the situation.

"You didn't strike me as someone who'd wanna wait." Gray turned underneath the other male, getting onto his side where he could look up at Lyon. "But if you want to wait, I can't promise I'll be there when you're ready."

"Forget it." Lyon smirked, going back to bite Gray's ear while sliding one hand further down his body. The soft moan Gray let out as his buttcheek was squeezed seemed to satisfy Lyon. "Your pretty little ass belongs to me now."

"Just my ass?"

"Your ass and the rest of you."

Raising Gray's hips, forcing him back onto his stomach, Lyon began grinding himself against the blackhaired boy. His comrade was already feeling quite a bit, Gray noted. It would be impossible to mistake that hard bulge pressing against his ass for anything else.

"I'll have every last bit of you," Lyon breathed, his voice revealing his obvious arousal. Gray had to admit that it was sexy. The way the older man was claiming Gray as his was a huge turn-on, no doubt.

Lyon's lips made contact with Gray's neck, softly kissing it as his hand moved to the blackhead's chest. Smirking into the soft skin, Lyon pinched a hardened niple, immediately getting a reaction.

"A- aah!"

Gray instinctively pressed his ass harder against Lyon as he cried out in pleasure. The man had not been kidding. He was indeed making Gray his. The younger boy could not say that he minded. If this was what it meant to be Lyon's, he would gladly become his without a second thought.

"Quite sensitive here, aren't we?" Lyon bit down on Gray's neck while flicking his finger across that extremely sensitive part of his chest repeatedly. Another cry. Lyon's teeth were definitely going to leave a mark. Someone was bound to discover that later.

"A- ah, Lyon-!"

Moaning his partner's name, Gray clenched the bed sheets with one hand. The other had moved down to the rim of his boxers, trying to pull them down. Considering just how damn hard he had gotten, they were just in the way.

Another hand soon joined in, aiding Gray in getting off the last irritating piece of clothing. He could already feel Lyon stare at his naked body and damn was it a good feeling. It appeared to have a similar effect on Lyon as well.

"Sexy sight," Lyon whispered huskily, starting to rub against Gray once more. The rough feeling of the trousers was slightly uncomfortable, but the blackhead bore with it. God, he did not want any of this to stop.

Another moan escaped him as a warm hand wrapped around that hard erection between his slightly spread legs. Slowly, Lyon's fingers caress the shaft, running over the slit and rubbing the head. Like this, Gray would not hold out long. Not with how expertly the whitehaired male moved his hand.

"L-Lyon, I'm gonna-!"

For a few seconds, Gray's world went bright as white fluid spurted out over the sheets and Lyon's hand. He buried his head in a pillow, glad that Lyon still held his hips up. If not, Gray would have collapsed onto the bed.

"That's right," Lyon smirked, running his dirtied hand across Gray's chest followed by an additional bitemark being added on his neck. "Let me hear you cry out my name like that again."

The older male flipped Gray onto his back, the white streaks on his chest starting to dry already. Their lips met in a hungry kiss, teets and tongues clashing. Gray was positive that he was going to drown in this pleasure.

"And remember who it is you belong to."

"Mmmh," Gray moaned in response to Lyon attacking his collarbone. Wrapping his arms around his partner's neck, he clenched the white hair between his fingers. "As if I could ever forget. I belong to you and you alone."

"Good boy."

Lyon flicked his tongue across a particularly sensitive part of Gray's neck, making the boy shudder underneath. Meanwhile, another hand was softly caressing the ticklish skin of his hip. Damn, was he getting hard again already. Lyon needed to get a move on. In a wanton voice, Gray begged the other to take action.

"Lube's in the drawer." He pulled Lyon's head back up, kissing him for a few seconds. "Please. I want you."

"No need to be hasty," Lyon teased, though still reaching into the drawer, pulling out a small bottle. At least he had no questions about its existence. However, the bottle merely ended up on the bed. "All in due time. I'm going to have my fun with you first."

Before Gray could ask what this "fun" included, Lyon had moved down: His lips and tongue explored large parts of Gray's body on their way down, nibbling on every sensitive part that was discovered. Upon reaching his hips, Lyon pulled back slightly, firmly grasping both of Gray's legs.

Little by little, his legs were pushed forward and down until his ass had been lifted into the air. Spreading his buttcheeks, Lyon succeeded in exposing a tight, pink hole between them.

"Lyon, what're you- aah!"

Gray felt his body shiver and cheeks flush as Lyon bit down on his inner thigh. Continuing to lick it, his tongue moved further back, eventually moving across the pink hole, massaging it thoroughly.

"A-aah!" Gray arched his back involuntarily, unable to hold back his voice at the unusual, overwhelming feeling. He could feel how warm saliva came down his lower back. "S-so amazing-!"

With a chuckle at his partner's enjoyment, Lyon pushed his tongue against the hole, managing to penetrate it. Gray's alternating cries and moans immediately got louder as Lyon's tongue moved around inside of him. The feeling was so intense and unlike anything he had ever experienced before.

"Ah. I just took your sweet ass virginity with my tongue, didn't I?"

Gray shivered more at the words than anything else as Lyon pulled away, lowering his legs again. Saying those dirty things in such a calm, seductive voice... How could Gray not find himself aroused? He needed more of Lyon. Much, much more.

"I'd rather you took my ass with something else," Gray finally replied, grinding his own erection against Lyon's bulging pants while letting out a long moan. "I can't take much more, damn it!"

"Patience." Lyon gently kissed Gray's cheek as he took the lube bottle in one hand. "I doubt your tight little ass could take me on unprepared. I said I'd have my fun with you, not rip you apart."

Opening the bottle, Lyon let the lube drip down between Gray's legs, watching as the boy shuddered at the cold feeling. Applying quite a bit to his fingers as well, he took up massaging the tight hole once again.

The first two fingers slipped in surprisingly easy, mostly thanks to the lube and Lyon's previous tongue preparation. Gray moaned softly and squirmed around slightly as Lyon's fingers slid slowly in and out, carefully spreading him bit by bit. Despite his usual arrogance, Lyon was being thorough in making the entire act pleasurable for Gray as well.

Underneath his cool demeanor, Lyon was unexpectedly kind. Kinder than most would ever learn. Gray could feel a small smile come on his face. It seemed that there were still hints of the cheerful, confident boy he had grown up with somewhere inside the current Lyon.

Another finger went inside Gray, who let out a muffled grunt at the sudden rise of digits spreading him. Three were slightly more uncomfortable but hardly unbearable. In a short while, Gray became capable of feeling comfortable with this as well. However, no sooner had he showed signs of comfort before the fingers were pulled out.

"I think we've been patient enough." Lyon grinded against Gray's now moist ass one last time. He, too, was unable hold back at this point. "I want to be inside that tight ass of yours, Gray."

"Yeah." Shivering at his words, Gray tugged lightly at Lyon's pants. His eyes were already filled with lust and the need to be connected with his partner. "I want you inside of me, Lyon. Please..."

Gray watched intently as Lyon slid out of his pants, revealing that hard erection that had been hidden away until now. Just the sight of it made Gray shudder with anticipation, thinking about how it would feel to have it inside of him. He would know. Very soon.

With the lube, Lyon slowly began to rub his erection until it was slick and glossy. His uneven breathing told Gray that he was urgently needing this too.

"A- aaaaaaargh!"

Gray dug his nails into Lyon's back as he was pushed into, making the whitehaired man wince. The feeling was nothing like the pleasure of Lyon's fingers. This was going to fill him up completely and it hurt. He could already feel tears of pain gathering in his eyes.

"Now you see why you needed preparation?" Lyon whispered into Gray's ear, taking the younger boy's hand into his own. "Even like this, you're still damn tight. But don't worry, I'll make you feel good. Just keep breathing."

Following Lyon's instructions and reassuring words, Gray tried to breathe deeper, albeit with some difficulties. However, with the way Lyon whispered into his ear, praising him for how well he was doing, he could bear with a bit of pain.

Eventually, the pain subsided to a part where it was less overwhelming as Gray breathed in and out deeply, clutching Lyon's hand as if his life depended on it. Now he actually felt alright.

"It's all in."


Gray felt out of breath as he asked. He got a small nod in return. This was what is was like to be filled to the brim by someone else. He hardly dared to move, afraid that the pain might return. Then again, he was also aware that he would have to at some point.

"Hey. I'll start off slow, okay?" Lyon licked Gray's ear affectionately before going back to hover above him. "Once I find your sweet spot, you'll be blown away."

God, the sensation of having Lyon sliding in and out of him... Nothing could have prepared Gray for the insane mixture of pleasure of pain he felt. He felt like he was going to go crazy. All that managed to come past his lips in between his heavy panting was his partner's name, chanted repeatedly. Lyon hardly seemed to mind.


Gray saw stars for seconds as Lyon managed to hit that sweet spot he had mentioned. His fingers raked Lyon's back, leaving bright red marks, as Gray wrapped his legs around him.

"L-Lyon, m-more-!"

"Of course," Lyon replied, thrusting into Gray more forcefully. The younger male's moans grew more high-pitched. However, Lyon's voice, too, was had begub sounding strained as well. "I told you I'd blow you away, didn't I? Cry it out louder, Gray. Say my name!"


The pleasure had already reached a critical point. Crying out the name of his beloved, Gray came in such bliss that he was positive he had died and gone to heaven.


More white spots blinded Gray temporarily as Lyon found his release inside of him. Burning hot semen filled him and ran onto the white sheets. No words could describe their feelings in that moment.

Emptying himself completely, Lyon slipped out and fell down beside Gray. As the two came to face each other, the blackhead was pulled into a protective embrace. It felt as if Lyon would never let go when he whispered softly into Gray's ear.

"I'm not letting you run away. You'll never belong to anyone but me."

Chuckling at the possessive words of his partner, Gray put a hand on his cheek, meeting his lips in a kiss. He was not about to let the man he fell for slip away either.

"Don't be silly. I've belonged to you from the very beginning."

He just knew those bitemarks of Lyon's would end up being an inconvenience. Already Natsu and company had inquired about them, fortunately somehow confusing them with bug bites.

Gray had found himself a corner where the obnoxious crew did not bother to join him. Instead he was joined by another less irritating existence.

At least Juvia did not ask about the obvious marks on his neck. She was, however, curious as to what had went down the day before. After all, Juvia usually accompanied Gray wherever he went.

"Ah yeah. About that..."

Gray scratched the back of head, tilting it with a wry smile. How in the world was he going to find the words to describe for Juvia what had happened between Lyon and him in his apartment. Or, to be exact, his bed.

"Yes, I apologize for not returning him to you yesterday."

A warm hand wrapped around Gray's lower chest, pulling him closer to a fully clothed body. With a sly grin, Lyon shot a look at Gray before leaning in on the already blushing rain woman.

"You see, I was making sweet love to his precious little behind all night long."

Gray was not sure which of them Lyon tried to impress, but considering how Juvia suddenly fell to her knees on the floor, hiding her bright red face in her hands, he would say that Lyon's words indeed affected her.

Not that Gray was unaffected himself. The way Lyon ran his fingers across the marks on his neck made Gray feel flustered too. At least a little.

"Gray." Lyon had raised his voice, ensuring the entire guild hall could hear. "I heard you've been telling everyone that you were bitten by a bug yesterday. Is that really what we're calling these, which I recall taking my sweet time putting on you?"

Gray was positive that every single member of Fairy Tail present now had their eyes fixed on their odd, little trio. What a sight they were: Lyon with an arm wrapped around Gray's naked waist and Juvia on the floor, rambling inconceiveable things.

About to open his mouth to protest and stop Lyon from spilling any more details, Gray was cut off by a pair of lips being pressed against his mouth. Another incomprehensive sound came from Juvia as she fell flat on the floor.

"Ah, I think she passed out," Lyon chuckled, greatly amused by the scenario. "I'd say she seems surprisingly fine with this."

Gray had to agree. That wide smile with drool at the corner of her mouth combined with the small trickle of blood from her nose made it seem that the rain woman had fainted from excitement rather than shock.

"That's good and all, but Lyon..." Gray lowered his voice, trying to elbow Lyon away. "...would you mind? I doubt anyone here are interested in details-"

"No way. Tell us more!"

Gray slapped his own forehead as the cheerful pinkhairded boy and his usual walked over, all of them looking quite surprised. Except for Natsu from whom the curiousity was almost beaming.

"I doubt I can share any details. After all..." Lyon slid his hand down on Gray's behind, making the shorter male jolt. "...Gray and his find piece of ass are both my property. I shouldn't go and share their secrets with just anyone. Wouldn't you agree?"

"Lyon, oi-!"

Gray stopped at the sight of Lyon's confident smirk. The guy was definitely going to do whatever he pleased no matter what Gray said. The laughs of his guildmates told him that there was no expecting their help either.

"Complaining now, are we?" If I remember correctly, you were being more compliant yesterday. Perhaps I should drag you off right now and get you to show me that submissive side of yours again, hmm Gray?"

The scenario was getting more out of hand by the minute. Gray tell whether his guildmates were finding the situation funny or silly. They were supposed to be his comrades. Could they not at least protest a little and stop Lyon from embarrassing him constantly?

What had he done to deserve being bullied in public like this?

"Enough already! Just shut up, damn pervert."

Tugging at Lyon's arm, Gray strung him along as he stomped out of the guild hall. No sooner were they outside before Lyon had him pinned against a wall, kissing him passionately.

"Pervert? And that is coming from a guy who was begging to have me inside of him just yesterday." The statement made Gray ruffle the hair of his partner, grumbling. "Don't worry. I'll be inside of you as many times as you want from now on... my love."

Putting his hands behind Lyon's head, Gray looked straight into his eyes with a seductive grin which he was certain would work on his lover. This Gray could get used to.

"And whenever you want. Anything, Lyon, as long as it's you. I love you too."