Chapter 1

The Opportunity and Going to Tokyo

Somewhere in Okinawa, a young twenty-one-year-old girl is in the park with her friends, practicing her baseball skill. This girl has elbow length black hair, with a blue streak, flawless skin, and ice blue eyes. She has full plump lips, and a gorgeous figure, that would make all super models jealous. Yet she did not feel all that much special, no matter what people told her. In her own eyes, she was a normal girl. In addition, one of her favorite thing in the world was baseball. She had loved it ever since she was able to toddle. Moreover, she would always go see her team play, the Lycans.

Of course, it did help that her uncle would pay for her and her friends to fly in to go and see the game. However, that was one reason why people would give her nasty sneers sometimes.

Because she was the niece of Saikawa Tsuneo. In addition, if asked she might agree to some of the things people say about him. However, never aloud, she had to much respect for her elders. Plus, again, he was what made sure she would be able to go to the games with her friends. Even if they were having a losing streak.

This girl was Katerina Natishi Sakami. Her mother is American and her father is Japanese. And they had decided to giver her an American first name and Japanese middle and last name. they had met when her mother came to Okinawa to visit a friend of hers.

Then she met Katerina's father, Nakamoen Tsuneo. Who happened to be the brother of Saikawa Tsuneo. It was like love at first sight. It didn't really bother her that she was American and Japanese. She also had a little bit of French in her as well.

That was the reason why she was fluent in different languages. Through her bloodline. It really didn't bother her. It was known through out the family and family friends that they traveled around the world. To find out new things, try new things and meet new people.

That was how the family tree became so, well, as she would put it interesting, but never in a bad way. That was how her mom and dad met. Her mother had left California to come and visit Okinawa to see a long time friend. And as fate would have it, she ended up meeting her future husband and father of her two children. They married and stayed here in Okinawa.

It didn't really bother her that there were different types of people in her family, it made her proud even. It was just that people would always ask these different questions about her all through out her school years. It died down a little when she got to high school, and more when she got to college, but there would always be a few newbies who would ask questions. Like how can she fluently speak different languages. The other reason for that, she would tell them, is because she took more extra language class than needed. The other was how did she get into college and finish at age eighteen? Well she had always been a gifted student in all classes and courses. So she had skipped a grade or three.

Now she was twenty-one, officially an adult. What she really wanted to be, and everyone knew this, was a pro baseball player. She had high hopes and always would. And another thing, was that she wanted to get married and have a family. She was twenty-one, and that was the time girls would start to look for husbands. And even starting families. As well as moving out of their parent's home and into the world, What she didn't know was that it would be happening sooner than she thought.


I was in the park with my friends, Cloe Yuima and Jaden or Jade Sakami, as she prefers. We were doing some pitching and batting. So far I hadn't missed a single pitch. , so far Cloe had thrown 25 fastballs, Jade had thrown 30 forkballs, and I hadn't missed a beat so far. After about another hour, we packed up our stuff and went back to each of our houses.

The second I opened the door, I was attacked…by my sister.

"Brianna how many times do I have to tell you to stop that?!"

"There's great news, come on mom and dad are in the family room. Hurry!" she said.

Brianna was sixteen and would be seventeen next month. But she still will act like a little kid sometimes.

We walked to the living room and there were our parents sitting on the couch.

"Kon'nichiwa Okasan." I said (Hello mom)

I was wondering what was going on. I only used my Japanese when I wasn't exactly sure of something or when I was in trouble. Or just when my mother and father had something to say, and it concerned me. Other than that, I didn't really use it with my family that much.

"Sit down girls."

"Okay." I said.

"Now Katerina, your friends probably have already been told this, but we must still tell you."

"Nani ka atta no?" I asked.(What's up)

"Kat we are sending you and your friends to Tokyo. We know that you all have been wanting to go there and even move there. So we decided to give you each our permission to visit there and see if you like it enough to really stay there. We know you have stayed before, but you were younger. Things might be different. So you will stay there for five months. All expense paid, courtesy of your uncle. And he said he may even let you have V.I.P. access with the Lycan team." said dad.

"HONTONI JISSU NO TAME NI!?" I squealed.(really?! for real's!?)

It was so exciting. Then I thought.

"Why is Brianna coming?"

"Because this will be an experience for her as well. You both will be going on Thursday, which is three days away, so start packing." said mom.

I got up and hugged her, then dad. I was so happy.

"Thanks, but why Thursday?"

"Because, the next game is on Saturday." said dad.

"Also, it will give you time to sight see as well when you first get there." said my mom.

"Okay." I replied. I could tell Brianna was excited as well.

"Wow, five months in Tokyo, isn't that great Kat!? We'll have so much fun!" my sister asked, using my nickname.

"Yeah we will." I siad.

Then mom and dad got looks.

"Actually Brianna only Kat, Cloe and Jaden will stay for five months, you will only be here." said my mother. Brianna saddened at this.

"But why?" I asked. Then my mother spoke.

"Kat you are eighteen now, and it is time you started trying to find a husband, move and have a family. So we want you to stay longer. We don't expect you to do this all in a short five months." she stopped, as my dad spoke up.

"But we want you to at least try. Try and meet someone, start a relationship, and hope that you will one day have a family. That is all we ask of you while you are on this trip. And also to go for your dream of being a pro baseball player. The first on a male team like the Lycans even. We just want for you to try. Can you do that for us?" my dad asked

"…Yeah, I can. I'll try."

"Thank you." my mother said.

"And who knows? I had been thinking about starting a family myself and trying to make it as a pro baseball player a lot more recently. Maybe I'll find all that in Tokyo." I said.

They smiled. And I felt really nice to know that they were proud of me.

"Don't forget to send me tickets so I can see the games too." said Brianna brightening up.

"Okay." I said hugging her.

"Alright now go pack." said my dad.

I rushed to our rooms and started packing clothes and other necessities. This was a really big step in my life so far, and I was ready for it. I called the girls and they told me that their parents had said the exact same thing. So we video chatted while we packed.

We finished packing with three hours. Which is pretty good considering how long it usually takes us. We each started looking up places to go once we got there. But I couldn't help but feel sad that I was leaving. Sure if I did move there, which I probably would. My parents and my sister would come visit me or vice versa. But still leaving my life and family, and my friends too, for this…It would be hard, but we would stay strong. We can always visit. Hopefully with a few, new additions to our families…


Three days passed quickly and soon the girls and I were at the airport, getting ready to say goodbye to our families. Of coarse my friends broke down crying, so did our parents, Brianna too, but still it was sad. We even shed a few tears ourselves.

"We'll talk and write to you all everyday." said Cloe.

"And we wont forget to get you all tickets to see the games as well." said Jade

"Don't worry, we're planning on both of those things happening." said Cloe's mom.

After a few more 'bye's' and 'I love you's and 'have a great trip's', we finally left. We went up the airport escalator and headed to our plane. We boarded and soon it took off. And to say I was conflicted, would be an understatement. I was sad, happy and already homesick all at the same time. Then Jade spoke to me,

"Don't worry everything will be fine." she assured me.

I looked out the window and sighed.

' I hope you're right I thought to myself.'

Then I slipped on my ear buds and drifted of into sleep.