A/N: Hi guys! I fianally came up with a new chapter, yay! Suggestions still super appriciated(not sure if I spelled that right). Without further ado, I present to you... virtual cookies and Leo plushies to everyone who is reading this right now!

Holly's POV

As soon as the words were out of my mouth, footsteps sounded in the hall.

"Oh crap." hissed Leo. "We are-"

"You three are grounded for a month and no allowance during that time too." said a very angry Dad.

"Bernie-" says Mrs. Silver. I am confused until Mr. Fire steps out of his office.

I clap my hands over my mouth to keep from laughing. Mr. Fire's first name is Bernie?! Leo and Jay are doing likewise, and I finally have to stuff my fist in my mouth to keep from laughing.

"I guess we're dead." says Jay, the first to recover from the laughing break.

"Pretty much." says Leo.

"It wasn't Jay's fault." came Mrs. Leaf's voice."He was just in the Health Room. There he is now!"

"Still, we need to find ou the truth." says Mr. Fire. "This is a very serious case... Assult..."

"It could have killed him!" says Mrs. Silver.

"I know, Lauren." I assume this is Mrs. Silver's first name.


"It's wose than it looks."

"Not." I smile to Leo and Jay. "It was totally worth it."