Thank you, my lovely readers, for being here and spending your time on this story.

Good luck to you, be happy and well!

Thank you again!


Bilbo entered Thorin's rooms again. The enraged king was sitting on his bed, a bruise under his left eye, battered and shabby, but fierce and eyes ablaze as ever and the famous Thorinish scowl all over his face.

Bilbo smiled softly, ready for anything at that moment.

Thorin was so handsome, he thought. Even in this condition, he was still very beautiful and kingly and everything about him was attractive. At that moment he was just so very happy to have Thorin back. He smiled thinking about this. Thorin however didn't seem to notice.

"Tell me." rasped Thorin looking directly into the hobbit eyes. This – him staring so intently – didn't really help Bilbo understand Thorin's words, he only smiled more idiotically at the King. "Tell me, Bilbo. What is there between you and Bofur. This is your last chance to tell me the truth."

This sounded extremely like a threat and if Bilbo was not so absorbed in Thorin's looks he would be rather offended. But fortunately he didn't hear a thing…

"Um... Sorry... What?"

"Hobbit! Are you intent on driving me mad?! You and Bofur. Explain. NOW!" Stormed Thorin punching a smallish table standing next to his bed.

"There's nothing to explain, Thorin." Bilbo said gently. "We are friends, as I'm friends with every other member of the Company."

"You were holding hands." Thorin hissed menacingly.

"Oh that…"

"Yes, THAT!"

"I'm sorry for that. Really. He was just supporting me. I was so worried about you…"

"Me?" frowned the rambunctious dwarf king.

"Of course…"

"So then… you and Bofur…"


"Nothing between you?"

"Absolutely nothing."

"You're not lying to me, hobbit?"

"I swear, Thorin. There's nothing, NOTHING! I already apologized for the holding hands thing, it was stupid." Bilbo huffed. He was tired of all this, and he was innocent, and he actually wanted to kiss Thorin and not to spend his time explaining some nonsense.

"Alright… You said… earlier you said... that you loved me… " Thorin's voice was getting softer. "You said that we were engaged…" he added.

"Actually, it's YOU who said that we were engaged." remarked Bilbo.

"I said… I meant… Nothing… no… doesn't matter… do you… do you want us to be?" He asked stumblingly. "You and me?"

"Yes. You?"

It was getting better, thought Bilbo. Finally the conversation was quite… pleasant. And suddenly Thorin growled and burst out roaring again.

"You'll be the death of me, Halfling! I was a normal king before you came. You made me drink, you made me do reckless things, and now I'm in bed, recovering again, as if I didn't get enough of that after the quest and the battle!"

"I did this to you?!" Exclaimed Bilbo incredulously. What was this dwarf thinking?!

"Yes, you, YOU did this to me! It is your fault! All of this is your fault!" the dwarf raged.

They stared at each other for a long moment, Bilbo absolutely stunned and speechless.
"THORIN!" he finally yelled in return and almost turned his back on Thorin when…

"How are you... Halfling… Um... How are you going to ... implore my forgiveness?" asked Thorin suddenly in a small voice, blushing deeply.

"Implore your forgiveness?! What?! What the… Thorin!..."

Oh... OH!

"Oh… Implore... forgiveness... " the old wicked Bilbo finally understood. Ha, Thorin, you're not that simple… " I think I have some ideas..."

Bilbo smiled and was over Thorin on his bed in an instant.

"So... I did this to you, my love… I'm soooooo sorry, Thorin…" he whispered sweetly. But it didn't sound apologetic. Oh no. It actually sounded … lustful, it sounded sultry, and the flames in Bilbo's eyes at that moment were like an aphrodisiac for the both of them, as if they needed one.

"I'm sorry too…" Thorin answered, no control over his thoughts and tongue anymore.

"Oh no… I'm much more sorry, than you are, my king… Do you want me to show you exactly how much?"

"Yes. " Thorin breathed and blinked owlishly. Bilbo was hovering over him, very close and he started hyperventilating a little, but was not going to stop even if it ended his life. Not now… Not ever.

"How much do you want it?" continued Bilbo Baggins (precedently a very respectable hobbit of the Shire).

"Very much…"

"Oh, really?"

"Stop torturing me, hobbit…" Thorin was breathing heavily, clasping Bilbo's elbows.

"Never. Never, Thorin, you're mine forever - we're engaged, remember? And I'll be torturing you with my presence until the end of my days."

"Is that a promise?"

"Oh yes, yes it is."


And their lips finally met, ending their mutual tortures, and starting some new chapter in their lives. It was a lovely kiss, though they were both tired of waiting and uncertainties, no one was in a hurry, they enjoyed each other, kissing and caressing and smelling and cherishing…

"Bilbo…" Thorin breathed. "Don't misunderstand me… but… where is the Elf?"

"Oh Thorin, you're wounding my ego, we're here – kissing and talking of such pleasant things and you're thinking about King Thranduil of Mirkwood… Are you imagining him kissing you?" Bilbo smirked.

"I'm not! What?! Dearest Mahal, hobbit, how am I to take these images out of my head now?! No… It's just... Where is he?"



"Back to his palace in Mirkwood, where else? He left you to me. To my mercy…" Bilbo smiled lustily.

"Just like that?"



"Will you miss him?.. Do you want him back?.."


"Then shut up and kiss me, or just lie there and let me kiss you properly."

"I love it, when you're like that…" Thorin smiled into Bilbo's mouth. "I never thought you were this dominant… Hobbits are strange creatures, truly… Don't give me this look! I love you. And we ARE engaged."
Bilbo just smiled and kissed the King passionately, taking his breath and his thoughts, his control and his mind, his stubbornness, his selfishness, his kingliness, rashness, everything he had - away from him…
"I love you, I love you, my stupid, stubborn, reckless, not-able-to-find-who-is-actually-guilty-and-what-i s-appropriate-to-say King… how I love you, Thorin."

"At last."