I gotta tell you some stuffs you'll need to know before we can continue. :3

1. Claude is Elizabeth's butler. If they ever fall in love...well, that's mainly up to you to decide. :D

2. There are both elements from the books, and from the show. You may call it, say, a combination of sorts.

3. Alois will come in at some point, and he plays a big part in the storyline, so please don't think that just because Claude is not his butler, does not mean they may not have some connection in this story. Because, I can assure you, you will find him.

4. Elizabeth has gone through quite a bit of a history in this story. Do not be surprised if she is slightly out of character. She will still be the happy girl she is in the show/book, but with this past (that you currently do not know about) she has gone through more than you can imagine, yet somehow she still manages to smile, which I would imagine she would be able to since she was born a happy child.

5. I do not own anything, I regret to say. Sadly, these characters are all figment of someone else's wonderful imagination.

6. This is done for a little competition by me and my fellow internet companions. It's nothing serious, and not an open competition. We just wanted to see how we could do making a more "backgroundish" character the main one. And so I decided on Black Butler, and to make Elizabeth the main one, since she is in both the book and the show. Grell is pretty important so there was a big "X" by his name. And Elizabeth is quite a big part with the comedy and lightheartedness of the show.

And so, without further ado, I present to you...

The Ethereal Covenant

Elizabeth Midford had only wanted her family back.

Perhaps that was the reason she desired the contract. She needed revenge against the ones who had caused her so much pain. The sorrow. So much sorrow...

Or perhaps she was simply lonely. She was left all alone after the escape. No one escaped from where she did. It was simply impossible. But she did. She escaped and there was no one else who could.

But could loneliness and revenge lead her to sell her mind, body, and soul to the likes of a demon?

Claude Faustus quietly slipped through the large double doors leading to his mistress' bedroom. He caught sight of her strewn lazily across the bed, the blankets tangled around her petite waist and ankles, her arms above her blonde head.

Somehow, no matter how tight he tucked her in, she would end up this way. Claude sighed and walked across the room and threw back the velvet curtains, revealing the sun that rose from the east. The sky was painted a beautiful morning velvet.

Elizabeth groaned in her sleep, her eyes squinting open and, meeting the harsh rays of the sun, flipped to her other side.

They honestly didn't have time for her shenanigans this morning. It was a lot busier than usual. "Time to get up, Elizabeth."

She groaned childishly once more before sitting up. As per usual, the top of the shirt she had slept in had come unbuttoned in all her twisting and turning. A long purple scar above her breast was revealed, but as she sat up straighter, it disappeared under the pure white cloth of her night gown.

She yawned once more before swinging her legs off the bed. She was usually a bit embarrassed as Claude would slip her clothes off, but this morning she was particularly tired—too tired to care if he saw her scars, or her body, which she usually hated him—or anyone— looking at.

Elizabeth simply complied with his fluid movements. He let him strip her, let him tie the corset as tightly as he could (she was quite used to it by now) and let him gently comb the tangles from her curly blonde head, including that pesky cowlick she had every morning. When it was done and over, he took her down to the dining hall for tea and breakfast, which was a wide array of English treats. And of course, he brought her a small sweet to go with it.

The day went downhill from there. They had a visit from a very broad looking man, asking if she might want to join companies with Funtom toy company. He explained how it could gain them even more fortunes then they already had.

Elizabeth rather liked that company. They came up with the most adorable little trinkets that children cherished for years. She had a few of her own. (She had a rather addictive fondness for cute things.) But that did not mean she could simply join forces with them. Business was not to be taken lightly, as she had learned the hard way. But she remembered he father, only faintly, always sitting behind his wide, monstrous desk, writing letters and counting checks. Of course, his desk had only seemed so massive and monstrous to a child, but is was now the desk that Elizabeth used. As it had been her father's prison, it was now hers.

She could not remember his face though. It'd been too long.

"I might consider, but I request an audience with the owner of Funtom. To verify."

The man seemed agitated at this, but nodded briskly and left in a flourish. She didn't like him very much. He did not seem trustworthy enough to do business with.

"Claude, prepare the mansion. I have a feeling we will have company soon."

A few days later, their expected company arrived.

There was a knock on the manor door and Claude was the first to respond. The other servants, as curious as always, peered to take a look at their guest.

Claude opened the door with a demented smile. "Yes? May I help you?"

On the porch, under the awning to be shielded from the rain, stood a strange couple. The first, on the right, was a man nearly the same age and height as Claude. He had slightly damp black hair, longer than Claude's, and wore a finely tailored tailcoat with the chain of a pocket watch in his jacket pocket. The looks of a butler. The other was naught but a small boy. He was a very beautiful young boy, too. Maybe the first thing that was noticed was his big, blue eye. Not eyes, but eye. The other was covered by an eye patch. It was a bit of a shame.

The boy wore clothes of high standard over his small, lanky body and the man held an umbrella above his small head.

The large man answered, "This is Lord Ciel Phantomhive, owner of the esteemed Funtom toy emporium."

"And this is my Butler...Sebastian," the Earl Phantomhive added as he stepped inside. The two were rushed with warm air, and Ciel invisibly sighed in relief.

"Yes, the Mistress is very pleased you came to visit. I'm sure she would delight in doing business with you."

Ciel grimaced, Claude noticed. There was something going on and he could tell.

"Please, have a seat while I retrieve the mistress."

Ciel sat down as Claude pulled out a chair at the end of a long wood table clothed in white. Sebastian stood faithfully beside him.

Claude retreated up the stairs to retrieve Lady Elizabeth. She was sitting in front of her dresser mirror, huffing. Approaching her, he saw that she was slipping on her choker, her favorite one with a wooden red rose at the base. The choker covered her light purple mark that symbolized her strong connection to Claude. After she got it on, she began to struggle clasping a Pearl necklace on her neck.

Smirking, he reached over her, grasping the chains from her hands and doing it himself.

She smiled. "Thank you."

He only sighed. "How many times have I told you not to say that? I am your butler. It is simply my job."

Elizabeth seemed a bit hurt, but smiled gently. "I'm sorry. I'm...just not used to this yet."

"It's been almost a year now. You should be getting quite used to it by now."

She nodded in reply. He escorted her down the stairs and toward the dining room. She was met with a welcoming smile from a young boy, maybe the same age as Elizabeth. She was shocked from his deep blue eyes. Never before had she seen such a color. And beside the young boy was his butler.

Elizabeth smiled warmly. "Hello, Earl Phantomhive."

He smiled devilishly, leaning his head on his fist. His blue-black hair fell over his porcelain cheeks. "Please, Lady Elizabeth. A young woman of such high standard should address me as Ciel."

"Ciel." She tested the name on her tongue, and rather enjoyed how easily it rolled from her lips. "If we go by these terms, I would like you to call me simply Elizabeth."

Elizabeth sat down in the chair that Claude had pulled out for her. He retreated to the kitchen to retrieve the meal the chef, Ambrose, had prepared for the evening.

"It must've been horrible getting here in that storm," Elizabeth set the conversation in her innocent sort of voice.

"Trust me, Elizabeth." Was it just her, or did it sound like he spat out her name like bile on his tongue? "It was no problem with Sebastian here."

Sebastian smiled gently.

Claude walked in with many silver trays balanced in his hands. He set the first one in front of Ciel. "For tonight's dinner," he began, "mackerel with berry sauce, cottage pie with chicken, with a side of scalded greens."

Ciel, ceasing to be impressed, began to pick at it.

Claude sat the other tray in front of Elizabeth.

"Maybe we should get right to it," Ciel suggested.

Removing her eyes from the meal, Elizabeth gave him a skeptical look. "Yes. Perhaps we should."

"I guess that I should tell you that the last thing I want to do is business with you."

Elizabeth grimaced, eyebrows arched.

"Actually, I believe you've taken something quite valuable from me."

Elizabeth gaped. She was not about to be accused of theft. She could be called many things—a perfectionist, an overachiever—but she was not about to be called a thief.

She opened her mouth to speak, enraged, but Ciel began before her.

"Lady Elizabeth Midford..."

She braced herself as he stood from his chair. This dinner was quickly turning awry.

"I've come to retrieve my soul."

And at that moment, his butler—Sebastian, did Ciel call him?—lunged at her. He had three kitchen knives in the creases of his fingers.

And then, Elizabeth felt a hand—soft and gentle—grasp her arm and pull her slightly to the side. Sebastian missed her by a hair.

She turned to see Claude as he pulled her from her seat and into his arms with the speed of a bird taking flight. He held her bridal style as she clung to his jacket, still slightly confused at the situation.

He set her down as Sebastian regained composure. Ciel smiled devilishly and moved out from behind the table so he could be seen fully.

Sebastian went to stand beside his master as Ciel spoke, "Oh Lizzy, I'm disappointed you don't remember me. After all, we used to be so very close..."


Claude set her down on the ground, and she reluctantly released her hold on his jacket. "Milady, what are my orders?"

Elizabeth tore her eyes from the blue-eyed boy and looked at Claude, who was kneeled down beside her. She swallowed, trying not to look afraid and succeeding. The only feelings her face portrayed were confusion.

"I order you to protect me."

Claude simply smirked. "Yes, Mistress."

Ciel continued, "How can you not remember your own cousin? Let alone your fiancé..."

"Fiancé?!" Elizabeth gaped, her small pale hands balling into fists. Her blood began to boil. Wouldn't she remember if she had a fiancé? "I don't know what you're-"

Suddenly, a sharp knife stabbed into her temples. She gasped, falling to her knees, clutching her head for mercy. She did not receive any.

Elizabeth couldn't hear anything. All she heard was a sharp ringing in her eyes. She could've sworn her ears began to bleed. She felt her mouth open, but she wasn't sure if she was screaming or not. And then the visions began.

A boy with big, round blue eyes. Eyes the color of pureness. He stared intensely at her. Studying her. He seemed to do that a lot. Study. Whether it was a person, or a time in history, he was always studying something. Even though he clearly hated academics, and she knew that more than anything.

And then he smiled.

What a wonderful smile it was. So bright and luminous and quite contagious. Yes, very contagious. So contagious, in fact, the Elizabeth began to smile, too. She grew to love that smile, even though it was quite rare and you could only see it every once in a blood red moon. She cherished the moments his smiling disease could spread.

She remembered him. She showed him her favorite doll—her name was Lucy. She told him about her favorite candies and sweets—the ones his daddy's factory made. And whenever she came to visit he would sneak some from his daddy's desk and they'd hide in his bedroom and eat it, giggling hysterically.

She loved the boy with the pure blue eyes.

But then he was gone.

For some reason, on the appointed day when she was set to see him, they never went. Her mother did not snap up her coat and pull her dress over her bosom. She did not usher her into the carriage and tell the driver to snap the whip. They simply did not go.

And Elizabeth asked why.

"Mummy, when will we go see Ciel?"

Her mother looked down at her from under her flaxen hair. She smiled a sad, despairing smile. "I'm afraid we cannot see them." And then she went back to her work and practices. Or made a call for a tutor to teach Lizzy the piano or violin. She didn't like the violin. She liked the piano. With its many keys, it made many wonderful, beautiful sounds.

And then it all ended.

Her father disappeared. Her mother went mad. Elizabeth was taken away...

But, Elizabeth already remembered all that.

And now the boy with the blue eyes was back. Ciel Phantomhive, the one she had forgotten in her despair. It had seemed all her happy memories had been crushed and blown away in the debris, him along with it.

Elizabeth opened her eyes. She thought it had been hours since she had collapsed into her own mind, but in truth, it had only been a few seconds. Her emerald eyes met those of the monster she was contracted with.

"Mistress, have you fallen ill?"

"No. I'm fine, Claude." Her head spun as she stood on her feet from where she had been putting all her weight on her butler. Another sharp pain jabbed at her, being she only cringed, holding the area on her scalp. She would not let more memories fled her bleeding pain. She knew she could not take it.

"Ciel Phantomhive. Earl of the Phantomhives. Your parents died in a fire at the original Phantomhive estate. You...you were my childhood friend. Where have you been...?" Elizabeth glared. "What happened to you?"

"You happened."

It was clear now that his butler, Sebastian, was not human. It became even clearer as he came for her, sprinting across the table like the Mad Hatter at a deranged tea party.

Claude, in one swift movement, scooped her up and leapt away from the pursuing demon. Claude set her down once again and looked expectantly toward her.

"This is an order," she whispered. "Defeat the butler."

"As you wish..."

Ciel approached an armor statue and took from its sheath a sword.

Elizabeth was pretty handy with a sword, but was a bit nervous about using real swords. Nonetheless, she took a sword from the Knight behind her and prepared herself.

"Tell me, Ciel, are going to do this in a civilized manner, or are we to be blunt?"

Ciel smirked. "I think it'll be nice to leap out of our comfort zone."

And then he came at her. He wasn't just lunging, he began to slash. About to yell about the illegal uses of the weapon, she realized she wasn't in a regular match. She wasn't in a match at all. She was in a brawl. An uncivilized brawl against the blue orbed boy.

She couldn't dodge any longer and so developed her own technique that kept her in the safe zone against his slashes. Their swords clashed and sparks—real sparks—flew from their harsh edges.

And then her sword, liquid and translucent, seemed to wrap around his. As soon as she had it wrapped around him, she ripped it from his pale hands...the hands she remembered so fondly. Ripping the noisy wrapper from his father's candies…

Ciel fell onto his back, hurriedly beginning to scramble away, until she pointed the sword to his neck. He froze, staring intently, his face in a permanent frown.

"Stop!" Elizabeth shouted. She heard the sounds of brute strength clashing begin to fade. Claude turned toward her, ready to follow her next order, not in the least surprised to see her opponent on the ground before her.

Sebastian stepped forward, but Elizabeth turned her piercing emerald eyes toward him. "Don't move, or the sword goes through his heart."

Sebastian froze.

"Now, Ciel, I want you to take your butler and leave this mansion at once. If I receive another unwanted visit from you, I will not hesitate to have you killed."

One of Elizabeth's remarkable talents was her eyes. She was always smiling, and when she smiled, her eyes smiled with her. But when she didn't smile, her eyes spoke all her emotions for her, and the best emotions her eyes spoke were anger and frustration. Bitter loathing and regret.

Ciel nearly flinched as her eyes met his. He remembered her clearly and never before had he seen her as such. He swallowed the large lump in his throat and met her with a glare.

"Oh, Lizzy. It's all just a game. I know you. I know how you are and I can assure you that I do not intend to play fair." Ciel gave her a one-sided smile. "Sebastian, take me home."

"Yes, young master."

Sebastian bowed, a hand over his heart, and then leaped to where Ciel lay on the ground. He waited until Elizabeth dropped the sword, and then Sebastian lifted him to his feet and the boy turned to look at her.

"Ciel..." The glare in her eyes dispersed and she stared at him, the boy she remembered so well. She reached and gently grazed his face with her fingers...and let her hand fall. This wasn't the boy she knew and she couldn't treat him like it. He had changed. He had disappeared, Elizabeth had forgotten him, and then he returned, changed.

People tend to change pretty often.