Reviews for The Ethereal Covenant
Guest chapter 6 . 3/11
Very sexy
Amethysts27 chapter 7 . 6/11/2017
I would deeply appreciate that you would continue this wonderfully written story
Guest chapter 7 . 8/27/2016
Omg this needs to be continued!
Guest chapter 7 . 12/8/2015
Shiz...I'm blind from the awesomeness. Get back to this please!
Inupixi chapter 6 . 10/9/2015
Damn that was hot. This is just to good to stop, I'm in love with this ship! You are incredible, more more more!
Time Lordess chapter 7 . 8/25/2015
Hope you find the inspiration to write a new chapter because you have made me ship Elizabeth and Claude, which i hadnt even thought existed!
Southwest 101 chapter 7 . 2/1/2015
All of your chapters have been wonderful; you're such a talented writer! Claude's so in character that it's really refreshing to see. I hope your inspiration comes back soon!
Yayorikin chapter 2 . 8/21/2014
There's some tension between these two, I'm liking it! Update lady!
INSANEWORLD21 chapter 7 . 7/7/2014
This is so good! Really I just can't stop reading this! And it's really late I should have been in bed an hour ago also I am so loving ClaudexElizabeth I am so shipping them now also Alois is so KAWAII! I hope u update soon I really wanna see Lizzy meet Soma! Well hope 2 see you soon
Kit-Kat chapter 7 . 6/4/2014
I like it so far, but to be honost I don't like Elizabeth to much. She is really annoying in the show :P any who I hope you update soon!
DarkdiZy chapter 7 . 5/20/2014
Gosh this is the most beautiful adaptation of Alois. Just loving the frailty and sweetness of Jim. Claude is such a interesting character, wanting to read more from his point of view. Wishing on a 5 yen coin that you continue this gorgeous tale.
Guest chapter 7 . 4/25/2014
Please keep on going im in high school as well and I was hoping for a little escape into fanfic world would help stop this overwhelming ton of work, this one of the most interesting peices I've read, please continue.
If you need some inspiration read some other fanfic stories then write down some ideas on a peice of paper then cut the chapter with small paragraph to help keep your mind fresh..its a slow process but still worth it..
Lady kami chapter 7 . 3/6/2014
I really like how you have developed Claude's thoughts on elizabeth, how he is feeling new emotions. I like how his plans for her have changed and how easily he excepts them. It seems like the logical way Claude's character would think. If you need help with the next chapter do a Claude x lizzy fluff scene, everybody reading will like that and it will give you some time to plan ahead for future chapters. This story is magnificent! Light hearted yet sad lizzy is a amazing counterpoint to unemotional and devilish clouded. It's probably the best new pairing I have read in years. Bravo to you for thinking outside the ciel x lizzy box.
Guest chapter 7 . 2/23/2014
Nice chapter jim and Elizabeth are becoming closer day by day
iwontheyatolotto chapter 7 . 2/19/2014
OK so if your looking for ideas for further chapters, there are several statements made in this story that could easily be embellished on, such as:

Lizzy's maide says "but all else considered...after what Maria had done, she should never be allowed to be in her mistresses presence." what did Maria do?

"She found it hard to muster enough hatred toward the man she was losing and regaining memory of."
Who is this man? Did Lizzy know him before her life fell apart? Is he somebody she cared for?

Lizzy asked Ciel what happened to him he says "you did." this could use some elaborating.
was Lizzy the cause of the fire and Ciels abuse? or is she simply supposedly responsible for whatever consequences happened to Ciel after his soul was stolen? if so what are those consequences.

1-6 chapters are written incredibly well! they seem like they were gone though several times to make them perfect. the seventh chapter needs some grammar review. Its not a big deal and isn't distracting from the story. But it sticks out because the other chapters are spotless. This is a good story please keep it going.
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