Lost My Way

Files landed on my desk. I briefly glanced over them before looking up at my assailant, instantly putting on a glare on the possible new intern. Most have either been turned or were killed already. All of them were annoying and just filling up unnessecary space.

My expression changed when a pair of black slit pupils and red-orange irises peered down at me expectantly. Quickly correcting my facial expression, I put on a stoic and blank face. He nodded in approval.

"If I may ask, who is it this time?" I shook my head at the picture. "I do not know this person"

"Leon Scott Kennedy, and his...acquaintance Ada Wong. Ada has information I need and her being a former worker here puts me at risk, but I don't want to have to go through the trouble of removing Leon" he said.

"Must I kill him?" I asked simply out of protocol.

He tilted his head slightly in though. "If he resists, yes. There's no need for spilt BSAA blood"

"Aaah" was my simple ,but final response.

He turned around and walked steadily to the middle of the office, giving the place a once over before leaving. I sighed and cracked my knuckles. Before standing up, I straightened out my gray mid-thigh length business skirt. My collared white button up was tucked neatly into my skirt and the top part of it showed between the slits of my gray business jacket.

I adjusted my black strapless heels and took one final look at the file. Another infiltrate mission. In order to even get to Leon I had to first administer myself into the South African district of the BSAA, these types of missions were always tricky. It's all to satisfy the endless needs of Albert Wesker.

My job started working under him at the curious age of eighteen. I was barely out of my teens and the lack of parenthood left me without caution nor any sort of wisdom to follow behind. Just the sight of him gave off warning signals to stay away, ignoring my instincts I decided to pursue and explore.

Rumor had it that he was some wealthy businessman from the U.S to improve the industrial state of Africa, to imploy more with jobs and to help those that needed to provide for their loved ones. After investigating the death of my parents on my own, I knew immediately that his purpose here was a lie he was forcing my people to believe. He practically shove that lie down their throats, most weren't even smart enough to understand that they're being played for a fool.

Luckily, my mother was well educated as well as my father and taught me well when they were alive. After gathering enough courage, I decided to follow him when he decided to take a walk through my village once again (alone to say the least, the arrogance of that man!) He turned into a desolate alleyway towards the major factory of the village. Once he was out of sight, I quickly hurried down the alleyway to catch up with him only to be whacked in the stomach by an outstretched arm.

The wind was knocked out of me and I fell on the ground gasping for air, a firm and gloved hand wrapped around my throat and hoisted me up high in the air. My lungs screamed out for air and I began to gag at the fluidly escaping oxygen. I was then thrown against the nearby stone wall, that threw my whole back out of whack for the next couple of minutes. I groaned out in numb pain and looked up to the best of my ability.

There, Albert Wesker stared down at me through thick, dark glasses. They were tinted enough to the point where the holder could see others perfectly ,while anyone else like myself, searched aimlessly for his hidden eyes. His attire resembled that of an assassin of some sort rather than a wide known businessman. The top of his purple turtleneck was exposed from underneath his sleek black jacket, his slacks were fitted but not tight and also black, as well as his black shoes. Not a hint of dirt was on his person, flawless.

"State your reason for following me girl" he demanded coldly.

He wasn't yelling, but there was no need. All the authority was there, in his calm and commanding voice. What that told me was that I was as expendable as everyone else in this village.

I coughed. "Answers" I muttered.

The left half of his mouth quirked up in amusement ,but he remained silent and let me continue despite my struggle.

"Why do you continue to deceive these people–my people? What exactly do you plan to accomplish here, when there is barely anything left to scavenge? This country is a wasteland all on its own"

His mouth slowly morphed into a thin straight line. He was dissatisfied.

"You are quite intelligent for someone so young as yourself" he said straightening his already straightened jacket.

He was avoiding the questions. "My mother and father taught me well"

"You could be of some use, perhaps you should consider working for me when you reach a higher age" he said firmly.

I gritted my teeth at him. "I don't know exactly what your doing, but I do know it's not in these people's best interest. What makes you think I'll assist you in anything?"

He smirked and a small chuckled escaped his lips. Taking off the tinted glasses—his eyes closed—answered my question, from this answer then on...I would become Wesker's personal and expendable weapon against all that opposed him.

"I know you'll do it because of the answers in which you seek, I'm not saying you have to trust my word in actually giving you answers. You will, like everyone else, work for those answers in due time, but I'm not usually one to go back on anything that I say" he said slowly opening his eyes and glancing down at me.

His red-orange eyes invoked such fear into me that I thought I would die there from a stroke, then on the righter side, they were enticing and only made me more curious. He put back on his glasses and steadily made his way towards the exit of the alleyway. Trying to move to position myself in a sitting order, I found I could not.

I grunted in distress. "You cannot just leave me like this! I'm in pain and what will happen to me if a man finds me?"

He waved off my concerns with a dismissal gesture of his hands. "Maybe you should learn not to follow others. One, curiousity killed the cat and two, your mother or father should've at least taught you that"

With that being said, a white card fell near my face on the ground. I grabbed it up and read what was listed. The card said of all the places the executive producer (Wesker) of the project might be and the rest of the workers. Luckily, all the locations were not very far from my village and were only an hours walk away at the most. I put the card away into the tight and secure white cloth that hugged my breast. Quickly adjusting my brown tank top I soon regained my ability to stand, but needed much support in walking my way back home.

I shook myself out of the memory and reminded myself that I was on a very tight schedule. Looking down at the dull gray phone sitting on top of my desk, I picked it up when I spotted the repeatedly flashing red light. A voice message from Wesker telling me that in the next five minutes a helicopter will be prepared to take me to eastern Somalia for my appliance to the BSAA southern Africa branch.

My file that already held my fake information was also on that helicopter. Sighing, I deleted the message and quickly left my office and locked the double doors behind myself. The hallways were minorly desolate. Not many people were walking in the hallway and if they were, they were walking into their office and lightly shutting the doors behind themselves.

My office was placed in the executive wing of the building not too far from Wesker's secondary office. While that was an honor on its own accord, I got rather frequent visits from my boss and he never announced himself. He just walks in. After four years, I would've thought I'd be use to his frequent visits but I'm not. His very presense alone sends me on edge.

The elevator hall (which was my destination) held six elevators. Three on one side and three on the other. Luckily, the first one I pressed binged and I was almost bulldozed to the ground by a rather tall woman. Her presense made me automatically cringe.

Excella Gionne. Executive and head of the Tricell department and her very own building and lab all to her own. She haughtily looked down her nose at me, and I showed no emotion. The same stoic expression I would give Wesker because it pleased him. Thinking she had won, she smirked in cruel delight and strutted out of my sight. I didn't have to look to know where she was headed.

I caught the elevator up to the roof before the doors closed, smiling gently to myself in knowing that it was only myself in the elevator alone. The next forty five floors was rode in silence and without interruption. Once exiting the elevator, I immediately heard the spur of wing blades beat the air mercilessly in a frenzy. My hair whipped into my face but I took no heed of it and calmly walked to the helicopter with my brown briefcase in hand.

Once buckled safely into the helicopter, I gave the pilot a small nod to tell him I was ready and presumed to flip through my files and fake registration as he took flight.

A/N: so what do you guys think? It's a pilot so I'm hoping you guys like it^^ anyways, this is my first time dipping into the video game section, but certainly not my first time being affiliated with it. Every Friday going into Sunday I play video games as if I was a crack addict. I've also played and beat this game (just RE4 and RE5) four times (each difficulty including professional) so I'm quite familiar with the characters. Anyways, I apologize if I made anyone out of character in any way and please please review and read!

P.s: one important thing to throw in here, the rating may get changed from teen to mature depending on how I'm feeling, I'm not sure yet. Until then, the rating will stay teen until further notice.