A/N: Oh, hey. Do I still have some fans and followers? Guess I'll find out. This is the sequel to My Dark Side and A Thousand Years (which are Seblaine and Niff, respectively, and they are fantastic, and I recommend you read them because I work really hard on this stuff). Essentially, this is going to be approximately equal parts Huntbastian and Niff, with a dash of Klaine. Not every chapter will be as long as this one, I got a little carried away. This story will contain mature content, just like the other two did. There will also be original characters out the wazoo, but they're good and well-rounded I swear. If I haven't scared you away yet, please read on! (Also there's gayness. Do we still have to warn for that kind of thing? Idk. We used to have to do that like 5 years ago. I think if you're in the Glee fandom you just expect it.)

Plot: After high school, Hunter was supposed to go to West Point, was supposed to join the Army, was supposed to marry a very sweet girl his mother picked out named Courtney. Did he? Would there be a story if he had? Hunter Clarington went missing, no one's seen him for years. Sebastian's in Paris now, Nick and Jeff are married. Equal parts Huntbastian and Niff.

Don't Break My Heart
How Not To Be A Heartbreaker

Chapter One: Huntbastian
Nice to Meet You Anyway

"Bad news," Nick said, carrying the mail into the kitchen where Jeff was baking cookies.

"Still no word from Sebastian?" Jeff guessed.

"Worse," Nick replied. "His RSVP finally came and he's not coming."

"Has he heard from Hunter?" Jeff asked.

"Nope, doesn't know where he is," Nick said. He turned the card over in his hand as if looking for the hidden message. "It's postmarked from Paris."

"No wonder it took so long," Jeff said. "Man, I was really looking forward to seeing him."

"He must have known Blaine would be there," Nick said. "I can't blame him really."

"No, nor do I," Jeff said. "Blaine ripped his heart out and I still don't think he's really over it."

"It's been, what, a year and a half?" Nick asked. "No, two years. Time really flies, doesn't it?"

"Tell me about it," Jeff said. "We're getting married in two weeks."

"Wish it was today," Nick said wistfully.

"We've been together a thousand years and you're getting antsy over two more weeks?" Jeff laughed. "Oh, Nicky, you never change."

"I just want to get to the honeym-OO-oon!" Nick exclaimed.

"Why?" Jeff asked. "We've already moved passed the honeymoon stage a couple hundred years ago, you goob."

"You know why," Nick said, stealing a freshly baked cookie from the cooling rack.

"Careful, they're hot," Jeff said. "And yeah, we're going on the same cruise we met on, I know." He sighed. "I really wish Sebastian was going to come. Or Hunter. We were tight, the five of us."

"Yeah, we were, but that was a long time ago," Nick said. "And we still have Trent and Blaine."

"Yeah, but Blaine's with Kurt all the time, and Trent's s busy with his boyfriend, he forgets to return my calls," Jeff complained. "I'm getting married, I'm not dead."

"We've been together for so long at this point, I can't see how this will change anything," Nick said. "Besides your cookie-making ability, that is. Only getting better."

"Thank you, honey," Jeff said, kissing Nick on his cookie-filled mouth. "I Niff you."

"I Niff you too."

"Are we grown up enough to say I love you yet?" Nick asked as they picked up another glass of champagne each.

"No," Jeff replied. "But we've said it before, it's just… I dunno, mainstream. You know?"

"Yeah, I do," Nick said. "Do you hear that?"


"Sounds like…" Nick turned around. "Tardis." There was no Tardis, but there was a new present on top of the others, wrapped in bright blue paper with a white bow on top. "Kinda looks like a Tardis," Nick observed, moving closer to it. He took his sonic screwdriver out of his pocket and began scanning the gift. "No signs of alien tech."

"Are. You. Kidding. Me?" Jeff asked, stealing the screwdriver from Nick's hand. "We are at a wedding! Our wedding! Why do you have your sonic in your tux?"

"Jeff, please. Why wouldn't I have my sonic in my tux?" Nick asked. Jeff just rolled his eyes.

No, Sebastian had definitely not planned on attending the wedding. Weddings were not his thing, though technically, he had been married before (not legally). Now weddings just reminded him how much he missed Blaine. And plus, he had to look after Sophie.

It was nothing special, the blue box, just a Tardis cookie jar. He'd sent it to Trent with the plea to bring it with him. Trent had decided to be theatrical. It was Trent, after all.

Sebastian sat in a little café, his favorite, on the corner of two streets, watching the people. The girls at the next table had finally cleared out, giggling in French about some group from America they were really excited to see that night. Sebastian picked up the flyer they'd accidentally left and snorted. A boy band, typical. It was the sort of thing Sophie would like.

Hold up. Sebastian knew that giant nose. And those eyes, that mouth. He'd kissed that face, he'd lived with that face. The hair might be different, but there was Hunter Clarington. Maybe he'd see if he could get tickets after all. It was the sort of thing Sophie would like.

"You got tickets? You are the best brother ever! They've been sold out for weeks!" Sophie exclaimed in French, hugging her step-brother round the middle.

"I'm pretty awesome," Sebastian smirked his French reply.

The concert itself was a little dry. Hunter seemed to be the lead singer for this boy band, and the way he kept doing flips didn't help Sebastian's attempt at pretending he didn't care. If he didn't care, why did he get tickets?

After the show, Sebastian turned to Sophie again.

"So… do you want to go backstage?" Sebastian asked her, in French of course, because let's just imagine she doesn't know much English and assume whenever Sebastian says something to her, it's always in French, because that will make this a lot easier. Her face lit up.

"Of course!" Sebastian smiled at her briefly before managing to smirk his way through security. Left, right, it was like a maze, but Sebastian knew in his heart he was going the right way. Finally, dressing rooms. He looked at them, four, 25 percent chance of getting the right one. Taking a deep breath, he leaned against the door frame of the second door on the left and knocked three times. The door opened and there he was – Hunter Clarington.

"So," Sebastian drawled, a smirk on his face. "You're a long way from West Point."

"Sebastian," Hunter sighed. "Should have known. Thought you'd be in New York."

"Thanks, but no thanks. New York's not my style," Sebastian said. "But before I get ahead of myself, Sophie!" Sophie stuck her head out from where she was hiding behind Sebastian. "Hunter, this is my sister, Sophie… Sophie, ma chérie, Hunter Clarington." The look on Sophie's face quite clearly read 'who is Hunter Clarington?' but she rolled with it. Hunter smiled.

"C'est un plaisir," Hunter said, shaking Sophie's hand, then added to Sebastian, "I don't get to meet my fans very often. Should I offer to sign something?"

"Oh, no, that would be silly," Sebastian said. "Your signature is basically worthless. You, on the other hand…"

"Sebastian!" Hunter exclaimed, blushing.

"Relax. If you've got a sec, we should go for coffee, catch up," Sebastian pitched.

"Sure, I can meet you at the stage door in half an hour? I have to shower," Hunter said.

"Sure thing," Sebastian said. "Come along, Sophie, allons-y!"

"Á bientôt!" Hunter called to Sophie.

"What do you think?" Sebastian said to Sophie as they returned the way they came. "Am I the best brother ever or what?"

"Who's Hunter Clarington?" Sophie asked, curiously.

"That– that was… Right, he changed his name," Sebastian sighed. "What do you call him?"

"Jamie," Sophie said.

"Alright, then, Jamie," Sebastian said. "Am I the best brother ever or what?"

"How do you know him?" Sophie asked.

"We went to school together," Sebastian said. "We were roommates."

"I thought Blaine was your roommate," Sophie asked.

"I thought we agreed we weren't going to talk about Blaine," Sebastian countered.

"I never agreed to that, because you never told me what happened," Sophie retorted.

"It's not important," Sebastian said. "We're both better off for it."

"But I liked Blaine!" Sophie whined.

"Yeah, I did too, hun," Sebastian sighed. "But you can't always get what you want. I was – I was happy to have him for whatever short time it was."

"But what happened?" Sophie asked.

"Well, after we came to Maman's wedding, we moved to New York, and it was great… for a while," Sebastian said. "It lasted about a year after that."

"It's been three years since Papa married your mom," Sophie said.

"Yep," Sebastian said. "Two years since Blaine and I broke up. He got back with Kurt, that's his ex, about a year ago. You're not going to believe this, but they got married within six weeks of getting back together, and now they have a baby, she's only a few weeks old."

"But what happened?" Sophie insisted.

"We fell apart!" Sebastian groaned, loudly, as they passed back by security. "Just let it go, and if you're really lucky, I'll tell you when you're older."

"Fine," Sophie agreed grudgingly.

"Plus, I got you tickets to see Hunter's band," Sebastian said.

"Flux," Sophie corrected him. "And Jamie."

"Jamie," Sebastian repeated. "Oh, I'm never gonna let him live that down."

"I have a poster of him in my room," Sophie said.

"You do not," Sebastian laughed.

"Yeah, I do!" Sophie insisted.

"Must not be a big one or I'd have noticed," Sebastian teased. "Jamie. Hunter James Clarington."

"Sébastian Olivier Smythe," Sophie countered.

"Hey, hey, hey," Sebastian said. "Calm down there, no need to be full-naming me."

"This is the best place to get coffee," Sebastian announced. "The Lima Bean of Paris, if you will. And, you know, one you're allowed in."

"I did not get forcibly ejected from the Lima Bean," Hunter groaned.

"He really almost did," Sebastian added to Sophie in French, "get thrown out of a coffee shop back home – I mean, in Ohio." Hunter just blushed into his cup of coffee, and Sebastian addressed him in English once again. "Soph doesn't speak much English, but I'd say she's your number one fan. Or should I say Jamie's number one fan." Hunter turned a bit darker red. "So, what happened?"

"Uh… I ran away," Hunter said. "Courtney was… nice, I mean, she was really nice, but I was tired of being who my parents wanted me to be. I ran away and I never looked back. Cort and I kept in touch, though, she helps me out sometimes, when I needed money right at the beginning, or when I need someone to talk to."

"You can talk to me," Sebastian said.

"I couldn't talk to you," Hunter said, shaking his head. "You wouldn't understand."

"I wouldn't understand not wanting to be who everyone thinks I should?" Sebastian asked. "Right, because I didn't get kicked out of, like, twelve different schools or arrested at least twice, trying to get my father's attention."

"Maybe you would've," Hunter mumbled, taking a sip of his coffee. "Is there Splenda in this?"

"Hunt, would I put Splenda in your latte?" Sebastian asked, sardonically.

"Maybe," Hunter mumbled.

"It's sugar," Sebastian assured him. "When you came to see us at Christmas…?"

"Courtney thought I should," Hunter said. "Her family has money, after all, she flew me from L.A. to New York. Thought I might feel better if I saw my friends."

"Did you?"

"Yeah, a little bit," Hunter said. "And I like Courtney, I do, but she's not the one for me."

"No, I probably fit that category a bit better than she does," Sebastian said, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Sebastian…" Hunter sighed.

"No, I'm kidding, of course," Sebastian said, quickly.

"You are a taken man, Sebastian," Hunter said. "I'm not getting in the way of that again. Where is Blaine, anyway?"

"We broke up, two years ago," Sebastian said.

"Oh," Hunter replied. "Well, that changes everything." Sebastian looked at Hunter with an expression halfway between impressed and confused.

"Ev- everything your parents thought of you?" Sebastian stuttered. Hunter nodded. "I take that to mean I wasn't the first – or the last."

"You most certainly were the first, don't you remember?" Hunter said. "But enough about me. How about you? Seeing anyone now?"

"Just you," Sebastian said. "I have to take care of Sophie, it doesn't leave much time for shenanigans like I used to. How long are you in town?"

"Couple weeks, then Britain, then back to L.A.," Hunter said.

"Do you want to accompany us back to our château?" Sebastian asked. Hunter stared.

"I suppose," Hunter replied. Sebastian gave him a look. "Yes, yes. Yes."

"Alright," Sebastian exclaimed, throwing his empty coffee cup into the trashcan with practiced accuracy. "Allons-y!"

On the trip home, Sebastian caught Sophie up to speed, translating the conversation into French, and it turned out she'd understood a lot of it. Her English was improving.

"It's… uh, well, there it is," Sebastian announced. "Maman is a bit under the weather, I'm afraid, and Francois is in… Oú est ton papa, Sophie?"

"En les États-Unis," Sophie replied.

"I guess he's in the States. Thought he was in Africa for some reason," Sebastian laughed. "Sophie has posters of you in her room, so…"

"Oh, God," Hunter groaned, blushing again.

"Nothing wrong with having a fan," Sebastian said. "Sophie, can Hunter and I be alone for a little while? I promise to let you borrow him later."

"Sure," Sophie said, running off in the direction of her room, probably to tell her friends that Jamie Huntington from Flux was in her house.

"Hunter, Hunter, Hunter," Sebastian sighed, having a seat on the nearest couch, and indicating Hunter should do the same. "What really happened?"

"What do you mean?"

"You just took the Lord's name in vain," Sebastian said. "So, really, what happened?"

"Sometimes it just slips out," Hunter said.

"Do the words 'sorry ladies, I'm gay' just slip out too?" Sebastian asked.

"No," Hunter said. "Well, they never have before. It was actually a big deal there for a minute. Some compromising pictures of me and our bassist got to one of those gossip magazines. Surprised you didn't know."


"We were drunk," Hunter shrugged. "Wasn't serious or anything."

"You? Drunk?" Sebastian asked, laughing. "You really have changed."

"That's what I wanted," Hunter said. "I just wanted to do whatever I wanted, to sing, to run up walls and do backflips, and be with someone I choose."

"Is there anything left of your principles?" Sebastian asked. Hunter shrugged.

"Maybe. Maybe not. There was just so much I wanted to try."

"Is there anything you want to try with me?" Sebastian asked, smirking.

"Not really," Hunter said. "I tried a lot of things with you already. You were my first everything."

"Everything? Whoa now," Sebastian said. "Down boy."

"What happened with you and Blaine?" Hunter asked.

"Doesn't matter," Sebastian shrugged. "He's back with Kurt. They're married, a daughter."

"I must say, I didn't see that coming," Hunter said.

"Neither did I," Sebastian said. "We just… started fighting about little stuff, you know, almost every day. And one day, it got physical. I slapped him, right across the face. He packed his bags and left that night. Now it's been two years, and I haven't seen him, not once. Nick and Jeff are getting married, but I'm not going. What am I supposed to say after two years?"

"Why'd you slap him?" Hunter asked. Sebastian just shook his head. "Bas, I beat the shit out of my best friend at military school for putting Splenda in my latte, come on, why'd you slap him?"

"He called me a whore," Sebastian said. "That's not to say that I haven't had whore-like tendencies in the past, but to hear it out of his mouth after a year and a half… It hurt. It was a reflex, the slap. It's one of Blaine's things, though, physical violence. That's how he ended up at Dalton in the first place." There was a long pause, during which Hunter couldn't think of anything to say. "We probably could have worked through it, stayed together, but I guess we were already falling apart."

"I'm sorry," Hunter said. There was another long silence, then Hunter shifted his body in such a small way that it was almost subtle, but Hunter was now sitting much closer to Sebastian than he had been before. Sebastian, almost unconsciously, shifted as well, away from Hunter.

"I don't… I don't understand you," Sebastian said. "You want me, then you don't, now you do again?"

"I'm confused, too," Hunter said.

"No, I don't want to be in another relationship," Sebastian said. "I am not comfortable with them."

"Bas, I didn't even ask," Hunter said. "But I'd like to give you a personal concert."

"Yeah, alright," Sebastian said, smirking and sitting back into the couch. Hunter took his phone from his pocket and docked it on the iDock in the living room.

"It's a song we're working on, so there are probably a few rough edges…" A rock tune lit up the room.

So you're the girl, I heard the rumor
You got the
boys wrapped around your finger
Such a
sweet heartbreaker
If you're the
game, I want to be a player
Oh, you can do whatever you want
It's alright with me

Why don't you break my heart?
Make it hurt so
Come on and give it your best
Nothing less
I insist
I want it just like that
Why don't you break my
It sounds good to
Do it over again, again, again,
You're just what I need

Why don't you break my heart?

Hunter was crawling around the floor, looking incredibly sexy, flipping his now-longer hair around, and ended up in Sebastian's lap.

"Yeah?" Hunter breathed.

"Yeah, yeah," Sebastian said, kissing Hunter.

"It could just be something we do, when we're together," Hunter panted as he pulled back, still out of breath.

"Or we could just never be apart," Sebastian replied, pulling Hunter's lips back to his. "And we should get a cat," Sebastian said, then continuing the passionate kisses, running his hands under Hunter's shirt and up his back.

"Sebastian, I'm in a band," Hunter mumbled.

"And it's so hot," Sebastian replied, a little muffled by his reluctance to stop kissing him.

"I go on tour," Hunter said.

"I'll go with you," Sebastian replied.

"I live in L.A."

"I'll move."

"What about Sophie?" Hunter asked.

"Hunter, I'm fantasizing, shut up," Sebastian snapped. Hunter pulled his head back.

"Fantasizing about me?"

"Who else would I be fantasizing about? The bogeyman?" Sebastian replied, rolling his eyes. "Kiss me." Hunter stood up, though, effectively making sure his lips were far from Sebastian's. "What's the matter?"

"I don't know," Hunter said, but not sitting back down.

"Am I coming on too strong? I've been told I do that," Sebastian said. "Though you've never complained before."

"No, I guess I was just realizing what's really going on," Hunter said.

"Which is?" Sebastian asked.

"We literally live on opposite sides of the globe," Hunter said.

"That's why God invented Skype," Sebastian said. Hunter sat nervously in a chair across the room. Sebastian stared at him.

"Do you love me?" Hunter asked.

"Uh…" Sebastian said. "I don't – I don't really do love, Hunt. Why? Do you love me?"

"I never really thought about it," Hunter said. "Did you ever – were you ever really into me?"

"Of course I was," Sebastian said.

"You were using me to get control of the Warblers," Hunter reminded him.

"Correction: Blaine was using us both to get control of the Warblers," Sebastian corrected. "It was very painful for me, and I think I'm still a little messed up because of it."

"You told me you wanted a star, and that I was the brightest one," Hunter said. Sebastian strained to remember.

"I did say that, didn't I?" Sebastian said. "Good thing it's the truth, huh?"

"You love Blaine," Hunter said sternly. "Why didn't you fight for him?"

"I'm over Blaine," Sebastian said. "I'm done with Blaine, I'm done thinking about Blaine, Blaine is married. It's over. It doesn't matter what I did or did not do, because that is over. And I'm over it. In fact, I'm over being over it, I'm in Paris, the romance capitol of the world, and I'm not going to let a memory take me away from living the rest of my life."

"Oh," Hunter mumbled quietly. "Yeah, I guess that would be…"

"You are… my best friend, Hunter James Clarington," Sebastian said. "And you're incredibly attractive, but you're right, we live on opposite sides of the globe."

"And that's why God invented Skype," Hunter reminded him.

"We can't kiss over Skype," Sebastian said. "It would be weird. And that's what we do, we make out. You can talk on Skype, and you can say filthy things, and jack off together, which is not something I really like to do, I prefer the real thing, but–"

"There's still one first you haven't given me yet," Hunter almost purred, cutting Sebastian off. Sebastian sighed.

"There's a lot of firsts you haven't had," Sebastian said. "Have you ever been to the Eiffel Tower? What about the Sears Tower? Empire State Building? Ever been to the moon? Have you ever blackmailed your best friend and ended up hurting everyone you know? The fact that we've never had penetrative sex is minimal. And while I would love to remedy that, we are not sexually compatible."

"Why not?" Hunter asked.

"Three years ago, Graduation party, take two," Sebastian reminded him. "If you and I were in a relationship, which one of us would top?"

"Me, obviously," Hunter and Sebastian said at the same time.

"I've been with hundreds of guys, and there is only one I bottomed for, and it sure isn't you," Sebastian said.

"Well, I'm certainly not going to!" Hunter exclaimed. "I don't even… know…"

"Oh, it's real easy," Sebastian said. "You just lay back, relax, and enjoy the show."

"Then why don't you do it?" Hunter countered.

"Because you don't know how to put on a show," Sebastian retorted. "No offence, but practice does make perfect. Therefore, we are not sexually compatible."

"What if I was willing?" Hunter asked after a pause. Sebastian looked over at Hunter, then shook his head.

"No," Sebastian finally said. "Maybe I would have four years ago, but that's not who I am anymore."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Hunter asked, indignantly.

"It means that I don't just screw anything willing anymore," Sebastian snapped.

"Bas, it's me," Hunter said. "This is a page out of your fantasy book."

"The fact still remains that my answer is no," Sebastian said. "I would be more than happy to kiss you, but nothing more."

"If you're worried about pressuring me–" Hunter began.

"I'm not worried about pressuring you," Sebastian sighed. "I just can't. Not since Blaine. I grew up, I'm not the same person I was."

"So let me get this straight," Hunter said. "You don't want to be in a relationship again, but you don't want to have casual sex either?"

"It wouldn't be just casual sex with you!" Sebastian exclaimed. "Because you are the stuff of my fantasies. I used to think if anyone could get me out of the rut I was in after Blaine, it was you. I was so eager to see you today, but I was wrong."

"No, you weren't wrong!" Hunter insisted, rushing into Sebastian's lap and kissing him again. "It's better now than it was before, because – because I'm not afraid anymore. US Weekly outed me to the world and I didn't even blink. Give me a chance." Sebastian brought his eyes up and locked with Hunter's.

"I don't want – I don't want," Sebastian choked on his own words. "I do not want to break your heart, Hunt."

"You won't," Hunter replied. "Give relationships one more shot. It could be so good."

"Or it could be so bad that I could lose the last friend I have," Sebastian said.

"You won't," Hunter repeated. "I'm ex-military, I'm used to being slapped around, I've already called you every name in the book, and I'm pretty sure we know all of each other's secrets. One chance? To prove how good it could be?"

"When do you leave Europe?" Sebastian asked.

"Two weeks in France, one in Britain," Hunter said.

"That's how long you have to prove that statement. And if it proves false, we go back to being just friends, and we keep in touch," Sebastian said.

"You got yourself a deal," Hunter said, kissing Sebastian again.

"And we should get a cat," Sebastian repeated. Hunter smiled.

"A white one?" he asked.

"I was thinking black, but if you want white, that's fine," Sebastian said.

"Whatever you want," Hunter said, kissing Sebastian once more.

They kissed for about 45 more minutes uninterrupted, until they were dehydrated, out of breath, and very rumpled.

"I should probably go find Sophie, tell her I'm not molesting her favourite celebrity," Sebastian said. "I'll be right back." H was off across the house, running up the stairs in seconds. "Sophie!"

"Quoi?" she asked, sticking her head out of her room.

"I have a new boyfriend," Sebastian announced. "You might be familiar with him. He's devastatingly handsome and sitting in our living room."

"You're dating Jamie?"

"Hunter, and yes."

"Oh my God!" Sophie screeched.

"Don't get your hopes up, but he could be your brother-in-law someday," Sebastian said.

"My friends are not going to believe this!" Sophie exclaimed, jumping up and down. "The Jamie Huntington!"

"I'd prefer if you call him Hunter," Sebastian said, frowning.


"Because that's his name," Sebastian said, as if it was obvious. "And I don't think I could justify dating someone named Jamie. Anyway. Do you want a white cat or a black cat?"

They ended up with one of each. Sophie's cat, the white one, was named Seraphina, and Sebastian named the black one Salem. Sebastian was going to teach him to talk. Two weeks passed too fast, and Hunter was leaving for Britain that night after the show.

"I wish I could take him with me," Hunter sighed. "I miss having a cat."

"Aw, did Mr. Puss pass on?" Sebastian asked with a pout.

"Nah, he lives with Courtney," Hunter sighed again. "Gives me a reason to visit her, if I have time, which I rarely do, but we Skype from time to time and…"

"You Skype with your cat," Sebastian said. "Hunt, I would love to come back to the States with you, because I can obviously tell you're very lonely, but I have to take care of Sophie."

"Maybe someday you both can come," Hunter said. "When Sophie learns more English."

"Maybe," Sebastian said.

"Seriously?" Sophie asked, and Sebastian turned to stare at her, actually surprised of two things. One, that she'd just said seriously in English, and two, that she'd understood the conversation. "Je peux venir avec toi?"

"Pourquoi pas?" Hunter asked, shrugging.

"I said maybe!" Sebastian exclaimed. "Maybe! Peut-être!"

"Il parle Français," Sophie said to Sebastian, indicating Hunter.

"I am fluent in several languages, including English, Français, Español, and Deutsch," Hunter said.

"He says he is," Sebastian said, rolling his eyes. "Don't you have somewhere to be, Hunter?"

"I can't believe this is goodbye," Hunter sighed.

"Only for a little while," Sebastian said. "I've been known to show up in the most random of places." He winked. "If it helps, I'm also obscenely wealthy." Hunter chuckled.

"I'll miss you," he said. "And I'll miss Sophie. Je te manquerai."

"Actually, sweetheart, it would be tu me manqueras, but that's okay," Sebastian corrected.

"But…" Hunter protested.

"No, it isn't, I'll explain it later," Sebastian said, pressing a kiss to Hunter's lips.

Intermission. Go get a snack.

Hunter and Sebastian texted and Skyped every day. Sebastian lived his whole life on Hunter's time, only sleeping when his boyfriend did, so he could be awake when Hunter called.

"Maman's feeling better finally, but she asked me to stay here with her for the next year and I can't say no, she's so lonely," Sebastian announced. "I may never come back."

"That's okay," Hunter replied. "I'm so busy we wouldn't see each other more than this anyway. New album coming out in December."

"Send me an autographed copy?" Sebastian asked with a smirk. "For Sophie."

"Of course," Hunter said. "I miss you."

"I miss you too, baby," Sebastian said. He kissed his hand and blew it into the camera. Hunter pretended to catch it and put it in his pocket. "Ugh, that is so cheesy, I can't believe we just did that." Hunter laughed.

"There's this thing coming up, me and the band are nominated for a few things," Hunter said. "I get a +1 if you want to come."

"All the way to L.A.? That's really far," Sebastian said. "Practically the other side of the world."

"I'm going to win," Hunter said.

"You promise?" Sebastian asked. Hunter nodded.

"Plus, you know, you get to see me," he added. Sebastian smiled.

"Okay, I'll be there."

True to his word, Sebastian spent at least 12 hours flying coach to L.A., and to his disappointment, Hunter wasn't waiting for him at the airport. A text on Sebastian's phone – Sry so busy. Meet you the apt l8r. HJC And the address followed. Someone remind Sebastian to teach Hunter to use complete sentences when he texted. It almost hurt his eyes.

Sebastian wasn't a stranger to disappointment, but he followed the directions (or rather, told the address to a cabbie) and ended up in the familiar-by-Skype area of Hunter's living room. He lived by himself, so no one else was there, but Sebastian knew where Hunter would hide a spare key – the same place they'd hid one to their room years ago after they'd both locked themselves out.

Sebastian busied himself with fixing a snack – nothing fancy since he still couldn't cook, crackers and cream cheese. Hunter's fridge was remarkably well stocked. Then he took a nap, and when he woke up, Hunter was sitting on the bed next to him, watching him sleep.

"Hey," Hunter said softly.

"Hey," Sebastian replied, smiling. "How are you?"

"Exhausted. I was about to slide in next to you," Hunter said, letting out a breath.

"You can if you want," Sebastian suggested, picking up the corner of the blanket.

"Nah, I shouldn't nap in the middle of the day," Hunter said. "I really appreciate you flying all the way over here."

"I hope it's worth it," Sebastian said. Hunter stared at him. "I'm kidding. It's worth it just to be here next to you." He snaked his hand up and around Hunter's neck to pull him down for a kiss. Sebastian let out a sigh. "I wish I could move, I really wish I could."

"It makes us appreciate what we have a little more," Hunter said. Then he thought about the words that had just escaped his mouth. "I guess I do still have some morals."

"Good," Sebastian said. "You wouldn't be my Hunter without them." He smiled a little wider, just looking at Hunter. It was really surreal how much he'd missed him. "So what did you do today?"

"Was with the boys, working on another song for the album, then I stopped by my agent's to get the tickets for tonight," Hunter said. "Which brings me to the next thing…"

"I sense by your tone that this is not a good thing," Sebastian said.

"No, it's … it's fine," Hunter said. "My agent says… um… that it would be better for the band's image if I had the appearance of being single."

"Your band's demographic is primarily girls who are half your age," Sebastian said. "I thought US Weekly outed you."

"That's what I said, but she says since we never commented on it, that it's still just a rumour," Hunter sighed. "Look, I don't care what she says, and I want to be seen in public with you. Everyone thought those two guys in One Direction were gay together for years."

"Wait, they're not?" Sebastian asked, seriously confused. Hunter shook his head. "Are you sure?"

"Well, I've never asked them, but pretty darn sure," Hunter said. "I guess they're British, it's different for them."

"So, what, I flew all the way here from motherfking France and I can't be seen in public with you?" Sebastian asked, glaring now.

"No, quite the opposite," Hunter said. "You flew all the way here from mothereffing France and I cannot wait to be seen in public with you. It doesn't matter what my agent thinks." He paused for a second. "But it would probably be better if we weren't, like, holding hands on the red carpet." Sebastian laughed.

"I wasn't really considering it," he said. "We're just… friends who kiss, aren't we?"

"Is that really all we are?" Hunter asked. He sounded almost disappointed. Sebastian picked up the tone and quickly backtracked.

"No, no, that's not what I meant," Sebastian said. "It was… it was a joke. We're… what are we?"

"Boyfriend," Hunter stated. "I'm your boyfriend. And you're mine." Sebastian hesitated. "You said."

"I did say," Sebastian sighed. "It's just… I don't know."

"Are you seeing anyone else?" Hunter asked. It wasn't accusatory, just a question.

"Of course not," Sebastian said, rolling his eyes at the ludicrousness.

"Then what's the problem?" Hunter asked.

"Nothing, there isn't one," Sebastian said. "I don't know."

"I've never been in a relationship before," Hunter said. "I mean, unless Courtney counts, but what I'm trying to say is that… I'm not scared. Not of what anyone will think or even getting fired. Cuz I know you're worth it."

"That's an incredible amount of faith to put in someone who's only had one relationship that lasted longer than a Mento," Sebastian said.

"Yeah, but the thing is, I was watching," Hunter smiled. "I know you can handle it. To tell the truth, I was so jealous that I couldn't man up and admit what I felt back then."

"Well… I knew," Sebastian said. "And to tell the truth, it wouldn't have worked out back then."

"Will it work out now?" Hunter asked.

"Spoilers," Sebastian said, with a smile. Hunter smiled too. "C'mere." He pulled Hunter's body closer to his own again, pressing their lips together. It had never made sense that the swapping of saliva could be such a satisfying thing, because by all accounts it should be disgusting. Seriously, think about it. It's revolting.

Hunter knew he was in love with Sebastian, he had been for a while, but he was afraid to say it out loud, because Sebastian's trademark was no emotions. The kissing was great, and the talking was good too, when they were apart, everything about Sebastian, really. He'd never been a promiscuous, blackmailing, rock-salt-slushee douchebag to Hunter. Hunter had never known that Sebastian. Sebastian had been Hunter's first and only real friend at Dalton, literally his first kiss and everything that went along with it. Hunter had tried other guys, even a few girls, but no one got his attention like Sebastian.

Sebastian, despite anything he would ever say, loved Hunter. In a sense. They'd been best friends for years, and Hunter had helped him get through a very rough time. Hunter had been the first guy Sebastian had ever been slow and domestic with, but then Sebastian had moved on to the love of his life: Blaine. That was over now, though, and Sebastian was actually very excited to have this relationship, even though his demeanor said otherwise. He'd been telling the truth to Sophie – he hoped Hunter would be her brother in law someday.

Sebastian did want to get married for real someday. Even if weddings weren't his thing, it didn't mean he didn't want to be married. Hunter was the first person Sebastian could visualize himself being with since Blaine had left him. It was real, amazingly real, engaging in the act of repulsively swapping spit with Hunter.

"Hunt?" Sebastian mumbled.

"Yeah?" Hunter replied.

"…Never mind," Sebastian said.

"Tell me," Hunter said. "It's me, you can tell me anything."

"I'm just so glad I found you," Sebastian said.

"I'm glad too," Hunter said. They kissed for a while longer and Hunter's hands wandered down Sebastian's body, intent on at least giving him a feel, if not much more than that, but Sebastian wasn't hard. Hunter sat up, his own half hard cock showing in his skinny jeans.

"What?" Sebastian asked.

"Am I not enough for you?" Hunter asked.

"What?" Sebastian asked again. Then Sebastian realized what he was talking about. "Oh, yeah… I told you I can't. Not since Blaine. Not – not easily. Not this easily."

"What does it take?" Hunter asked, Sebastian shrugged.

"Don't know," he said. "Haven't really tried."

"Two years and you haven't tried?" Sebastian shrugged again. "Do you want to try?"

"Do you?" Sebastian countered. Hunter shot a look at his lap, then back at Sebastian.

"Blow my Whistle, baby?" Hunter said with a grin. Sebastian nodded, more than happy to undo Hunter's button-fly and peel the skinnies off him.

"Whistle, baby, Whistle, baby, here we go," Sebastian sang before sinking his mouth onto Hunter's cock. When he'd finished, he leaned up to kiss Hunter's mouth, letting him taste himself. Sebastian's cock gave a weak twitch, but then continued its diligent duty of refusing to get hard.

"This is getting ridiculous," Sebastian sighed. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Hunter groaned. The doorbell rang again. Hunter quickly tucked himself back into his jeans, hurriedly buttoning the fly, and made a mad dash for the door.

"Jamie! Excellent. I thought you'd be home," the new guy said. "You have tickets for the thing tonight, right?"

"Yeah," Hunter said. "Starr got me two. Why? She didn't get you any?"

"No, she got me two," the unfamiliar one said, "but I–" He caught sight of Sebastian stumbling out of the bedroom. "Oh and who's this?"

"This is Sebastian, my boyfriend," Hunter said. "Sebastian, Scott is the bass player for Flux."

"Oh, hi," Sebastian threw in Scott's direction.

"Oh, you're the famous Sebastian," Scott scoffed. Sebastian raised an eyebrow. Scott was maybe 5'11 on a good day, skinny as a rail, bleached blond hair that stood up above his head with some kid of product, grey eyes behind his glasses, and to top it off, piercings in both ears, as well as a lip ring. He looked more like a computer repair guy than a bass player, but then again, what's the difference? "It's… uh, nice to meet you."

"Yeah," Sebastian said. "It should be." Sebastian left the living room in the direction of the bathroom at the end of the hall, rolling his eyes. He literally could not believe that was the guy that Hunter had been caught with. If it had to be someone, for seriously, at least make it someone moderately attractive.

"Kirby and Everett only got one ticket each, but they both want plus ones," Scott began explaining. "Tyler got two and he's willing to give one to Chels, but I want to bring Paul with us, so I came over to ask for your extra, but I can see that's not an option."

"Bas and I have had this planned for too long to back out now," Hunter snipped. "You'll just have to tell Kirby he has to leave whatever pathetic excuse he's found for a date at home."

"Kirby doesn't want to go if he can't bring someone," Scott sighed.

"So ditch Paul," Hunter suggested. "He's a buzzkill anyway."

"He's my fiancé," Scott snapped. "I'll bring him anywhere I want. You have to give your second seat to Kirby."

"Sebastian flew all the way here from France for this, no way!" Hunter said. "Get out of my house, Scott." Scott didn't budge. "Get out."

"You're on thin ice," Scott said angrily, before storming out.

"For the last time, it's my band!" Hunter yelled after him.

"So…" Sebastian said from behind Hunter. Hunter shut the door and turned around. "Jamie."

"Yes?" Hunter asked.

"That was the guy?"

"Yeah," Hunter admitted nervously. "We were… pretty drunk."

"Hey, I've done tons of ridiculous things when I was drunk, I completely understand," Sebastian said. "And I wasn't really listening, but I assume the rest of those names were people in your band?"

"Yeah, yeah," Hunter said, running a hand through his shaggy hair. "Scott plays the bass, I've got Kirby on guitar, Everett playing the keys, and Tyler's my drummer. Scott is dating a guy named Paul, and he's a real asshole. Everett's married to a very nice girl named Chelsea, Kirby has girlfriends on and off, and I have never actually seen Tyler with anyone. Kirby and Everett have been best friends since the third grade, they met Tyler in high school. I'm sorta the baby, but, let's be honest, they weren't famous before they started using my pipes."

"Of course, your singing voice is obviously superior to your other talents," Sebastian said. "I am still the better dancer between us."

"You wish," Hunter said, grinning. On the coffee table, Hunter's open laptop started making the Skype call noise. "Who's that?"

"It's not me," Sebastian said, moving with Hunter into the living room area. "That is my total knowledge on the subject. Hunter clicked on the icon to accept the call.

"Courtney!" Hunter exclaimed happily. Courtney's face was gracing their presence, and in her grainy, pixelated lap was Mr. Puss.

"Hello," Courtney said.

"Hi Court!" Sebastian exclaimed.

"Is that Sebastian?" Courtney asked.

"Yeah, he's here for the thing tonight," Hunter said.

"Aw, you must be excited," Courtney said. "He misses you a ton, Bas, don't let him tell you any different."

"Oh, I know he does," Sebastian said. "I don't think it's anywhere near as much as he misses Mr. Puss, though." Courtney cracked up.

Hunter's cell phone rang, and he picked it up, sighing, "it's my agent," and ducking into the bedroom to take the call.

"So," Sebastian sighed.

"Something the matter, honey?" Courtney asked.

"Can I tell you something that is probably way too much information?" Sebastian asked. Courtney nodded. "I haven't been able to perform, sexually, since Blaine left me."

"Have you tried with Hunter?" Courtney asked.

"Not really," Sebastian admitted. "I used to try thinking about him when I was alone, but no."

"Well, I'm not a doctor or a psychiatrist, but maybe you've sort of become demisexual?" Courtney said.

"I thought that too, but before Blaine, I was with hundreds of guys and the biggest emotional connection I had with them was, 'hey, wanna fuck?'. I mean, for real, this is getting ridiculous."

"Try with Hunter. Really, really try," Courtney suggested. "Let him be on top if you can't and … I don't know." She shrugged.

"Did you and Hunter ever…?" Sebastian asked.

"Oh, my Gosh, no," Courtney said. "Do you have any idea how awks that would be?" She lowered her voice as if afraid someone would hear. "I don't like men." Sebastian burst out laughing. "It's not funny!"

"No, it's not, I'm so sorry," Sebastian said, still laughing.

"Both our parents still expect us to marry each other, don't even get me started," Courtney said.

"Do you have a special not-man?" Sebastian asked.

"No, I haven't even really told anyone, except Hunter and now you," Courtney said. "It only makes sense that we lie to our parents about it, you know? Hunt and I grew up together, we went to the same church and summer camp."

"Oh, so you're one of those, too," Sebastian said.

"Both our families have a very firm base in the church," Courtney said. "Very strong military as well, and that's all I've ever known. Arranged marriage at 22, child, two if the first one's a girl, which it won't be knowing Hunter's genetics, then that's it, military wife. And I would have. If Hunter hadn't decided to run off. You can't really lie to the General and say you're at West Point."

"So what do you really want to do?" Sebastian asked. "Assuming you don't want to marry Hunter and raise his children."

"I want to be a fashion designer," Courtney said.



"Well. In that case, I think I know someone you should talk to," Sebastian said. "His name is Kurt Hummel, in New York. Don't mention me, say you're a friend of Blaine's." He sent her Kurt's number through the chat box. "Seriously, don't mention me, I am mud as far as he's concerned. But if you're serious about fashion, he might be able to give a few tips."

"Thanks hun," Courtney said, putting the number in her phone.

"How do Hunter's parents feel about his music career?" Sebastian asked.

"They're not thrilled, but they can see how talented he is and how much he loves it," Courtney said. "But they won't support him financially."

"That's so not a problem," Sebastian snorted.

"You're really serious about him, aren't you?" Courtney asked.

"Yeah, of course I am," Sebastian said. "Does that surprise you?"

"No," Courtney said, backtracking. "I just wasn't sure. I'm glad he finally met someone."

"Please, let's be honest," Sebastian said, as Hunter walked back into the room. "I'm the reason Hunter even considered leaving his castle in Narnia."

"Well, then, aren't you Mr. Stuck-Up," Hunter said. Sebastian turned around to look at him with a smile.

"You know it," Sebastian said. "And you wouldn't have it any other way."

A/N: Merry Christmas, Bitches! Wait, no... that's not right. Um, yeah. So if you think this looks like it's gonna be a good fic, lemme know. If you don't think it looks good, tell me that too, and I'll stop wasting my time writing it.

Leave me a review, please, I'd love to hear your thoughts. If you've got a couple hours to waste, check out my other fics, especially the other two in this universe.


Next time: Klaine!
And later: Niff!