
Part One~ Marle

By Lalita

Disclaimer~ Unfortunately, I only own the game, not the idea.

A/N~ This is my first Crono Trigger fic. I absolutley LOVE the game; I play it all the time. Some of the quotes from the game

may be off. I know my spelling and grammer could use a lot of work, and if the characters are OOC then that's how it's

supposed to be. This fic has a lot of scenes that aren't in the game, so those are just from my imagination. This is gonna be

really long. Eventually I hope to have all the characters telling their own little story so I tried it out first on Marle.

Anyway, please read and review!

Chapter One

The day had dawned bright and fair. Sunlight crept into the castle windows, spilling over the chamber floors. A ray

hit an exceptionally beautifull tiara, decorated with a number of pearls and diamonds, as well as a few rubies here and

there, and the princess's personal favorite, moonstone, and rainbows reflected around the chamber. A robin chirped outside

while feeding its babies. The sweet sound of a bell ringing off in the distance, almost like a nightengale calling, drifted

to the castle's many inhabitants. It was to this harmonious day that Princess Nadia awoke.

There was nothing about this day that signified that something very odd and important would happen to this young

woman. Indeed, she thought it rather boring at first. The princess sat in her bed for awhile, tangled in satin sheets,

attempting to go back to sleep. When she couldn't, she decided to blame it on her goosefeather pillows. She didn't

know why she had to own goosefeather pillows, other than to flaunt her family's wealth. Surely the geese needed their

feathers more than she did.

Sighing, Princess Nadia yawned loudly, and, as soon as she did, a small servant girl, really nothing more than a

child, entered the room with a breakfast plate. The mouth watering aroma of porrdge, with treakle jam and strawberries,

wafted to the princess. But before her breakfast could reach her, the girl fell and the plate crashed. The girl whimpered

and scampered around hurridly, cleaning up her mess. When she looked up she was surprised to find the princess down on her

hands and knees helping her!

" P...Princess...Please...You...You needn't bother..." She stammered.

Princess Nadia looked up and smiled brightly. " I want to help." She said simply. Then, " What's your name?"

" M...Mary, my lady." Mary choked out.

" Well Mary, where are you to go that has you in such a hurry?" The princess asked, then laughed at the startled

expression on Mary's face. Clearly, she was not used to help or civilty from anyone, much less royalty.

" Well, me mum taking me to the fair today..." Mary smiled shyly. " You know, it being the millenial fair and all,

being special. Me mum says me must work hard and fast if me want to go, and then she may give a right special gift." Mary's

words seemed to swell with love and pride for her mother. " She's a maid too, you know, and she works right well. She gots

promoted last week, she did."

The princess smiled again, a bit sadly this time. It was obvious that once Mary got over her shyness, she was "right"

talkative. " Then you musn't keep your mother waiting, now should you. Go on, on with you! Have a delightfull time!"

Mary curtsied and stumbled from the room. " Thank you, mistress." She mumbled, curtsying again and nearly knocking

over Leah, Nadia's "nanny".

Nadia watched her leave with envy. Oh, how she wished she was a child and going to the fair with her mother! "But..."

She thought sadly. " I can't have either."

Leah dropped a fast cursty. " Good morning, my lady." She greeted Nadia.

Nadia waved away the formalities with a flick of her wrist. " Oh please, Leah. We've known each other my whole life.

There's no need for stuffy titles here, miss Royal Nanny."

Leah sighed. " Aye, we have at that, Princess." She walked briskly over to the princess's wardrobe closet.

Nadia sighed also as she saw Leah take out a particullarly fine blue silk gown, with millions of tiny pearls sewn

into the corset. " I take it I've got to meet some stuffy representors today?" She asked dismally.

" Yes. The " stuffy " representors, as you call them, come from a prominent wealthy family with a son." Leah winked

at the princess. " I hear he's cute and quite a fast charmer with the ladies."

" Well, he won't charm this lady." Nadia said firmly. She walked over to Leah and took down a somewhat shaggy white

dress. Leah snorted with disapproval, but Nadia ignored her. Her father may insist on introducing her to every eligible man

in the kingdom, but she wasn't going to be trumped and dressed up, like a horse being groomed to meet its master's approval.

" Your father will be terribly displeased, Marle." Leah cautioned her.

Of every person, Leah was the only one to call the princess Marle. Marle had been Nadia's mother's original name for

her. She probably would have been known as Princess Marle too, if only Mother had not died and Father had gotten his way with

the names.

Marle shrugged carelessly. " It matters not. " She replied haughtilly. " I am not some doll that can be pripmed and

put on display for the highest bidder."

Leah mumbled something about willfull children and head strong girls, which caused Marle to break into a grin.

" Surely I'm not as bad as all that!" She protested cheerfully.

Leah's expression softened over with a warmth. In her whole life, Leah had always been the closest thing to a mother

that Marle had, and Marle was also like Leah's daughter. " You've got your mother's spirit." She confirmed. " You're just

like her."

Marle felt a tidalwave of emotions. Her mother.... Queen Aliza. Her mother had been beautifull and strong, sometimes

even bringing her husband, King Gaurdia, to her way of thinking. Marle had only been a small child when her mother had died,

and at times the loneliness was overwhelming. She hugged Leah. " Thank you..." She whispered. " For everything."

Leah returned the hug. After a few minutes she gently pushed her away. " Ah, now enough of that, lass. We had best

get going before that father of yours has both our heads!"