Once again I find myself inspired by a piece of artwork I saw. I haven't written a crossover before so I hope this goes well! It's a definite work in progress, but I hope you enjoy.

I own nothing in YuGiOh or Tron.

Reviews are greatly welcomed!

The electronic whirring and music was like heaven after a long day at school. Taking a deep breath, Yugi sighed, lips spreading into a grin. This was glorious.

"New arcade?" Came the voice from the spirit who floated beside him. His own cool eyes barely contained his own excitement as he followed his aibou's gaze.

"Yeah! Well, newly re-opened. It was closed years ago but whoever bought it fixed it up and opened it again!" Yugi smiled at him. "But enough of that, ready to play?"

Yami chuckled, it was hard to not get excited when the boy was practically bouncing up and down and nearly vibrating with energy. He was so ready to take on those high scores. "Let's go!"

He took off, running first to a game that they both knew, taking turns to try and beat each others scores, then to a newer game that he had only heard about. On it went, the next few hours spent with laughter, friendly banter and game after game of fun.

Yugi leaned back with a satisfied grin as the victory music played from his latest challenge. How perfect this was turning out to be, all these games and Yami? Sighing contently, he looked around for the next game to occupy there time. Blinking he turned.

"Something wrong?"

"Hm?" Yugi looked over at him. "Oh I just...didn't notice how quiet it was this far in to the arcade..." He looked at the unoccupied games. Well, they were older so that may have been why. That was a shame, some of the older style games could be the most fun. Even if they didn't have as good graphics as the new stuff, they were more...authentic? He couldn't really put a word to it.

"Want to go back to the front?" Yami hadn't noticed it, but Yugi was right.

"Nah, it's fine. I was just thinking how some people just don't appreciate these games, that's all." He smiled and wandered down through the isle of games, rubbing his growling stomach.

"Hungry?" The spirit looked at him with slight concern.

"Just a little...How about a snack, one more game, and then home?" He didn't want to go home yet, but he knew there was no way to play all the games in one day. The place was too big. But it wasn't going anywhere, they could come back the next day after school again.

"That sounds like a plan," Yami smiled. "There's a vending machine over there."

Yugi turned the corner and went up the to machine, putting in some change and getting a candy bar. Humming softly he wondered what game should be their last for the day. Bending, he got his snack and straightened, tearing the package as he did so. But he froze, eyes tracing the blue glow in the reflection of the vending machines glass.

Turning, he took in the game behind them. Yes...This was their game. Stepping up to it, he put in the needed money...And began playing. He had to admit, he hadn't expected the kind of game for its design. But soon...It was over and he was staring at his name on the score board. Damn...Why did he have to pick a game that was pretty short? Oh well, sighing he picked up his backpack before something caught his eye.

"Aibou? You okay?"

"Yeah just...Hold on," he stood and ran his hand along the back of the game where the seam should have been between it's metal and the wall.

Should have.

"That's weird..."

"What?" Yami was thoroughly confused at this point as he followed him.

"It's part of the wall...They tried to make it look like one of the other games, but it's connected into it." Walking around it, he examined it, running his hand along the other side. Until his fingers pressed along a spot that hinged in. With a cracking sound, the wall separated to his left and he jumped back, nearly falling over his backpack. Yami immediately stood in front of him, ready to take over if he had to.

"No, no it's okay!" Yugi looked around, making sure no one heard them before getting back to his feet and dusting himself off. Going up to the door he tugged it open further, the entire panel swinging slowly forward with a soft scraping sound.

"Yugi...Wait, I don't know about this." Yami reached out to touch his shoulder, looking past him into what little of the darkened hallway they could see.

"But...Mou hitori no boku..." Yugi turned to look at him. "It's a secret door!"

"I see that..." He, too, was curious but...What if it was something dangerous? "We don't know what's beyond that door. Nor do we know if we should go past it. It was hidden for a reason...And last I checked snooping wasn't a good thing."

"Please? Just a little peak...it could be an adventure! It could hide some secret or treasure! Please please pleeease!" He was nearly on his knees. Gods he wanted to see what could possibly be hidden in such a sneaky way.

Yami let out a sigh. "Okay, one quick look but stay close and if anything happens, I'm taking over, got it?"

"You got it!" He grinned and pulled the door open further, enough for him to squeeze in. Looking around he coughed, the air was pretty stagnant and he wondered how long the place had been closed up. He was silently glad it was dimly lit, since there were no windows and he tentatively looked around a corner, pretty aware of Yami hovering over his shoulder.

"Oh woah..." The computer was covered in a thick layer of dust, but there was no mistaking what it was. He was at the desk in a matter of steps, brushing the dirt and grime from the glass top. It lit up instantly at his touch, a keyboard and screen coming to life. "Why would someone hide this back here? This is so cool!"

"Yugi...be careful..." The spirit looked at the machine warily. The games out in the arcade were fun. Simple. This thing...It looked way too complicated to be for children.

"I know, mou hitori no boku... But look at this. I wonder if Kaiba knows about it...It might be an abandoned project of his."

A series of beeping drew Yami's attention to behind them. What in the name of Ra...

"I can't believe this was here!" Reaching out, Yugi touched the computer screen gingerly. The computer seemed to be taking a breath for the first time in a long while, coming back to life and blowing the dust from it's system as it charged up, the lights becoming brighter and brighter...The hairs suddenly stood up on the back of his neck.

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"YUGI!" He acted quickly, the puzzle blazing to life as Yami stood behind the smaller boy, eye of horus lighting up on his forehead. Lifting his hand he shielded him, his own magic meeting the beam of light that was shot towards them from what must have been connected to the computer.

For a split second, there was a blinding light as the energies fizzled together.


"YAMI!" Yugi shielded his eyes, the power of the blast knocking him back against the desk. The computer sang as the light began to dim. Then...


Squinting, he opened his eyes. Waiting to be blinded again. But he was met with the same dimness as when they entered. But with the added absence of a spirit.

"...Mou hitori no boku?" He looked down at his puzzle. Had he...But he wouldn't have just...Would he?

"Yami?" Panic began to well up in him as he looked around. Where had he gone? Where could he have gone? He was connected to the puzzle! His eyes landed on the contraption that was across the room behind where he had been standing. Amethyst gaze followed the wires, widening as a cold feeling began to seep down his spine. He turned to the computer.

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