Disclaimer: I do not own star wars. This story is written for entertainment purpose only. I do not make any money with it.

Over the centuries the number between space fearing races grew.

Alliances were built, trade contracts were signed and both were broken. The continuing exchanges between all groups lead to an advance in cultural, philosophical and scientific areas.

Better ships were built, more powerful engines developed and of course, illnesses were eradicated.

Plagues that had ravaged worlds, even entire solar systems were studied, vaccines were produced and distributed. Continued scientific advance and collaboration across the entire galaxy had defeated even the dreaded blue shadow virus.

But, there was one thing, one illness that continued its devastating path and could seemingly not be stopped.


As a malignant neoplasm the cells of the human body multiply uncontrollably, sometimes infecting nearby tissue. It also spreads through the bloodstream or lymphatic system.

Of course, cures existed. Old ways were refined, survival rates had risen, but new kinds had developed and as fewer and fewer cures were to be found the senate of the republic made drastic decisions.

In the beginning of the clone wars one of the biggest, if not the biggest, scientific research program the republic had ever seen was called into life.

Geared towards the media it was certainly the grandest project the republic had ever paid for.

Genetic research, the tempering with ones DNA, was by now so specialized that few people dared to take up the daunting task of meddling with the dreaded illness, but prizes, the promise of eternal glory and the honest wish to help people eventually won over.

The best scientific teams from all areas that might be connected with the subject came together.

The first fronts in the battle against cancer were the Doctors with their nurses. The genetic research was re-started in only the best treatment facilities all across the republic, after it had lain almost dormant, all efforts going to chipping away at types of the illness instead of tackling the problem at the root.

Samples were taken and the course of the disease was recorded.

Taking all the different varieties into account it was a grueling amount of data.

Slowly but careful not to lose a single bit of information the mills started to turn and everything was finally put together in the laboratories.

The goal of the entire research was to cure cancer by stopping only the division of mutated cells.

But how?

So many factors came into play. So many questions had to be answered.

Not only race, not only where someone lived or what lifestyle he/she/it had came into play, but also what made the cells divide; which kind of signal does the body send, why do cells stop growing and how does one target just one group of cells?

The project had many opponents.

Some called religion as an argument, saying that the base of one's creation should not be changed.

Other said the side effects the cure would cause were unknown, the risks not appraisable.

Ironically all their concerns were valid, but none was aware of the real danger.

The research bore fruit.

Great hopes were put forward to a pathogen that should deliver radioactive components to the tumor, to minimize radiation the patient was subjected to while to maximize the effect.

It was not the hoped-for vaccine, but a beginning that was wildly celebrated.

Only, it did not bring the result that they expected. Instead of stopping the cells from changing, the new treatment caused them to mutate.

The mutation, also of before healthy tissue, was so rapid, the tumors so aggressive and resistant to before known cures, that the first round of animal testing was stopped before the illness had run its course.

The cure was declared a failure and locked away, forgotten by press and even its developers, but not by the republic`s enemy.

When the break-in occurred a team of Jedi was called to the research facilities to investigate, it was a prestigious and important project, but they found no clue.

A single vial was missing from the freezer, but other than that nothing showed that someone had set foot in the rooms after the cure had been locked away.

Months after investigation a young padawan and her master should encounter their greatest challenge.

After all, the great 501st would deal much less damage when their General and commander were gone, right?


What did I get myself into?

Credit for the idea goes towards ScyrenaKenway0815, who allowed me to adopt her plotbunny, thanks for that!

To all who have read this chapter, thank you. I have to say I am very nervous about the reaction this story is going to have.

This is a very delicate subject and updates will be coming slowly, as I think that if you write about such a topic you have to get it absolutely right. If you don`t, you better don`t bother writing it at all.

So, I ask for your help here.

Tell me what you think.

What could be written better, which detail did I miss, what made no sense?

Anything helps, really.

If you think it`s too personal, or if you don`t want to tell me that I created a gigantic mess in public, please PM me. As I said, anything helps and I fear I bit off a bit more than I can chew here; I really appreciate your input, any kind.

I try to keep it as close to real as possible, but please bear in mind that we have faster than light travel here, so their treatment has to differ (a bit.)

The title is a translation of the song "Geboren Um Zu Leben" by Unheilig. It is a beautiful song and even if you don`t understand the lyrics it really sets the mood for this story (which might eventually get bumped up to M).