Reviews for Born to live
dan chapter 18 . 6/30/2016
epic I loved it!
Books52 chapter 3 . 6/27/2016
Uh oh :O
Books52 chapter 1 . 6/27/2016
Holy crap m8 you write like a really smart person.
BlueKat12345 chapter 1 . 9/13/2015
There way you introduce there story is Awesome!
Makes me want to reader more!
Commander Ray chapter 18 . 1/12/2015
This has been a fantastic story, I'm sad to see it end. Thank you for not giving up on this.
Commander Ray chapter 16 . 12/29/2014
Wonderful work, as always. I forgot to tell you, but I'm glad you're back to updating this story :)
Mo Angel chapter 15 . 12/28/2014
Whoa! Can you say cliffhanger..
Lux's Sister chapter 15 . 12/26/2014
keep the chapters rolling! This is awesome!
Guest chapter 15 . 12/26/2014
Aw Yeah! Cliffhangers! This story is so amazing!
Guest chapter 12 . 11/7/2014
Oh my gosh! I thought you gave up on this story until I saw you had updated it! It's still great! I can't wait to read more!
Commander Ray chapter 12 . 11/4/2014
You're back! :) nice chapter, I loved reading Rex and Ahsoka's interaction. Reading from Wolffe's POV is definitely interesting, it's nice to see how Ahsoka's illness and the search for a cure is affecting him, even if he doesn't known her on a personal level.
Lux's Sister chapter 12 . 11/4/2014
I thought this was abandoned, so glad it isn't. I'll be R&Ring if you keep updating.
Commander Ray chapter 11 . 10/4/2014
Awesome, that's the only word I can think to use for this... awesome. You definitely nailed the emotional tension and drama, well done. I certainly can't wait for the next update.
Guest chapter 11 . 11/5/2013
THIS CHAPTER IS AWESOME! The description of the settings and characters was perfect! I can't wait for the next chapter!
Eregnar chapter 10 . 10/29/2013
It's fun having a break from Ahsoka to see what Plo and his boys are doing to help save her. Don't make things too easy for them ;) I'd like to see more.

"Wolffe" is the correct spelling of the name, not "Wolf." "...shoulders bells to clank..." should just be "shoulder bells." "Wolfpack" the unit is one word. You have it as two words the first time, and uncapitalized a little later on. "Separatists" should also be capitalized. And you want "the names of people WHO" not which, and I don't think the comma after which/who is necessary. "every inch of his (Wolffe's) heights" should be "height." "Trying to find a neutral expression that did not scare..." should be "would." "How soon will this be possible." should have a "?" instead of a period.
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