Here is a new chapter. You guys will probably hate me for this chapter again. I do hope you guys enjoy this chapter. I really do like to see what you guys think of my story. Also the characters are not mine, they belong to the author and only some of the characters are mine, along with the story line. Also there is something else in this chapter that does not belong to me, I cannot say what or you will know what going to happen in the chapter, I just wanted to give heads up that if you spot it, it was mine. Please no flames. Also I know that you will all hate me, but I won't be updating until after Christmas. I have too much stuff coming up that I need to be worried about, than worrying about my stories. This time I actually will not be updating until after Christmas. I just got a few reviews and thought I would be nice and update. I hope this is okay, because the grammar and spell check button here on fanfiction, is not working and I do not know why. I am severally dyslexic, so I am betting the grammar is not great, but I can't check because fanfiction is not letting me, so sorry.

September 5th

Wescott, Ohio

They had made it into Wescott in the early hours, and Charlie had taken Edward's body into the house, while Renée made Bella go home. Avelina stayed with Edward and Charlie. Renée helped Bella into the house, she was just glad that her husband was not home. She had managed to tell her husband that Bella and Jacob had broken up and that Bella had skipped town. Going on a vacation and that she did not know when Bella would be back. She also told Phil that Bella had lied about Jacob being the father, but that she did not know who the father was. She of course knew who the father was, because when she went to talk to Charlie, Charlie told her everything. She also got mad at Charlie and begged him to get more guards, but again Charlie told her that he could not because if he did, they would either be working with his father or his father would know where they were at. The wolves were refusing to help either; they were going against their own Alpha. Saying that Bella was not their reasonability. She did not know what to do, she wished to a point that Jacob had been a wolf already, but seeing as he wasn't. Jacob is not strong enough to go up against full-grown vampires; they are just too strong for him. Renée hated that there was a mad man out there that wanted her daughter killed and was basically waiting in the shadows to snatch her up, especially when they knew that she was not protected. She helped her little girl upstairs and into her bedroom. Bella could not cry anymore, her throat was beginning to hurt and her eyes were stinging. She did not want to lose Edward, she knew that much. She just did not know why it was affecting her this bad. Renée began to help Bella undress and when she got sight of all the bruises and marks on her little girls body, she began to cry.

"Oh my baby…I am so sorry," Renée cried while hugging Bella to her.

"For what mom?" Bella asked while looking at her mom.

"Come on…why don't we get you into the shower," Renée said while helping Bella into the bathroom. She ignored Bella's question, because she did not know how answers it. Bella finally got a look at herself in the mirror, while her mom was turning the water on in the shower. Bella touched her arm and whimpered at the pain that coursed through her. Her whole body looked like it had been to war and back. She touched her stomach and pried like hell that nothing had happened to the babies. "Come on Bella," Renée said while touching her bare shoulder. Bella stepped in the shower and let the nice warm water run down her body. She watched as the dried blood turned the water brown. She could hear her mom sitting down the chair that was in the bathroom. "Bella if you need anything sweetie…just let me know."

"Okay." Bella finally said after a few minutes. Bella stayed in the shower until the water began to turn cold and then she stepped out of the shower. Her mom gave her a towel and she wrapped it around her body. She let her mom help her out into her bedroom and then she changed into a pair of comfortable sweat pants and tank top. She took a seat on her bed, while her mom began to brush her hair out.

"Bella…all long have you had this?" Renée asked her while touching the spot on Bella's neck that held Edward's mark.

"I don't know…it's been there a while." Bella replied while touching her neck. She really had no idea why it stayed for so long.

"Bella do you know what it is?" Renée asked. She of course knew what it was; she had one of her own.

"I thought it was a bite mark." Bella said while blushing and remembering who had given it to her and what they had been doing when it happened.

"It is…it's a mate mark…do you know what that is?" Renée asked.

"No." Bella said in a confused tone.

"So Charlie as not explained this?" Renée asked. She was figuring that it had come up during their lessons. Bella just shook her head no and looked back at her mom. "It means that you have a mate my dear…who gave it to you?"

"Edward." Bella said in a confused tone. It was all starting to make sense to her, the reason why Edward was so protective of her and why he always wanted to be around her.

"He's the father isn't he?" Renée asked, but it sounded like she already knew.

"Yes and I guess that you knew that." Bella said while biting her lip and turning to face her mom.

"Yeah…I did…when I went to tell Charlie that you were pregnant…he went off about saying that he was going to kill Edward…it took me a few minutes to figure out that he knew Edward was the father because he was your mate…that's only way for you to have kids now." Renée tried to explain.

"You knew this whole time…I didn't even know that he was my mate." Bella cried. She could not believe that Edward had not told her and she wondered why.

"So Edward never told you?" Renée asked.

"No…he made me his mate without telling me or asking me."

"Vampire males are good that," Renée laughed. "Charlie at least asked me, but it was because we were so young." She tried to explain.

"Great…then what do I do…what about if he dies?" Bella cried. "I don't want to him pass away mom…and he let me be with Jacob…it doesn't make sense." Bella said in a confused tone.

"Don't think that way sweetie…get some sleep and then I am going to have Alice come over…she as finally moved back." Renée said while smiling at her little girl.

"Okay…but I want to go see him when I wake up…I want to make sure that he is okay." Bella said while yawning.

"And you will…but for right now…you need your rest and then you need to get some food in your system…especially for the babies," Renée said while patting Bella's leg. "Also I told your daddy that Jacob is not the father but I do not who it is…also he thinks you skipped down after breaking up with Jacob and telling him that he was not the father." She tried to explain.

"Fine." Bella said while sighing. She curled into her blankets on her bed and then finally falling asleep. She did not know how she was going to face her father or Edward for that matter.

September 6th

Wescott, Ohio

Bella finally woke up and yawned, before remembering everything that had happened the day before. She began to cry again and after several minutes, she finally got up and headed into the kitchen, to where she was met by her cousin Alice and her mom.

"Good morning sweetie…how did you sleep? Renée asked while giving Bella a plate full of food.

"Fine…morning Allie…when did you move back?" She asked.

"Just a couple of days ago." Alice said while smiling.

"Where's Pay?" Bella asked while taking a seat beside her cousin.

"With my parents…your mom said you need someone to talk to." Alice said while turning to face her cousin with a smile.

"I'm…I just need to go over and see Edward." Bella said while finish eating the food on the plate in front of her.

"Are you going to tell me or I'm going to have to say it out loud?" Alice asked while looking over at Bella.

"I don't know what you're talking about Allie…but I am kind of busy." Bella said while standing.

"Bella…I know your pregnant…your mom told me before it was Jacob's…so why are going to see Edward?" Alice asked.

"Because he got hurt a few days ago…and I want to make sure he is okay." Bella tried to act like it was no big deal.

"Bella," Alice said while smiling. "What's going on?"

"I don't know." Bella cried. "I don't know who I should pick or what I should do…Edward's the father too." Bella cried more.

"I figured that," Alice laughed. "How about this…tell me about them…I will try to help you figure this out…because I sense something is wrong." Alice said while smiling.

"Okay…Edward…what do I say about him," Bella laughed while biting her lip. "He is annoying," Bella laughed more. "He is always challenging me and even though he is a stubborn ass sometimes...sometimes he won't let me get my way...if he thinks I am going to get hurt," Bella laughed. "And thats most of the time," Bella giggled. "When he is gone or hurt like now…I miss him…its like something is wrong." Bella said while crying. "I don't like when he is gone…yeah we butt heads when he is here…but I almost enjoy that…I want his attention and I don't know why I had not noticed it before." Bella laughed. "Jacob on the other hand...he is kind and sweet and always there for me...he's a good friend." Bella said while smiling.

"Seems like you already know who you sounds like Jacob is the friend and Edward is your other half...because your also you complete each other." Alice laughed.

"You think so?" Bella asked while biting her lip.

"Yes Bella…go to him…it sounds like he needs you right now." Alice said while smiling.

"But he going to be mad at me…I'm pregnant and he doesn't know and I lied and said they were Jacob's…and I have also slept with Jacob." Bella said while biting her lip.

"He's yours…he's the one," Alice said while smiling. "Go to him…he is like what Jasper is to me," Alice said while smiling. At that moment, it was like something had clicked in Bella's brain, because she started realizing that Alice was right. Jacob was only a friend and nothing else, while Edward was the one that completed and challenged her. She wanted someone who didn't give her, her way all the time or treat her like a princess when she was acting stupid. She wanted someone who could put up with her bullshit and tell her how it was, but also love her, even though she probably showed her ass. She wanted that kind of love. She did not want the fairy tale type of romance. "Tell him your sorry and that you want him."

"Okay yeah." Bella said while running out of the house after picking up her purse. She made a straight beeline for her car and she made her way over to Charlie's house. When she finally got there, she did not know what she was going to face, but she hoped like hell that he was okay and that she could tell him sorry and that she loved him. She knocked on the front door and Avelina came to the door.

"Bella dear…I see your back and you have finally made your choice." Avelina said while smiling.

"I have…you have known this whole time haven't you?" Bella asked.

"I have…but you had to realize it." Avelina laughed. "Come in here…he's still unconscious right now…but he has a steady heart beat." Avelina said while smiling. Bella walk into the house and up to Edward's room, the room had finally been decorated and looked every bit like what she thought Edward's room was going to look like. She closed the door behind her and took in Edward's motionless body on the bed. Tears sprang to her eyes and she could not believe that he had not healed yet. She took a seat on the bed beside him, taking one of his large hands in hers and she smiled.

"Edward…please come back to me," Bella begged him. "I know I have been horrible and that have not been the mate that your probably were wanting…but that's because I truly did not know what was going on…now I do and I accept you as my mate…please just don't leave me" Bella cried. "I need you here with me…I don't know what the hell I am doing and everyone but you knows how to teach me…I don't listen very well, but you knew that already," Bella laughed, while rubbing at her eyes that had more tears falling from them. "They are going to need you," Bella said while taking his hand and placing it on her small stomach. "Your going to be a father Edward…I can't do this by myself…they are going need their father and not someone who isn't…that's what I wanted to tell you that day I texted you," Bella said while laying down beside him. "Just come back to me and I promise to be a prefect mate and we can raise our children together." Bella whispered, before her eyes started to close on her. She so tired and she had not gotten that much sleep the night before, but she was not leaving him. She did not know how long she was asleep and she was probably still sleeping again, but she was sure that she felt someone touching her stomach and also talking to it.

Edward had finally woken up and his head was pounding, he could not remember much. Just that Bridgette and Francis were coming after Bella and that Bella was trying to escape. He remembered fighting with Bridgette and telling Bella to run, but nothing after that. Beginning to sit up, he winced a little and looked down at his body. His shirt was covered in blood, so he pulled the shirt off and small a little mark were something had been plunged into his chest. He could hear someone snoring beside him, so he looked over to where Bella was sleeping peacefully. She looked so beautiful to him; he could see the outline of her small but round stomach under her shirt and it made him smile more. He touched her belly and smiled more. He pulled her shirt up, keeping a close eye on her, to see if she was going to wake up or not. When she did not wake up, he bent down and kissed her stomach.

"Daddy loves you guys…I promise even though me and your mom are not getting along…I will always love you guys." Edwards whispered to his unborn children, while place a kiss on Bella's stomach again. "Your mommy is going to be such a good mom…please always listen to her…unless you're just like your mother." Edward laughed while looking up at his beautiful mate; Bella had not moved a muscle the whole time he had been talking to their unborn babies. He did not know what he was going to do with his mate, he knew that he wanted her protected and happy, but overall he did not know what he was going to do.

Bella finally woke up and looked around the unfamiliar room that she was in.

"Morning Princess…want to tell me what your doing in my room?" Edward asked while laughing at the surprised look Bella got on her face. He moved closer to the bed, he had been sitting in one of the chairs beside the bed when he finally woke up.

"Do you remember anything that happened?" Bella asked him.

"I only remember getting you out of that place and then Bridgette and Francis attacking you, that's the only thing I remember." Edward said sitting down beside her.

"Well I'm…I didn't get hurt…but you did," Bella tried to explain. "Bridgette hurt you…she picked up this large limb and then plunged into your chest…I thought you were gone." Bella cried.

"I'm fine Bella…it's just important that you're okay." Edward said while kissing her forehead.

"I don't know what I would have done if you had not made it." Bella cried more.

"Well I'm here now," He said while pulling her into a hug. "Why aren't you with the mutt?" Edward asked her.

"What are you talking about?" Bella asked him.

"I mean…I would think you guys being engaged…you would be with him…making sure he is okay…and not with me." Edward said in a low tone, almost like he was growing.

"I just told you…I don't know what I would have done if something bad had happened to you…if you had not made it." Bella said while biting her lip. "I'm not engaged to him…I lied to my friends and family about that," Bella said while looking down at her hands. She did not know how to go about telling him that he was a father, now that he was awake.

"Ah…what was there to lie about…your pregnant…is not Jacob's or is it someone else's?" Edward said while staring at her.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Bella asked harshly. "What do you take me for?"

"Nothing Bella." Edward said while standing.

"Really now…because I think you just called me a whore," Bella said while staring at him. "Because for your information…the babies are yours…you're going to be a father." Bella spit out. She did not mean for it come out like that.

"How do I know that…you were sleeping with Jacob too." Edward growled out.

"Seriously…that's what you want to bring up right now," Bella yelled. "Yes…I did sleep with him…but I am twelve…almost thirteen weeks along and if you count back…that would be around the same time we were together…not me and Jacob." Bella growled out. "So what…you're calling me a lair." She yelled. "I came over here…wanting to tell you how much I need you and how much you were special to me." Bella yelled more. Before she knew what was happening, she could feel Edward's lips on hers. He began to roughly kiss her and then it turned into a slow and passionate kiss. He pulled away and then began to lightly place kisses over his mark on her neck.

"I'm glad you finally came to your senses love," He growled into her ear. "You do not know how long I have waited for you…how much I wanted to kill that mutt because he got all your attention." He hissed while placing his fangs over the mark and letting them sink into her skin. She moaned when she felt him sucking her blood. He pulled away slowly and placed a small little kiss on her neck, before licking the blood that was left on her neck. She moaned again, and the whimpered at the lost of the contact. He had pulled back away from her.

"Why didn't you tell me I was your mate or give me a choice?" Bella asked while pulling on his arm, to bring him closer to her.

"I was afraid you would be more mad at me…or that you wouldn't understand…but vampires they don't chose their mates…they are predestined for us." Edward said while trying to kiss her, but she pulled away.

"I wish you would have told me." Bella said while leaning into him and kissing his cheek and then placing soft little kisses along his jaw line.

"I'm sorry…do you forgive me or even accept me as your mate?" Edward asked while pulling away from her again and staring down at her. He was hoping that she would and when she began to laugh, his heart stank.

"You know that we make a horrible pair," She laughed more. "But if I had to choose someone to be my mate for the rest of my life…it wouldn't be Jacob or James," She could hear him growling at the names. "But I would choose you…we may butt heads and not get along most of the times…but my cousin Alice said that you're my Jasper," She said while smiling. "And if you know them…Alice is very lucky that she had Jasper…so I must be just as lucky for you to be my mate." She said while reaching up and trying to kiss him, but he pulled back and smirking at her.

"I just want hear you say it…just once…that you accept me as your mate," Edward said while smirking at her. "I also what to hear that the mutt is so far from you mind." Edward growled.

"Your evil…you know that right," Bella said while laughing. "Fine," Bella sighed loudly. "I accept you as my mate…you annoying, stubborn as hell man," She said while laughing and kissing him firmly on the lips. "And yes... Jacob is so far from my mind i said to Alice or Alice told me...Jacob is my friend and that's it."

"I am glad we see eye to eye." He said while kissing her back. He pushed her down onto the bed and began to kiss her neck, he loved that she was finally his and that they were going to raise their children together. He also loved that fact that he could make her moan by just kissing the mark he left on her neck. She felt loved and whole in that moment, she never wanted to be away from Edward. She was also glad that she had finally realized that he was her one, her mate.

The End !

Roll credits….

Preview to the squeal: I don't know when this will actually be up, probably sometime after Christmas.

"I, Edward Masen, take you Isabella Marie Dwyer, for my lawful wife and to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part." Edward said while smirking at Bella.

He had wanted to do his own vows, but because Bella had been raised in Catholic family, she had begged him to let her do the wedding the way she would if they had not been of the supernatural kind. Everything was perfect, so was her dress. She was beautifully dressed in a strapless lace and tulle over taffeta ball gown. There is lace on the bodice, with tulle overlay with a three-dimensional beaded lace trim at for the natural waistline of the gown. The gown also features a chapel length train and with tulle skirt over lace prints trailing down the scalloped hemline. The dress was very beautiful, and it fit Bella perfectly. She was also wearing a white little jacket, to cover her shoulders, along with the pearl necklace around her neck. Her hair was half-up, half-down and in beautiful curls.

"Now Isabella…repeat after me." The priest said while smiling at Bella. "I, Isabella Dwyer, take you, Edward Anthony Masen, for my lawful husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part."

""I, Isabella Dwyer, take you, Edward Anthony Masen, for my lawful husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part." Bella said while smiling up at Edward.

Reviews: Thank you for all my reviews, I really do enjoy all my reviews.

myhubbyissoedward: Thank you for your review. As you can see, Edward did not die and both him and Bella are together, for now.

sandyl67: I am glad you enjoyed the last chapter or are enjoying the story, it makes me happy to see that someone actually likes this story. Thank you for your review.

Brandtishot: Thank you for your review.

Flora Mile: Thank you for your reviews. I really enjoyed reading them. I am not trying to be confusing and I am sorry for that. Bella is confused about who she should be with, because Edward is her mate, so she had feelings for him, but she also has feelings for Jacob. But in this chapter, she finally realizes that its Edward that she really should be with. The reason she asked about Jacob to Avelina, is because she wanted to make sure Jacob was okay. Jacob is like a brother/friend to her and she is just beginning to see that now. She is finally realizing that is not in love, love with Jacob, but that she seems him as her friend and Bella is very protective of her friends. I hope that makes more sense. If not I will try to make it more clearer.