Sorry this chapter is short. However, despite it's brevity, this was one of my favorite chapters to write. This chapter is in response to a prompt left by Brittney. So this chapter is dedicated to her. Thanks Brittney!





I used to own a dream catcher. When I was younger I used to get nightmares all the time, so one of the members of the gang gave me a dream catcher, saying that it would catch my nightmares in the web like structure while the good dreams would trickle down the feathers and into my mind.

Several weeks would pass while I went nightmare-less, but then one night I'd wake up crying. I yelled at the gang member who gave me the dream catcher, saying that I had a nightmare the night before. His response?

"Wow, that filled up fast. You must have had a lot of nightmares trying to get into your head." He frowned.

"Filled up?"

"Yeah, Dream catchers can fill up. I told you, it's like a web. When spiders make webs and lots of flies get stuck inside, eventually the flies will know not to go near the web." He explained.

"What do I do then? To clean out the nightmares from the web?" I questioned, and the boy smiled at me when he noticed my nervous face, patting my head.

"It's not hard Bajita. All you have to do is dab at it with a paper towl or tissue to clear away any dust on it, and sing."

"Sing what?"

"A happy song. Any song that makes you happy, you sing to the dream catcher. The happier the song, the stronger the dream catcher becomes." He explained. And so, whenever I had a nightmare, I'd immediately start to brush off the dust while singing a song that made me happy.

It was a nice ritual that I got into, and going back to sleep wasn't so hard once I started to sing a happy song that got my mind off of the nightmare that woken me.

However several years after I moved to the states, it broke, and I never invested in a new one. I just figured I was too old, you know?

However, after a nightmare about Ramon, I changed my mind.

"Why?" His voice echoed in my mind. I was standing in a dark void, the only light coming from my skin.

"Ramon?" I questioned, recognizing the voice as my mentor and father figure from my old gang.

"Why are you doing this?" He appeared, but the usual jovial look on his fac was replaced by anger.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned with worry, reaching my hand out to touch him, but he smacked my hand away.

"Why are you dating the man who brought me back and killed me? Why do you love him?" he questioned angrily.

"I-I don't love him."

"Cut the crap, Bajita! He took me out of my resting place and then killed me!" Ramon exclaimed, making my flinch.

"I'm sorry, Ramon. H-he's different."

"Different!? How can a man that twisted ever change! How do you know that he won't do to you what he had done to me!?" Ramon shouted, and I was shaking.

"Ramon… please… he's good now. He's better." I tried to argue, but I felt Ramon's large hand grasp my arm. He pulled me to a hole through the darkness to a scene where I was younger, and he was saving me from a rapist.

"I saved you! Why couldn't you save me!?" he exclaimed, and I sobbed.

"Ramon, I am so sorry!"

"No you aren't. If you were truly sorry, you wouldn't be in love with the man that killed me." he growled.


"Don't even pretend like you care. It's a good thing I'm dead. It means I never have to see your betraying face again."

With that, I woke up. I felt the tears in my eyes and I softly sobbed for a few minutes. I looked over to see Jason asleep next to me, and I started to gather my surroundings. We were in the hotel in Arizona.

I let out a long sigh, but was too afraid to go back to sleep. I didn't want to have that nightmare again.

Slowly and quietly sliding out of bed, I put on a sweat shirt and some boots, then walked out of the room.

I mindlessly walked to an old trading post store that sold things like Native American carvings, rocks, incense, jewelry… and dream catchers.

I dug into my pocket some money, and paid it to the man at the desk.

"Having trouble sleeping?" he inquired, and I nodded. "Well," he chuckled, "good thing you bought a dream catcher."

When I returned to the hotel room, Jason was up and was putting on his jacket.

"Indi, where were you? I woke up and you weren't there and I freaked out. You didn't even leave a note." He said with worry.

"I bought a dream catcher." I informed, showing him the small object, similar to the one I had when I was younger.

"Are you okay?" Jason questioned, wrapping an arm around me.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I whispered. I felt Jason kiss me on the cheek, then lead me back to the bed.

"Y'know, if something's wrong you can talk to me." Jason said. He sounded incredibly concerned, which warmed my heart a little.

I grabbed a tissue and started to dab at the dream catcher.

"Do you wanna sing with me?" I questioned. Jason looked confused, but nodded.

"Sure thing, Indi. What do you want to sing?" I hummed, looking down at the dream catcher.

"I dunno." I whispered. "Something happy."