Konichiwa! :3 This is Breathless Blade reporting to give you a story! Uh… Not much to tell, except that this is my first fanfic, though I had some experience in writing and I've read around the community as a guest, I'm a newbie here! :D Constructive criticism is welcome and I'm open to suggestions and such! So… here is some basic story info!

Pairings: ElsAi, Reven, EleRen (My nickname for the pairing Elesis x Aren, which seems to be pretty popular), Chung x Ara x Eve (LOL, Chung is a shota pimp XD)

Classes: Elsword- Infinity Sword (Honestly, my favorite class… he reminds me SO much of Gilgamesh from Fate/ Stay Night)

Aisha- Void Princess (Our spiky-haired loli doesn't get enough love; it all seems to go to Elemental Mons- I mean Master! *Mumbles* Yeah… Master… *Sighs*)

Rena- Wind Sneaker (Ironically, all the other Rena classes use more wind than her XD)

Raven- Veteran Commander (Wind Commander is my favorite Reven pairing, the traveling mercenary with the Elf who abandoned her duties to travel alongside him)

Eve- Code Nemesis (Just blow everything up, does anyone else find it weird that for being the 'Mistress of Destruction', she is more known as a buff shuttle? O_O)

Chung- Deadly Chaser (Ok, so he's overused… but DAMMIT! He's smexy!)

Ara- Yama Raja (I'm sort of unfamiliar with her; I might botch some of her attack names or something like that… I dunno :/)

Elesis- Saber Knight

Aren- Sakra Devanam (Since he's Ara's older brother, I'm giving him whatever class Ara isn't in until he becomes a playable character)

Plot of the story: Aisha is a talented magician who is especially prodigious in the dark arts, but she's socially incompetent due to her blunt nature. In order to get along better with people, her guardian, Speka kicks her out of the house and sends her to a famous boarding school.

Disclaimer: I don't own Elsword… I wish I did, I would've made an anime of it =w=

Yami No Tsurugi

Enter Aisha

A crisp, late-fall breeze slapped Aisha's, spiky lavender pigtails, causing them to whip around wildly as the young mage hovered nervously in front of the old school building. The weathered stone spires and dull, intricately welded gate of obsidian black looming over her. Narrowing her violet eyes, Aisha observed the trembling figures of the few souls who decided to brave the chilly fall weather. Aisha grimaced as she covered her exposed midriff with violet clothed arms as a blast of frigid air rammed into her.

What am I even doing here? Aisha wondered as she walked closer to the school at a brisk pace, holding her head up high. Trailing closely behind her was her familiar, Angkor, who frenetically flapped his tiny, eggplant shaded batwings in order to keep up with his mistress.

As she walked down the cobbled stone path, the dried leaves crunching underneath her with each footstep; she could feel the stares of the people as she walked past them. They knew that she was new here, a fresh face, and they shuddered and drew themselves in closer as Aisha passed by them; sensing her powerful, but dark aura. Seeing their reactions, Aisha smirked thinly and ascended up the stone steps, pausing at a pair of heavy, iron-cast, wooden doors.

Are you nervous? Angkor enquired and fluttered closer to Aisha, his yellow eyes gleaming despite the fact that it was a dull, cloudy day. Aisha couldn't help but chuckle at such a preposterous notion. Irritated that her guardian and mentor, Speka was shipping her off to a boarding school; however famous it may be? Yes. Nervous?

Absolutely not.

"I seriously wish that Speka wasn't making me do this." She griped and gripped the heavy iron ring of a doorknob, slamming it into the door as she did so.


Angkor snorted in a dispassionate tone and deadpanned. Maybe if you hadn't insulted Noah about how she looked like a walking blue raspberry Popsicle, you wouldn't be here. The demonic bat stated in an all-knowing tone; eliciting a derisive snort from Aisha.

"I call them like I see them Angkor." The young mage stated in a flat, emotionless tone and lightly brushed her fingers against the mauve gemstone that adorned her collarbone. At those words, the heavy doors swung open, a long agonizing groan piercing the steady whistling of the wind.

Once she had stepped inside, the door slammed shut, causing Aisha to jump slightly. Shivering slightly, Aisha rubbed both arms as she adjusted to the somewhat warmer climate of Rurensia Academy of Battle. "Well, at least it doesn't look like such a haunted house inside as it does on the outside." She commented after taking in her surroundings for a brief moment.

Graceful pillars of polished granite reached up towards the heavens and branched out in order to support the cavernous ceiling. Part of the polished marble tile floor was obscured by a rich, burgundy carpet leading up to the grand staircase. Despite the fact there were no windows, the great hall was well-lit due to several crystal chandeliers that hung from the ceiling, scattering fragmented shards of light. A couple of people milled around the area, chatting avidly to each other, to immersed in their conversation to take note of the skimpily clad mage that had just waltzed into the school.

Murmuring an incomprehensible phrase, Aisha summoned a crumpled piece of paper and scanned over the cramped writing, looking as to what to do next.

"Ok Angkor, according to these instructions… I should report to the… headmaster?" The last word came out as a question as Aisha attempted to decipher Speka's atrocious handwriting. Knowing Speka as well as Aisha did, headmaster in Speka's writing could easily translate to something else, entirely unrelated. Angkor fluttered closer to the piece of the paper, contemplating it attentively as he attempted to decode it, with minimal success. For how appalling Speka's penmanship was, one would be better off trying to decode Pig Latin.

I think it says headmaster… Angkor trailed cautiously as he started to flutter around in nervous circles above Aisha's head. The young mage pursed her lips into a thin line and crumpled the paper up in her hand, de-summoning it. "Ok, I'll try that, but if it turns out to be hot dog vendor or something like that; I'm going to be pissed." She muttered aloud and cantered her hips, chewing pensively on her bottom lip.

What is it now?

Angkor sighed bemusedly and perched his roly-poly form on Aisha's head. By now, some of the people who were cavorting around in the great hall had taken notice of her and Angkor, and pointing the pair out to their friends. Aisha narrowed her eyes and gave a young ebon-haired woman with wide golden eyes a fearsome stare, as she caught her pointing the young mage out to her friend- a woman with scarlet eyes and crimson hair done into a low-hanging braid, the end secured to the back of her head, so it formed a loop.

Aisha couldn't hear them from where she was standing, but she could guess as to what they were saying.

Who is that? What is that dumpling doing flying all around? Why is she dressed like a whore?

Those were the usual questions she faced every time she went out somewhere that wasn't her home. Every time she stepped outside the large estate that belonged to the famous Dark Magician, Speka, she was met with fearful gazes from simple, superstitious folk; and lewd stares from drunken perverts that shambled up to her asking 'how much?'

It wasn't like Aisha wanted to dress this way; however her contract with Angkor required her to don this outfit, as part of her contract. She didn't particularly relish the outfit, it was impractical in cold weather and far too revealing, but she sucked it up and wore it anyways. Dark Magic wasn't like any of the other magic's- elemental, spatial, etc. It had a strict set of rules and refusal to comply with the rules could result in consequences far worse than death. It was a magic derived from mana that had been tainted with dark-energy and if one didn't have a strong will, they could be corrupted and consumed by the mana.

In short, dark magic was harsh and unforgiving, but it was easily one of the most powerful and unstable magic's. Due to the instability and power of dark magic, many people deemed it evil and shunned those who practiced it.

Despite such numerous consequences, there were a few practitioners of the dark arts. Aisha herself had come from a long line of prestigious dark mages, and when her mother had botched a spell and transformed herself into a demon, ruthlessly slaughtering everyone except for her daughter before she was killed. Aisha had been sent to Speka in order to continue her training. Very few people understood dark magic and Speka was one of those few.

For an incredibly long time, Aisha lived isolated from much of the world, with only Speka and Angkor for company, and devoted herself to excelling in dark magic. She had very few interactions with people and each encounter whether it be with drunken perverts or famous Elemental Magi like Noah, had left her with an acrid taste in her mouth. They didn't get her; they didn't understand who she was or why she did what she did. They only saw her demonic familiar and her skimpy clothing before they deemed themselves worthy of casting judgments on her.

So what if she decided to practice dark magic? So what if her contract required her to dress like a prostitute? So what if she was honest (Brutally so, according to many)?

She wasn't a witch, a bitch, a whore, a snob, or mentally retarded. She was Aisha Baskerville, a prodigious dark magician, and proud of who she was. Speka had told her on many occasions that she was incredible… So why?

Why would the one person who understood her, send her off to an unfamiliar place, to suffer through long days with people who would judge her, scorn her, ostracize her?

Just why?

End of chapter one! I'm sorry if you didn't enjoy this chapter… I promise you, that there'll be more character interaction and some action and such! Please R&R as this is my first fanfic and I'm open to constructive criticism! I have much in plan for this story, so bear with me and I'll try to reward you with an amazing story! :DDD So yeah! Sayonara until next time!