You stretched out as far as you could with your papa holding you up, struggling to get the big sparkly star on top of the fully decorated christmas tree.
"There!" You exclaimed once you finally got it on without it constantly bending and falling off.
"Finally," your papa sighed, setting you down on the ground. Papa was only slightly taller than your brothers, but they were stronger than papa, so it might have been handy if they had picked you up instead. The moment you felt the earth beneath your feet again you snatched another candy-cane from the tree and stuck it in your mouth.
"Can we stay up? I wanna meet santa!" You begged to no avail. Your brothers and daddies insisted on you going to bed on the night before christmas. It was unfair. Tonight you were going to get up, wait for santa, and unwrap every single gift.

"Just one more night, doll. You gotta wait," Al said, ruffling up your hair.
"I wonder what I'm going to get," you said excitedly. Sure you'd left a letter, but you were still curious.

That night you snuck out of bed and hid behind the living-room couch, your eyes excitedly shifting between the tree, the cookie you'd baked with your daddy that afternoon, and the old fireplace.

You heard some noises above your head. You held back a giggle, waiting for santa to come down your chimney, but you pouted when you realized it was just your brothers trying to sneak out of the house again.

You rushed over at the stairs and waited for them to appear.

"sis? What are you doing?!" Max hissed when he saw you.

"Ssshh~ you'll scare away santa!" you said, before running back over to hide behind the couch.

Your brothers came down the stairs and looked over the couch to see you squatting there with your knife, waiting for santa to arrive. You tried to shoo them away by waving your hands at them, letting them know they'd scare away santa, but they just chuckled and lifted you up from behind the couch.

"he's not gonna come if you're hiding back here, doll. He knows if you've been naughty or nice all year, so he knows when you're waiting back here," Alan said.

"well, he's certainly not going to come if you're here!" you huffed, crossing your arms and pouting.

"where are you going, anyway? Christmas is tomorrow. Don't you want to get up early and see what you got?" you asked them.

"those presents don't run away, sis, and they won't come at all if you stick around here, eh," Max said, trying to get you to just go to bed.
"I'm not going to bed if you're not going," you said, still refusing to get of the couch for whatever reason.

"alright, how's this: as a special christmas gift from your awesome big brothers you get to come along, how's that? I'm sure the presents will be here by the time we get back, but you gotta promise to keep it a secret from pops and Francois, kay?" Alan suggested.

"really?!" you asked, jumping up on the couch. You wanted to meet santa badly. It seemed so great to get into the houses of every child in the world in one night, think of the people you could kill if you could! But to go with your brothers seemed more exiting than sitting behind a couch waiting for a guy who might not show up as long as you're there.

"if it's gonna be between us, take me with you," you said.

"what?!" they both snapped, still keeping their voices hushed.

"I want to come with you," you said again. Your brothers looked at each other again.

"it is christmas, she doesn't have school tomorrow and if she keeps quiet," Allen said.

"what?! You've gotta be kidding me! She's 6!" Max hissed back.

"dude, it's almost midnight. Are we going or what?" Allen asked. Max sighed before turning his attention back to you.

"get dressed," he said, before putting you down and letting you run to your room.

Max had his red dress shirt over his jeans instead of his usual plaid shirts, as did Allen, so you figured you should dress properly.

You quickly pulled a brush through your hair and threw on your favorite (f/c) dress and put in the matching ribbons your daddy had given you. If it had been up to him you would have been wearing pink and blue dresses and ribbons all the time, but you and the others thought differently. Lastly you hid your knife in your sock like your papa had thought you, making sure it wouldn't cut your foot.

You ran over to your brothers and grabbed their hands, quickly getting dragged down the stairs and into the car.

"doesn't daddy always say you're not allowed to drive?" you asked as Al got behind the wheel.

"but daddy isn't going to find out about this," Max said, putting a finger to his lips, reminding you to keep your mouth shut.

You smiled brightly and mimicked the motion as the car pulled out of the driveway.

15 minutes or so later you where downtown somewhere in front of a building with bright neon signs. You sometimes asked your daddies or your brothers what these places were, but they always said you didn't have to know since they were all adults places. This quickly made you lose interest since most adults places were quite boring, but you still felt curious. Why not just tell you if it was just another boring adults place?

You and your brothers got out of the car and you walked around the building. Hidden in an alleyway stood Nicolas, holding a door open.

"what took you so FRUKing long?!" he complained. "and why is that squirt with you?!"

"don't you dare call my little doll-face a squirt, Nick!" Allen growled.

"guys! Are we going, or what? She's only with us this once, Nicolas. So calm down, eh," Max said.

"fine," Nicolas growled. You quickly skipped inside, stepping over a guy, which Nicolas had most likely beaten to death, and following the loud music.

You kept walking until you walked into the room the music came from. It was about as big as you school's playground and it was completely filled with people. All of them were adults, but you could have stayed in that place and stared forever. There were bright lights flashing everywhere and the gigantic mass of people moved in sync with the music.

"you coming, doll?" Allen yelled over the music. You nodded your head excitedly and Al picked you up and carried you over to a bar. He set you down on a stool and gave you the "stay there" sign. You nodded and looked at some of the other girls at the bar. All of them wore next to nothing with a thick mask of make-up and a ton of jewelry.

You looked back to your brother who held up a card to the spanish bartender. The guy nodded and put a bottle down in front of him and opened it. You did get a bit confused, why did all the girls at the bar lean over it and stare when the guy bend down to get the bottle from the fridge?

"aww~ aren't you the cutest?!" one of the girls squealed over the music. You looked up at her and smiled, quickly shifting your attention back to the crowd of people. Max had mixed in by now and was therefor impossible to find, Nicolas was talking to some girl far away, and Al was busy gulping down the contents of that bottle.

"what's your name, darling?!" she asked again.

"_!" you yelled back.

"how'd you even get in here?!" she asked.

"my big brothers!" you yelled back.

"Aww~!" she went again. She took the stool next to you and ordered a drink. Once again every girl bend over the bar.

You looked around confused. The girl saw it and giggled. She yelled something you couldn't hear at the bartender who grabbed another bottle and set it down in front of you with a red straw sticking out. You looked at the girl. She shoved the drink a little closer to you and nodded, saying it was fine for you to drink. You grabbed it and turned to Al for a moment. He pointed at the bottle of (f/d) in your hands, you in turn pointed at the girl. He nodded approvingly so you happily slurped at the straw.

After a while some other guys came in and Alan pulled you onto his lap. The girl sat on the stool you had been occupying and started talking with Alan, having to talk loudly to be heard over the music. You mostly watched the people dance and occasionally caught pieces of their conversation. It was mostly Alan lying about his age and the girl talking about how cute it was he had smuggled you in there.

One of the guys who had come in walked up behind the girl and put a hand on her waist. He yelled something at her you couldn't hear and she shook her head and tried to get the hand off her. Alan put you down on the bar and put his glasses on top of your head. You knew what was gonna happen. Whenever he got that look in his eyes a fight was about to go down, but Alan had left his bat at home.

"she doesn't want you, dude, give it a rest," Alan yelled at the guy. A few of his friends got up behind them and you gulped. They were bigger than you 16 year old brother and they looked strong. You noticed your brother slip a hand into his pocket and sighed in relief. He had a set of brass knuckles in case they went somewhere where he couldn't take his bat.

"why don't you shut up and go play with the little baby you brought along, so you can play with someone your own age," the guy shouted back.

Baby? Oh, now he was going to get it!

The guys were laughing at your brother now, and your blood was boiling as much as his right now. He punched the first guy in the face, smirking at him when he looked up angrily from the floor. His friends helped him up and surrounded him.

"Alright guys, chill out, no one has to get violent!" the bartender tried to interfere, but one of the guys shoved him back so he hit his head hard against the fridge and passed out.

Alan growled and punched the guy, who was standing with his back towards you, in his guts. He double over and you quickly kicked him forward with both your legs. Alan gave you the "stay there" sign so you just pouted and watched him fight. Some people were helping the bar-guy and he was already coming to his senses.

There were still two guys fighting. The mean one was bleeding from his mouth and he was sporting a nice bruise already. You brother kicked his friend in the jewels and uppercut him when he doubled over.

The mean guy was now expecting a good punch where it really hurt so he'd be a little harder. You brother almost got hit a couple of times, making you a little nervous. Then suddenly he just fell over and your big brother Max was standing behind him.

"listen, hoser, if you wanna get into a bar-fight, do it when we don't have the kid with us," Max argued.

"you're drawing attention, da?" Nicolas cut in.

"oh, please I could totally handle that guy!" Alan argued, ignoring the russian's remark.

"who are they?" you asked, pointing at a few big guys in suits who where making a B-line right for you guys. They had been in front of the place too, pretty weird.

"uhm~ they wanna play hide and seek, but they cheat, they never give us time. Point is, they're it and we hide, now!" Max explained, dragging you along, you hid with the dj who let you hide under his table for a while. After about half an hour of you and your brother just chatting with each other and the dj, he said it was safe to come out.

Max told you to go back to the bar and stay there while he went looking for Alan. You were worried you'd lose the game and he'd give away Alan like with you and santa, but you did it nonetheless. You got another drink from the bartender who said it was free after you told him you lost your brothers, when you spotted Alan.

Alan dragged the girl from before out through the back door and you quickly skidded after them to see what they were up to and not to be left behind. You snuck out the back door after your brother where he held the girl up against the brick wall with her legs around his waist and they were kissing.

"Eww~" you said, covering your eyes and sticking out your tongue.

"Oh my god!" The girl went, setting her feet down on the ground. The girl looked a few years older than Alan, but anyone who didn't know your brothers would have guessed they were a couple of years older than they actually were.

"Sis!" Alan snapped, walking over to you and picking you up so you could talk properly, the music was audible even outside the backdoor. " what are you doing here?" He hissed, looking back and forth between you and the girl.

"You were leaving," you said.

"Yeah, sorry, I'd be back in a minute, doll-face," Alan said.

"why are you with her?" you asked, more quietly.

"because, I think the girl's pretty, she likes me, I like her, so we were gonna do a little something the big kids do when they like each other. Now I can't tell you what it is, because it's for the big kids, but I'll teach you some time okay? I can't keep the lady waiting right now," Alan explained, setting you down in front of the open door.

"okay, but you have to promise," you said, extending your pinky like Valerie had thought you.

"sure, promise," Al said, hooking his pinky with yours before walking back to the girl and you hurried back inside.

You bumped into Max and Nicolas first thing, but you explained what Alan had told you and they just took you back to the bar. After an hour or so Alan came back without the girl and some lipstick on his shirt. He sat down on a stool, fist-pumped proudly for some reason, and did not even get mad when Max punched his shoulder. He must have really liked that girl.

They left through the backdoor again when the guys who were it spotted us again. You jumped into the car and drove away, your brothers roaring with laughter in the front seat.

"can I come again next time? That guy was a jerk, but it was still fun!" you said happily, the music still ringing in your ears and the flashing lights still dotting your vision.

"maybe next christmas, doll-face! Did you see those guys chasing us? They were like, 'who let those kids in? How did they get in here?!'" your brother laughed.

"do you think santa has brought the presents yet?" you asked.

"yeah, sure thing, sis," Max answered, his eyes trained on the road. On the way home you must have fallen asleep because you woke up in your own bed. You looked at your clock that said 10 in the morning, 25 december! you rushed down the stairs where your daddies where scolding your brothers for some reason. You pretended you didn't notice it and jumped on the couch.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" you cheered.

"merry christmas, darling/sis/doll/poppet," your family replied, smiling faintly. Your daddies must have found out about your brothers and you sneaking out.

"Santa came! Santa came!" you cheered, pointing at a pile of gifts under the tree.

You quickly picked up the first one that caught your eye. It was a small square package with Alan's name on it. You threw it at him and he ripped off the paper.

"dude, how the hell did santa get me a drivers license?" Alan asked out loud.

"it's not that hard. Even I know a guy who can falsify those," Francois said with a shrug. He was already drinking straight from the bottle and the wrapping paper next to him indicated that had most likely been his gift.

Max got a new hockey-stick, which was handy, since Alan had broken his last one. And he said he'd wrap this one in barbed wire to make sure that did not happen again.

Your daddy got a new apron, free of bloodstains, which his costumers had occasionally questioned. And now it was your turn to open a gift.

There was a pretty big one down there. Is was soft and kind of squishy. You tore off the paper while Alan was already digging around for his next gift under the tree.

You gasped when you saw the soft shiny black leather underneath. You ripped the wrapper apart and tried it on over you pajamas, smiling proudly. You had sometimes been envious of the cool jackets your brother wore, but they were expensive so you never got one. But now you had your own.

"maybe you can come with us next time if you're wearing that, they won't even be able to tell you're a kid," Alan praised, setting you on the coffee-table like it was a cat-walk for you to show off. Your daddies glared at him, but you ignored it, being far to happy to care.

That really was the best christmas of your 6 year old life!