"Hungry... So Hungry..." Shigure Moaned starving. Out of nowhere, the long gone Maxwell appeared.

"Where the hell were you?!" Kyo screamed.

Max sweatdropped. "Uhh, totally not writing a fanfic for Shugo Chara."

"... I'm still here..." Amu called out.

"Oh yeah I forgot about that! Anyway, first dare! Kidnap the author and make him write season 2... of what? Ohhh thiss."

"GET EM!" Ayame scremaed pinning Max against a wall. "You're under arrest for not writing this story!"

"I'm sorry! I was busy!" Max sobbed and sobbed. "Anyway, that dare was from winrykatbell! Onto the next one! Wait... please separate your lines it's hard to read... it's hard to read when it's all clumped up together... Really? Still with the whole criticizing thing? Anyway the next dare comes from kyo luva! She dares Yuki to wear a pink fluffy dress and a tiara! Yaaaaay!"

Yuki sighed. "Nope, not gonna do it!" Max just smiled putting on a Darth Vader helmet. "You underestimate the power of the dark side." He started force chocking Yuki.

"Stop! I'll aCK! do it! AKC! I'll do it!" He gasped as Max released him. Yuki went into the closet and when he came back was a pink fluffy princess!" Everybody clapped and laughed!

Max smiled. "Guys! It's time for a truthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

"Finally! It's been awhile since we had a truth! Tohru said happily! Max smiled and read the truth. "Kyo, do you like gingers... according to this person is a reddish-orangish haired girl with freckles..."


"I'll take that as a no! Anyway, to continue the dare from last time. Amu has to do something from her show! So Amu, what have you picked?"

Amu clicked her fingers. "My own heat, Unlock!" She made the room shine and like that she was Amulet Heart!

"See Ya Guys Next Time!"