I Am Bulletproof

A Walking Dead FanFic

Chapter One: House Of Gold

This summer was going to be one of the best summers of our lives. Julie, my little sister, had won the lotters and offered to take our younger brother, Luke, and I on an all-expenses paid vacation to a small town in Georgia. Of course, she would be taking Belle, my niece. Belle's only two and Julie can't stand to be without her baby. I said yes right away, but it took Luke some convincing. He's been getting in trouble with the law recently and we knew getting out of town would be good for him. He just hasn't been the same since our father died six years ago.

Julie's boyfriend Scott wasn't able to take time off work until the middle of July, and was going to join us as soon as he could. This trip would be our first time out of Canada and I was so excited! Nothing could ruin my good mood, not even Luke's bad habits. Which included drugs and alchohol. I think one of the reasons why he does some of the things he does is because of his past. Luke is our half brother; our father had a drunken encounter with a girl he met at a club. A year later, baby Luke had been left on our doorstep with a note. At first, Mom was super angry at Dad, but eventually got over it. She adopted him.
Then, when Luke turned eight, his biological mother made contact. I was babysitting at the time and shooed her way, telling her to contact our parents' lawyer. Months passed before she got visitation rights. Of course, by then, Luke had a therapist. We were all in therapy; our family had started to fall apart. Kelly, Luke's birth mother, kept trying to get in Dad's pants. She blew up his email inbox with sexual messages, as well as his phone.
Our parents got a divorice. Luke and Julie moved in with Dad, and I stayed with Mom. Ever since Kelly had shown up, Mom seemed more... fragile.
About a year after the split, Dad was diagnosed with lung cancer. Julie and Luke had to move back in with Mom... Dad passed away that November. Luke's gone downhill since then. Kelly introduced him to drugs; he started sneaking out every night to get high, drunk, or both.

Enough about the past. Remembering is hard and can put me in a horrible mood for days. Tomorrow we leave for Georgia! I've been packed for the last week, and even offered to pack Luke's suitcases.

"Andy, I'm not five. I know how to pack a suitcase." Luke told me over the phone.

"Yea, whatever. I'll be over in an hour." I laughed, throwing the phone on my bed as I pulled my long black hair into a messy bun. That boy was so forgetful. Julie asked me to watch Belle while she did some last minute packing so I picked her up on my way to Mom's, where Luke still lived. I didn't have a chance to get out of my old blue truck before Mom ran outside and took Belle out of her carseat. Belle was probably the cutest kid I had ever seen. She had curly brown hair and lively green eyes. Belle was a good baby, rarely ever cried.

"Come on, I made lunch." Mom told me and I followed her inside.

"Wha my Ookie?" Belle asked, looking around for Luke. "Want my Ookie!"

"Luke! Someone wants to see you!" Mom called, and Luke came into the kitchen.

"This better not be one of your dumb jokes again, because they're not-" Luke was cut short by Belle, who ran over and hugged his legs.

"Hi, Ookie! I duv you!" she smiled up at him and he picked her up.

While Belle and Luke were napping in front of the tv, Mom and I packed Luke's suitcases. Finding weed in his sock drawer, I shook my head disapprovingly and tossed it aside. We didn't agree with his choices, but it was his life and he was old enough to make his own decisions. I just hoped he'd one day realize that his choices weren't the right ones. We were nearly finished when Mom took my hand and sat next to me on the messy bed.

"Is everything alright?" I asked.

"Yes, everything's fine. I just have one of those gut feelings that something is going to happen. Know what I mean?" Mom forced a smile.

"Don't worry, we'll be fine. I'll text you the moment we land, until we get to the bed-n-breakfast." I hugged her. "Would it make you feel better if I took my knives?"

"Yeah, if you don't mind." She sighed. Mom is third generation Native American, and very aware and in-tune with the earth. It's a bit creepy sometimes. "If something happens, take care of them."

"I will, I promise." I had been taking care of Julie and Luke for as long as I could remember, fighting for them and defending them. We were blackbelts by our ninth birthdays, and trained in combat and weaponry by our uncles. Yeah, so Mom was a bit paranoid. But she just wanted us to be able to protect ourselves, in case something ever did happen.

"Let's get these downstairs." Mom got up and we dragged the luggage to the front door. Mom was driving us to the airport early in the morning in her minivan, the same one she had when we were kids. Truth be told, I was surprised it had lasted this long. It was a rustbucked waiting to fall apart.

Later that night, I went through my closet searching for my knives. I have several swords, as well as my katanas and machete. Weird, I know, but I just really like that sort of stuff. I packed everything but the swords and brought my suitcases to the small kitchen. If anyone at the airport asked, I lik to hunt. Which was something I actually knew how to do, so I wouldn't be lying.
I changed for bed and had a quick shower before settling on the couch to watch some zombie movie on tv. It was pretty stupid and looked so fake, I changed the channel. Low budget horror movies pissed me off. The acting was nearly always crap, and I could have created better looking gore in my sleep. With ketchup.

The next morning, Mom called me at five to make sure I was awake and ready to go. I rushed to get dressed, and had just finished braiding my hair when Luke texted me to say they were outside. I let him in and he took my suitcases to the van while I locked up. We had a two hour drive to the airport; our flight left at 8:30.

"I can't wait to ditch this town." Luke told me and slid the van door open for me. After getting breakfast via drive-thru, we were on our way. Julie and Belle slept for most of the drive. I would have too, but I was too excited to get on a plane for the first time.

"Luke, wake your sister up. We're nearly there and someone needs their diaper changed." Mom said and Luke shook Julie awake.

Soon after going through airport security, it was time to board the plane. I hugged Mom one last time and followed Luke and Julie through the terminal. We easily found our seats and made ourselves comfortable. Luke was in front of us, and I told him not to bother the people sitting next to him.

"Yes, Mom." he rolled his eyes and turned on his annoying rap music. Not saying I have anything against rap, but the new stuff is all about sex, drugs, and hookers. The stuff from the 90's was much better in my opinion.

"I'm going to sleep, ok?" I told Julie, "Wake me up when we land."

So, that's the first chapter! What do you think, should I write more? I don't care either way; I have the next 5 chapters planned out. Feedback is appreciated! :)